Posts with term TerraCycle X

TerraCycle- Gib dem Müll eine zweite Chance

Millionen von Zahnbürsten und Zahnpasta-Tuben werden jedes Jahr in Deutschland verkauft. Um meist nach kurzer Gebrauchszeit wieder im Müll zu landen. Dabei könnte aus den Plastikverpackungen doch Neues entstehen – etwa ein Armreif aus den Griffen von Zahnbürsten. Oder Taschen aus Zahnpastatuben. Der Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.

2013 Halo Award Best Business Model Integration

GOLD: TerraCycle TerraCycle’s business model is to eliminate waste by offering free recycling fundraisers to any school, non-profit, corporation or individual/family for any type of man-made waste. The program incentivizes the collection of common packaging and products ranging from candy wrappers to cosmetics, packaging to cigarette butts. “Brigades” collect waste that TerraCycle then turns into more than 1500 new products, ranging from recycled park benches to upcycled backpacks. These products are available online and at major retailers ranging from Walmart to Whole Foods. There are currently more than 40 programs that range from food packaging (like drink pouches and candy wrappers) to office supplies (like pens and tape dispensers) to personal products (like cosmetic and beauty packaging to diaper packaging). For every item returned, TerraCycle donates two-cents (or the local equivalent) to a school or non-profit of the collector’s choice. TerraCycle operates in 22 countries, minimizing the global threats of landfill and incineration on humans and the environment. So far, through TerraCycle, 32 million consumers have diverted 2.5 billion units of waste from landfill and incineration, while earning over 4.5 million dollars (US) for schools and myriad non- profits. For example, the drink pouch is a ubiquitous waste stream found in every school cafeteria in America. In order to offset the estimated 11 BILLION pouches that go to waste every year in America alone, TerraCycle partnered with Honest Tea and Capri Sun to start the Drink Pouch Brigade. The free recycling fundraiser was an opportunity for two competitors to put aside their corporate differences and do the right thing for the environment. Since the Program was founded, over 70,000 organizations – including 57,000 schools – signed up for the program. As of December 2012 they helped collect over 164 MILLION drink pouches and collectively earned over 3.2 million dollars. The collected pouches are upcycled or recycled into a variety of products. School items like pencil cases and backpacks that help to complete the education for kids. The students get to see what the pouches they helped collect are turned into for a second life. Pouches are also recycled into more utilitarian products like park benches, picnic tables and railroad ties. TerraCycle’s programs are sponsored by some of the world’s largest companies. These major companies include Kraft Foods, Nestle, Mars, Inc., Kimberly-Clark, Frito-Lay, Kashi, Sanford, Elmer’s Products, Inc, Logitech, Old Navy, Clif Bar, Sprout Baby Food, 3M, Malt-O-Meal, Colgate, Palmolive, L’Oreal, and BIC.

Cause Marketing Halo Awards Given To Top Corporate Nonprofit Partnerships

Campaigns that bolstered small business, kept garbage from landfills and ushered the space shuttle home, all while simultaneously supporting business objectives, were among the winners honored at the eleventh annual Cause Marketing Halo Awards. Twenty category-specific awards were presented by the Cause Marketing Forum to 2012 campaigns partnering company and cause. DoSomething.org and Subaru received a special Cause Marketing Golden Halo Award for their overall achievement in the field of doing well by doing good during an award luncheon at the J.W. Marriott in Chicago on May 30. Writeups of all the winners are online at http://www.CauseMarketingForum.com/halo2013 A new category – business model integration – recognized TerraCycle (Gold award) and Warby Parker (Silver award) for embedding cause into the fabric of their successful business model. TerraCycle organizes fundraising “bridgades” to collect massive amounts of trash that would otherwise end up in landfills and then converts the trash into new products ranging from recycled park benches to upcycled backpacks, which are then sold at major retailers. Warby Parker provides high-quality, fashionable and affordable prescription eyewear and ensures that for every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need. "Cause marketing, the creation of mutually beneficial partnerships between companies and causes, continues to experience exponential growth and complex evolution." commented Cause Marketing Forum President David Hessekiel. Over one hundred programs were entered in this year’s Cause Marketing Halo Award competition. “In this crowded marketplace, Cause Marketing Halo Award-winning campaigns haven risen to the top because of their authenticity, effectiveness in communicating a cause message and ability to generate social and financial dividends,” said Hessekiel. “These campaigns offer creative partnership solutions that leverage assets of company and cause.” The winning campaigns include: Best Business Model Integration Finalists GOLD: TerraCycle SILVER: Warby Parker Now in their eleventh year, the Cause Marketing Halo Awards are North America's highest honor in the field of cause marketing, awarded by the Cause Marketing Forum, a company dedicated to providing business and nonprofit executives with the practical information and connections they need to succeed. All Halo winners can be seen online at http://www.CauseMarketingForum.com/halo2013  

WFISD School Fundraising Through Recycling

Lamar Elementary School raises all of its money for the year, through a number of recycling programs. "We haven't had to have an actual fundraiser at the school in three years," said Donna Bradford, the parent volunteer who runs the program. Students are encouraged to throw certain items in recycling bins, rather than the trash. Then, some students help crush bottles, peel labels and sort the items into categories. Through terracycle.com, Lamar gets points for each item they send in, and those points can be redeemed for cash or school supplies. Sending to terracycle is completely free for the school. Lamar also participates in three other recycling programs, including Box Tops, Labels 4 Education and the SunnyD BookSpree. That means some items can be recycled in more than one way. For example, the plastic from a SunnyD bottle goes to terracycle and the label to SunnyD BookSpree In one school year, they raised $1,000. Student Council then decides how to use the funds, which are designated for extra activities like field trips. "We have field trips and field day and extra stuff that we can do, just so we can have fun," said Lance Sanchez, who helps with the program. Each grade level competes to see who can raise the most money, but some students have the bigger picture in mind. "I think it's all good, because it's going toward recycling," said fourth grader Ariel Kirkland. "I just want to keep the earth clean."