Posts with term TerraCycle X

Terracycle återvinner skräp

Terracycles idé är att leta upp avfallskategorier som inte passar in i det vanliga återvinningssystemet och sedan återvinna det. Ett typexempel är kaffekapseln, ett numera självklart men sällan ifrågasatt inslag i den välmående medelklassens eftermiddagsrutin. De små aluminiumförpackningarna, fyllda med malet kaffe, går inte att återvinna på vanligt sätt utan hamnar på soptippar och i förbränningsugnar. Det amerikanska bolagets lösning är att bygga partnerskap med producenter, som exempelvis kaffebolaget Nespresso, och starta insamlingsprogram för använda förpackningar. Konsumenter kan sedan registrera sig på bolagets hemsida och börja skicka in sitt skräp till bolagets lagerlokaler. Tillbaka får de ett mindre kontantbidrag. Insamlingen finansieras av producenten, medan Terracycle återvinner materialet T.ex. kan kaffet i kaffekapslarna komposteras och aluminiumet smältas och säljas.

West Hempfield students cut food waste with help of hungry pigs

Asmo and Charlotte look like your run-of-the-mill, quarter-ton pink pigs who spend their days snorting and eagerly awaiting their next meal. But they're doing their part to help the environment by taking part in a campaign by students at West Hempfield Middle School to generate as little trash as possible. The pigs from Logan Family Farms in Hempfield are fed food scraps left over from the lunches of the middle-schoolers, who adopted them in November. Principal Aaron Steinly recently started taking a recycling container of salad, orange peels, half-eaten apples and other fruits and vegetables to the farm. He estimates the school nets about 125 pounds of food scraps weekly for the pigs, whose daily diet typically consists of about 4 pounds of grain.

Indsaml skrald til genanvendelse

TerraCycles mål er at skrotte idéen om skrald ved at oprette indsamlingsprogrammer for affald, som er svært at genbruge. Det indsamlede affald bliver så opgraderet til nye og spændende produkter og materialer, fra parkbænke lavet af genbrugt plastik til bæreposer, tasker, notesbøger, penalhuse, højtalere, legetøj, bænke, vandkander, urtepotter, havefliser, skraldespande og meget mere lavet af genanvendt emballage. Produkterne kan i øjeblikket købes i USA, Frankrig samt Storbritannien.

Cool | Outrageous Green Products

Recycled Stocking The kids will dig it if you change up your mantel with this repurposed Capri Sun wrapper stocking from TerraCycle. It’s 14″ tall. dwellsmart.com, terracycle.com Don't Blow a Circuit It won’t process your WORD document, but these coasters made from real circuit boards from TerraCycle will protect your coffee tables and keep more waste out of the landfills. dwellsmart.com

Bain Earns Money Through Recycling

Students and staff at Bain Elementary School raised more than $3,700 for the school through the TerraCycling program. The program allows schools to collect items like juice pouches, wrappers, empty glue sticks and writing instruments and submit them for recycling. The school collected more than 114,000 juice pouches and more than 19,000 chip bags to earn $3,749.38. To learn more about the program, visit www.terracycle.net.

Full Circle, Part 3: TerraCycle

This is the third entry in "Full Circle," a series that will be profiling companies and organizations that offer biodegradable and recyclable products or services -- both in the New York City area and beyond. Albe Zakes will admit it. While in school at the University of Colorado, he was a “frustrated environmentalist.” “I felt like too many environmental non-profits [organizations] refused to work with major companies,” he said. “It was always petition, letter-write, protest, and picket instead of coming to the board room table and trying to work with them.”