Posts with term TerraCycle X

There’s A Fortune In Your Trashcan | Sustainable Brands 2013

Recycling was a big topic at Sustainable Brands this year. More specifically, how brands are making money out of trash. A perfect storm of forces has coalesced to make recycled plastics more viable than they used to be, and sometimes more viable than virgin plastics. A persistently weak economy, a generation growing up with terror of environmental collapse, and the passion to do their best to prevent that, and “waste” becoming more plentiful than crude oil. William McDonough’s pioneering work in Cradle to Cradle is finally heading into the mainstream.
Terracycle founder Tom Szaky studied Economics at Princeton, so in his presentation he was able to give a plethora of sound economic reasons for why their take-back programs work. They began in 2001 by selling worm poop in old soda bottles. Now they have a full host of recycling programs, from special ashtrays for collecting cigarette butts to be recycled into industrial plastics, to school-based programs for collecting juice packs from children to be recycled into anything, or flip-flops into playgrounds. His presentation made it all seem limitless, the things we can do with used plastics. A company just starting out in the space was THREAD, which buys plastics from collectors in Haiti and hopes to expand their reach to other developing countries. Read more at http://cleantechnica.com/2013/06/08/theres-a-fortune-in-your-trashcan-sustainable-brands-2013/#WvGsxkvG1BO4SbwW.99

There’s A Fortune In Your Trashcan | Sustainable Brands 2013

Recycling was a big topic at Sustainable Brands this year. More specifically, how brands are making money out of trash. A perfect storm of forces has coalesced to make recycled plastics more viable than they used to be, and sometimes more viable than virgin plastics. A persistently weak economy, a generation growing up with terror of environmental collapse, and the passion to do their best to prevent that, and “waste” becoming more plentiful than crude oil. William McDonough’s pioneering work in Cradle to Cradle is finally heading into the mainstream. Here are some highlights of what other companies represented at Sustainable Brands are doing to clean up the planet’s massive waste dumps: Terracycle founder Tom Szaky studied Economics at Princeton, so in his presentation he was able to give a plethora of sound economic reasons for why their take-back programs work. They began in 2001 by selling worm poop in old soda bottles. Now they have a full host of recycling programs, from special ashtrays for collecting cigarette butts to be recycled into industrial plastics, to school-based programs for collecting juice packs from children to be recycled into anything, or flip-flops into playgrounds. His presentation made it all seem limitless, the things we can do with used plastics. A company just starting out in the space was THREAD, which buys plastics from collectors in Haiti and hopes to expand their reach to other developing countries.

St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church collects trash for competition

St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church in Athens is hosting its first TerraCycle Triathlon of Trash through Aug. 15. The community is asked to gather trash from the list included here below and bring it to the TerraCycle Triathlon of Trash Showdown on Aug. 16 at a location to be determined. The person that brings the most trash, by weight, will win a free semester at the University of Georgia — in-state tuition only, estimated at $3,800. Trash that will be accepted includes: Drink pouches, straws and straw wrappers, coffee pouches, cookie and cracker wrappers, energy bar, breakfast bar and energy food wrappers, candy and gum wrappers, chip and pretzel bags, all lunch kit trays and wrappers, dairy containers, Sprout brand baby food and crushed fruit bags, containers and wrappers, cereal bags, Bear Naked brand granola and cereal product wrappers, wine corks, disposable household tape dispensers, plastic sandwich bags and temporary plastic containers. Also, wrappers from toilet paper, napkins and paper towels, toothpaste tubes, dental floss devices and used toothbrushes, glue containers and glue sticks, all writing instruments except chalk and crayons, beauty and skin care product tubes and containers, diaper wrappers, cheese wrappers, tortilla, tostada and bread wrappers, home cleaning containers and items, plastic drinking cups, laundry and dish wash detergent briquette bags, wine pouches, hummus containers and cigarette and cigar waste including ashes, unburnt tobacco, filter stubs, plastic outer wrap and aluminum paper inner wrapping. St. Gregory also will accept all cellphones, MP3 players, digital cameras, GPS systems, calculators, printer and toner cartridges and laptop computers including all cords and chargers, and all shoes. For information on how to package the trash, about the competition, about TerraCycle and more, call Andrew Lane at (706) 296-6631 or emailandrew.s.lane@us.army.mil.

Recycling Everything We Touch

Dynamic 31-year old CEO Tom Szaky founded TerraCycle in 2001 to attack recycling with a vengeance! TerraCycle works with more than 100 major U.S. brands and in 22 other countries to collect used packaging and products otherwise headed to landfills. It repurposes the waste into creative materials and products to be sold online and through retailers. Waste ranges from food wrappers to dirty diapers to cigarette butts. TerraCycle’s mission is to recycle everything we touch and eliminate the idea of waste all together! What Tom Szaky discovered is that recycling is all about economics. He developed aCorporate-sponsored Waste Program with Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) manufacturers like Kraft to pay consumers to help collect non-recyclable packaging. The waste is then converted into eco-friendly products. TerraCycle has won repeated awards for social change, recycling and sustainability.

Ne jetez plus vos gourdes de compotes à boire vides : une collecte nationale est lancée

Les gourdes de compotes à boire sont nomades et pratiques occasionnellement mais pas géniales pour notre chère planète … Jusqu’à présent on pouvait recycler les bouchons des gourdes en les donnant à des associations comme Bouchons d’Amour, permettant de recycler les bouchons et aider les handicapés et enfants de Madagascar. Pour le reste Materne qui a révolutionné la consommation de fruits en créant pour la première fois en 1998 les fameuses gourdes magiques Pom’Potes a bien compris qu’il fallait faire quelque chose. Jusqu’à présent il n’existait pas de solution de recyclage pour ces emballages usagés en France. C’est pourquoi, depuis peu, Materne et TerraCycle se sont associées pour lancer un programme national de collecte des gourdes de compotes vides pour leur donner une deuxième vie et faire une bonne action pour une association.