Posts with term TerraCycle X

La vuelta al cole más divertida y ecológica con la Brigada de instrumentos de escritura de BIC y TerraCycle

En abril de 2011, BIC, el gran fabricante mundial de bolígrafos, y la compañía pionera de reciclaje TerraCycle, se asociaron para poner en marcha un programa de recogida de bolígrafos en los lugares donde éstos más se utilizan: colegios, universidades y empresas. Con la vuelta al cole, BIC y TerraCycle invitan a las escuelas a unirse a sus esfuerzos para reciclar más instrumentos de escritura y ayudar a asociaciones como Fundación Exit y Fundación + árboles.

Los 30 mejores emprendedores sociales del mundo, según Forbes

Por primera vez en sus 94 años de historia, la prestigiosa revista Forbes se ha decidido a elegir a los emprendedores sociales con mayor impacto en el mundo: Forbes Impact 30. Un estudiante de 20 años que abandonó la Universidad de Princetown y creó una empresa,Terracycle, que recoge residuos en 14 países y los convierte en productos para el colegio, para la oficina o para el jardín con un toque “fashion”. Los vende en grandes almacenes como Wallmart y dona a obras sociales 2 céntimos de dólar por cada desperdicio que recupera.

History of Terracycle

Two ambitious young Princeton students, Tom Szasky and Jon Beyer, founded Terracycle in 2001. Their main idea in founding the company was to do something productive using waste products. They used worms to turn garbage into useful items like fertilizer. This is a process known as upcycling. Some of the products produced by Terracycle include fertilizer, all-purpose cleaner, recycled fence, picture frames, and cactus plant food. Rubbermaid and Oxo Good Grips are two U.S. plastic companies that have purchased plastics from TerraCycle. Old Navy and Office Depot each had promotions sponsored by Terracycle for Earth Day. Terracycle also had a program called Bottle Brigade that was used for fundraising for schools.

Reduce Clutter, Reduce Trashed Resolutions

Today’s post is by our great friend and sustainability rock star, Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle. Check it out and tell us what you think–we’ll pass your comments directly along to Tom and team! December and January are always a time for New Year’s Resolutions that are more often than not only kept for about a month. It happens to the best of us. Nothing else really “changes” when the clock and calendar flip to 12:00am on January 1, so why would it be any easier to actually change our habits then? It’s not, really, but it is a good excuse, and a good time to all make changes at once – which is helpful because you can work together on new habits as a group.

Sustentabilidade infantil: como marcas veem os consumidores do futuro

Com o Esquadrão Verde, a Tang também realiza ações virtualmente e na vida real. Para participar do projeto, realizado em parceria com a Terracycle, as crianças devem se cadastrar no site, que abriga jogos. A marca propõe algumas ações para os internautas realizarem em casa, como um filme mostrando como fazer fantasias com materiais reciclados e pedindo para os participantes postarem fotos e vídeos provando que realizaram a iniciativa.

Els petits canvis poderosos

Hola a tots i totes, fer-vos saber el nou projecte que volem tirar endavant dins el programa agenda 21 escolar. Aquest consisteix en la recollida selectiva de tot el material d'escriptura que fem servir a l'escola i/o a casa. Es per aquest motiu que a partir de la setmana vinent tindrem a secretaria una caixa de recollida ,  tot just al costat del contenidor de piles on podrem llençar tot el material que abans anava directament a la brossa, em refereixo a Bolis, rotuladors veleda, correctors,  en definitiva, material plàstic.

Facebook as a Cost-Saver

TerraCycle, one of the world's foremost collectors of non-recycling  waste, has found success with its engagement  strategies, said Albe Zakes, global VP of media. Of the organization's  30,000 Facebook fans, over 75% are monthly active users, and over 60%  are weekly active users—numbers that are earned through engagement. TerraCycle's low-cost social marketing is centered on contests,  giveaways, promotions and cross-promo opportunities. And while the costs around developing a Facebook game are huge, Zakes said that TerraCycle found a small social gaming start-up that aligned with the organization's  socially responsible views and partnered with them to make a Facebook  game based on the TerraCycle recycling model. They got 100,000 users in  the first six weeks, which increased site traffic by 21% and boosted  e-commerce, making Facebook a revenue source, and not a cost.

Breckenridge: Students convert containers into help for needy

In 2008, one Upper Blue Elementary fourth-grader figured out how to divert juice pouches from the landfill and turn them into useful and innovative creations like bags and purses. Now, Samantha Buer's project continues, and it's not only pulling waste from the landfill, it's raising money to provide clean water for three people for one year, meals for hungry Americans, carbon credits to reduce carbon from the atmosphere, adoptions of 37 acres of wildfire land, and chicks for needy families. They also donated money to the Red Cross, Oxfam America, Save the Children, Doctors without Borders and AmeriCares. Buer's “Juice Pouch Brigade,” created through TerraCycle, creates an avenue through which Upper Blue's Kids in Action students have collected more than 7,225 juice bags from Capri Sun, Honest Kids, Kool Aid and other brands since 2008. Terracyle is an organization whose goal is to eliminate waste by creating collection and solution systems for anything that gets sent to the landfill.