Posts with term TerraCycle X

Tom Szaky szerint a szemét érték

A magyar származású Tom Szaky számára nem létezik újrahasznosíthatatlan hulladék. Az általa alapított, amerikai, TerraCycle nevű cég fő célja, hogy a már mindenki által felhasználhatatlannak minősített szemétnek új értelmet adjon. A sikeres és környezettudatos üzletember hitvallását tüzetesebben az Index két részes videójából ismerhetjük meg:

I'm Now Part Of Tom's of Maine Goodness Circle

I am happy to announce that I am part of the Tom’s of Maine Goodness Circle. When I was asked to become a member of the Goodness Circle I was thrilled. As a mom I am very concerned about the every day products that my family uses. Slowly but surely I am replacing every day items with ones that are better for them and/or better for our environment. Tom’s of Maine products are made no artificial ingredients, no artificial colors, no artificial preservatives, no artificial flavors, no animal ingredients and no synthetic fragrances. Unlike other companies, Tom’s of Maine not only lists the ingredients found in their products but also the purpose the ingredient serves and where they get the ingredients from. That way if you have a question about what an ingredient is and why it’s needed in the product you are using you can quickly and easily look it up on the Tom’s of Maine site. In addition to making more natural products, Tom’s of Maine also cares about our environment. They use as little packaging as possible. They even work with TerraCycle. TerraCycle takes empty Tom’s of Maine bottles and boxes and recycles and repurposes them to keep them out of landfills and the ocean. You can learn more about it here - http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/tom-s-of-maine-natural-care-brigade.

Je recycle ma brosse à dents et mes stylos en banc de jardin

Chaque semaine, d’innombrables brosses à dents, stylos ou tubes de dentifrice sont brûlés à l’incinérateur, alors qu’ils peuvent désormais être recyclés. Grâce à l’entreprise TerraCycle et à ses programmes de recyclage, il est désormais possible de collecter et d’envoyer gratuitement ses produits de soin bucco-dentaires usagés ou ses instruments d’écriture vides afin que leur matière soit réutilisée à cent pour cent au lieu d’être détruite. De plus, pour chaque déchet envoyé, deux centimes seront dépensés en faveur d’une association d’intérêt général de votre choix.

Recyclingprogrammen von TerraCycle

Eine Möglichkeit, Schülerinnen und Schüler für Umweltschutz zu sensibilisieren, ist die Teilnahme an den Recyclingprogrammen von TerraCycle, bei denen der Abfall erstmals zu 100 % recycelt wird: Schülerinnen und Schüler sammeln alte Stifte oder Zahnpflegeprodukte, senden sie kostenlos an TerraCycle und erhalten pro Abfallstück 2 Rappen, die sie an einen sozialen Verein ihrer Wahl spenden können.

Recycling the Unrecyclable

By Maggie Wehri Paper Mate and Sharpie teamed up with TerraCycle to offer consumers a way to recycle their used writing instruments. We all love our favorite highlighter, marker, pen or pencil, but after that last scribble or strike on your paper, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Because we go through these items so often, it’s a wonder there is not a better way to recycle our used highlighters, markers, pens and pencils. To help lessen our burden on the environment, Paper Mate and Sharpie teamed up with TerraCycle, a company that takes used waste and recycles into new products. TerraCycle says it technically recycles the “nonrecyclable”; these materials must be collected, sorted and processes differently than what some may consider “traditional” recyclable materials. By sending your spent writing instruments to TerraCycle, your waste can avoid the nearest landfill or incinerator and instead produce new products made from collected garbage. In turn, TerraCycle believes this reduces the need to extract new materials from the planet and therefore lessens the environmental impact. So, how can you get started? Signing up with TerraCycle is completely free and quick and easy. There are no hidden fees, and the program covers the shipping, too. Once you have joined, collect enough writing instruments to fill up a box or bag, download a prepaid shipping label and ship the box back to TerraCycle by dropping it off at the nearest UPS location. For additional information on how to collect, store and ship these items, check out this guide and read through TerraCycle’s FAQs. Acceptable waste items include pens and pen caps, mechanical pencils, markers and marker caps, permanent markers and permanent marker caps. But, what does TerraCycle do with these items? The company managed to make a recycled plastic storage bin. TerraCycle boasts about its versatile bin to store laundry, paper waste, toys, blankets, clothes and pretty much anything else you can think of. At press time, nearly 1.3 million writing instruments have been collected. If you are looking to recycle other materials beyond your writing instruments, TerraCycle offers a plethora of “nonrecyclable” programs to anyone in the continental US. From scotch tape to energy bar wrappers, TerraCycle is turning the nonrecyclable into useful recycled products for the home - See more at: http://1800recycling.com/2014/05/recycling-nonrecyclable-highlighters-markers-pens-pencils#sthash.owWm8rgn.dpuf

Trash is an outdated concept

Empty chip bags, old toothbrushes and dried-out makeup: their days of going into the garbage are gone. The Oregon Department of Corrections is partnering with Terracycle, a New Jersey-based innovative recycling company, to kick-start unconventional recycling programs in the state prison system. Together, the prisons have collected more than 108,000 chip bags, keeping 1,300 pounds out of landfills and instead recycling them into bulk plastics through Terracycle’s Brigades programs. For each unit of trash — now recycling — donated to Terracycle, the company will award points that convert into donations for schools and charities. ODOC won the Recycler of the Year award from the group Mid-Valley Green Awards for conserving water and energy and recycling ballistic vests, metal, shoes, and flourescent light bulbs. In 2011, Terracycle collected old flip-flops—enough to donate the recycled rubber to four school playgrounds. In 2012, the company started the world’s first cigarette butt recycling program.


A TeSzedd! – Önkéntesen a tiszta Magyarországért akció ma hazánk legnagyobb önkéntes mozgalma. Idén immár negyedik alkalommal valósul meg. A szemétgyűjtési akció keretében szerte az országban „tavaszi nagytakarítanak” a TeSzedd! önkéntesei. A mi iskolánk diákjai és tanárai is ebben a mozgalomban vettek részt 2014. 05 09.-én. Iskolánk négy tanárja (Steinmacher Bálint tanár úr, Csatári-Fodor Zsanett, Radványi Éva és Laukó Zsuzsanna tanárnő) koordinátorként regisztrált a honlapon.

BIC y TerraCycle ayudan al reciclaje de 1.000.000 de instrumentos de escritura

En tres años desde el inicio del programa se han conseguido reciclar más de 1.000.000 de bolígrafos. El día 17 de mayo se celebró el Día del Reciclaje. Coincidiendo con esta fecha, BIC y TerraCycle quisieron anunciar el reciclaje de más de 1.000.000 de instrumentos de escritura. Gracias a este programa, las organizaciones recolectan instrumentos de escritura para ayudar a las asociaciones que ellos elijan.

Wir sammeln weiter und Neues!

Wir haben eine öffentliche TerraCycle- Sammelstelle für die drei vorstehenden Sammelprogramme in unserer Bürogemeinschaft mit GRIVO in der Krossener Str. 2 in 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain (Hof bzw. Seitenflügel links parterre) eingerichtet. Der gesammelte Abfall kann dort jeden 1. und 3. Donnerstag im Monat in der Zeit von 14:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr abgegeben werden.