Posts with term TerraCycle X

Pima waiting for city OK on new courts complex

The Pima County Board of Supervisors has agreed to go ahead with interim financing for the planned Joint Justice/Municipal Courts Complex - but only if the City Council agrees next week to pay for its share. In other action, the board approved: • A program for Pima County employees to recycle pens and markers with TerraCycle, which will donate some proceeds to charity.

Here’s A New Way To Recycle

BARRINGTON — Don’t throw away all of you your candy wrappers or Capri Suns. Terracycle them. Local elementary schools like Primrose, Hampden Meadows School, and Bristol’s Guiteras School are all a part of the Terracycle program. They are collecting CapriSun containers and candy wrappers. What are they going to do with them you may ask? Well, they are going to donate them to Terracycle (a national company that recycles things that are hard to recycle) so they can be made into new things like bags, backpacks, boxes, pencil boxes, and notebooks. They are also going to get 2 cents back for their school. So If every one in your school has one CapriSun every day for a year you will have about 1,980 dollars for your school! For more information email ejvanleer@gmail.com or go to Terracycle.net.

Frustrating yearly tally, cheered up by Solar

As with our previous tally (which Sunset took away in October last year), the jar obviously does not include the "active discards" of the few things that I have sent back to manufacturers with a suggestion letter, or the occasional candy wrappers (including 10 from last year's Halloween) that people have given our kids and I have sent to Terra Cycle (TerraCycle, Inc, Attn: Candy Wrapper Brigade, 121 New York Ave, Trenton, NJ 08638). Apart from State Farm insurance cards (who have switched to cardboard cards since our last complaint!), much of our waste is recurrent and will undoubtedly recur. As we all know Zero Waste today is not technically feasible, and I can say that my family is definitely stuck on this plateau. Plateauing is a natural part of the process, I guess. But energy efficient transportation and solar offer ways of improving other types of waste and provide me with much continued waste reduction satisfaction! ;)

Christmas: a new look

Try Branching out with these edgy holiday ideas RECYCLING Some holiday baubles previously were something else. Some crafty types who like repurposing excess household objects make personalized ornaments by hand-painting holiday scenes on burned-out light bulbs. Perhaps they’ll loop strips cut from old magazines into a fun, funky garland. Trash To Treasure in Fort Lauderdale, which provides reusable materials for art and education projects, is offering workshops in December on making ornaments from recycled household items, such as music CDs embellished with bits of wrapping paper and ribbon. Some repurposed items may be unrecognizable when transformed into holiday décor, such as stockings and tree skirts made from discarded Capri Sun juice pouches, available online for $7.99 and $8.99 from TerraCycle. Others proudly showcase their roots. An easy way to do the planet a favor is skip the brand new stuff and stock up on holiday supplies from thrift stores or Trash To Treasure, said Casey Eckels, founder and executive director of Trash To Treasure. Reusing existing items, she said, reduces waste as well as the adverse environmental impacts associated with production.

Alex M & M’s Candy Wrapper Jewelry

Make your child's craft time with Alex M&M's Candy Wrapper Jewelry. Alex has partnered with Terracycle to create this fun jewelry activity, which repurposes unused M&M's candy wrappers that would otherwise end up in landfills. Make bracelets, headbands, and belts with a simple linking pattern. Help the planet and make a fashion statement, too! Personalize Your Design with Different Materials Candy Wrapper Jewelry uses upcycled M&M's candy wrappers and a simple adhesive and folding pattern to create bracelets, headbands, and belts of varying sizes and designs. Upcycling means finding a new use for a material that would otherwise end up in the trash, and Alex's partnership with Terracycle has made sure that your child is able to take part in that process! This kit includes over 200 pre-cut, shiny, multicolored M&M's wrappers to give your child's creations some extra flair. Kids can use their imaginations to choose different color combinations and patterns, tie projects together with a suede cord or elastic band, and finish with a bead of their choice. Fold and Link to Create Your Look The included assembly instructions make jewelry crafting simple with both visual and written instructions for a thorough description. The pattern includes five steps of wrapper folding per link, and it isn't long before the links begin to form a glossy, sturdy chain. Our testers enjoyed using the glue stick cap as a burnishing tool, but keep an eye on the exposed glue stick, or ... ( see LINK for video)

CHIP In During the Holidays

With even less coercing, Rutabaga was talked into yet another creative holiday craft! With slight patience, we created beautiful fancy bows out of non-recyclable chip bags and you can too! Terracycle is a national recycling system for previously non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste. Anyone can sign up for these programs, called the Brigades, and start sending Terracycle your waste. Since Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center is a zero waste facility, we do send Terracycle our non-recyclable items to lessen our impact on the environment even further. Presently, we are on the waiting list for the Chip Bag Brigade. As you can imagine, chip bags have been piling up at the center until we can send them off. In the meantime, we rinsed those bags out and put them to holiday use.

TerraCycle Refresher Week: What NOT to TerraCycle

Yesterday I blogged about what we TerraCycle here at Blue Ridge. Today I'm going to write about something equally important: what we DON'T TerraCycle. Here is a list of items that I often see in our TerraCycle collection bins and have to throw out. If you've sent in these items, DON'T FEEL BAD! I'd rather you send it in when in doubt. But so you know, here are some items that we do NOT TerraCycle:

TerraCycle - Reciclando Moda

El cuidado del medio ambiente es una problemática de la que se han preocupado todos los estratos  sociales y culturales. En los últimos años hemos visto dentro del mundo de la moda y el diseño el impulso que se le ha dado a los productos reciclados. Siendo éstos muy bien aceptados dentro de sus consumidores convirtiendo a este tipo de productos algo “In”. TerraCycle es una organización que desde el 2001 ha buscado eliminar la idea de que la basura existe; creando programas de recolección para convertir  los desechos en productos económicos y ecológicos. La idea surgió de un joven universitario llamado Tom Szaky, quien tuvo el sueño de encontrar una nueva forma de hacer negocios más responsables que beneficiaran al planeta y a la gente. TerraCycle inicio como un negocio de fertilizante orgánico. Hoy en día, la propuesta de este joven ecoemprendedor ha llegado a ser una de las más fuertes en productos ecológicos en el mundo con apoyo de grandes empresas a través de la campaña “basura patrocinada” y de los millones de personas que colaboran enviando su basura. En 2010 el tema de la reutilización de TerraCycle llegó a México instalando sus oficinas en Monterrey.  Así que ya puedes colaborar enviando tu basura y la conviertan en atractivos productos ecológicos como mochilas, monederos o portafolios.