Posts with term TerraCycle X

Qual é a sequência da reciclagem? As marcas vão recolher todos os seus produtos

A marca francesa de cosméticos Garnier estabeleceu parceria com a instituição beneficente ambiental dos EUA Terracycle em abril de 2011 para organizar o programa Personal Care & Beauty Brigade (Brigada da Beleza e dos Cuidados Pessoais). A brigada se ofereceu para recolher e reciclar de graça todos os produtos relacionados a cuidados pessoais e a beleza entre cidades norte-americanas, onde os participantes podiam reciclar embalagens de cosméticos (e receber em troca pontos ou dinheiro). As embalagens descartadas são então usadas para produzir equipamento de playground por todos os EUA. Sacolas cheias também podiam ser enviadas de graça pela UPS, com todo o custo pago pela Garnier.

Støt et godt formål med dit skrald

Kan man virkelig støtte et godt formål uden at skulle have pungen op af lommen? og samtidig gøre nået godt for miljøet? Ja det kan man – ved at indsamle sit skrald. Det lyder måske utopisk men det er netop TerraCycles businessgrundlag. Deres målsætning er at skrotte idéen om skrald ved at oprette indsamlingsprogrammer for affald, som er svært at genbruge.

Guide to Greener Gift Wrapping

If you think gift wrap made from materials you have lying around the house or in the recycling bin look tacky and cheap, think again. Leave it to Martha Stewart to show us how elegant gifts wrapped in castoffs can be. Check out her tips to make gift wrap by layering paper of different colors and textures – old maps, newspapers, wallpaper and grocery bags – or to dress up wrapping paper made of old shopping bags with a DIY wine cork stamp. She even includes instructions on turning a potato chip bag into shiny and stylish wrapping paper.

Elementary PTO Receives Cash for Trash

Birch Street and Cherry Street Elementary schools' Parent Teacher Organization discovered one man’s trash really could be another man’s treasure. A program collecting items ordinarily ending in the garbage has paid for a portion of the organization’s funding over the past seven years. Students at the two schools collected specific trash items for the “Cash for Trash” program through TerraCycle, an organization recycling items typically hard to recycle, and turning them into useable items.

ESCONDIDO: Heritage Charter recognized for recycling efforts

TerraCycle has recognized Heritage K-8 Charter School in Escondido as one of the top 15 participants in one of its national recycling programs. The school is a top collector in Terracycle's Oral Care Brigade, which collects non-recyclable waste such as toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes that would otherwise go to a landfill. The items are collected and returned to TerraCycle, which makes them into affordable eco-friendly products.

How Tom Szaky Made Millions Out Of Worm Poop

In just 29 years, Tom Szaky has lived quite a life. Born in Hungary in the 80s, he lived with his family under the Iron Curtain where the idea of entrepreneurship did not exist. It wasn’t until the Chernobyl disaster that Szaky and his family left their native land in search of a better life. They landed in Canada, and so the trajectory of Szaky's life shifted and a new path began. Szaky was just 14 when he was bit by the entrepreneurial bug. The idea of starting a company was new to him, but he was interested in the internet. So he taught himself to code and launched a graphic design company. The business—which employed a few people—lasted until Szaky was 16 years old. From there, he attempted to start a slew of other companies, none of which took off.

Excellent Home Gardening Resource

The National Home Gardening Club is a membership organization dedicated to sharing a love for gardening. Members receive six issues of Gardening How-To Magazine and gain special privileges to enter contests, receive gardening advice, post in forums, trade seeds, test new garden products and gain special members-only discounts. The best way to know if a membership is worth your while is to visit www.gardeningclub.com and take it for a one-month free test drive, which will give you full access to the site, as well as a free issue of their informative magazine.

Excellent Home Gardening Resource

The National Home Gardening Club is a membership organization dedicated to sharing a love for gardening. Members receive six issues of Gardening How-To Magazine and gain special privileges to enter contests, receive gardening advice, post in forums, trade seeds, test new garden products and gain special members-only discounts. The best way to know if a membership is worth your while is to visit www.gardeningclub.com and take it for a one-month free test drive, which will give you full access to the site, as well as a free issue of their informative magazine.