Posts with term TerraCycle X

Toothbrush recyclers can win playground

Colgate and ShopRite have partnered with TerraCycle for the Recycled Playground Challenge. Through June 30, schools in New Jersey and five other states are invited to compete to win a new playground by recycling toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and floss containers through the Oral Care Brigade program. This recycling program is open to anyone and participation is free. Schools earn one Playground Credit for each shipment of waste sent during the contest window. They can earn more points by encouraging the community to vote online at www.terracycle.com/en-US/colgateshopriteplayground. The winner’s playground will be made using recycled oral care waste collected through the program. Displays with contest details are at area ShopRite stores, including: 1000 N. Pearl St., Upper Deerfield; 2130 N. 2nd St., Millville; and 1255 W. Landis Ave., and 3600 E. Landis Ave., Vineland. For information or to sign up, visit www.terracycle.com/colgate.

Bayonne schools could win a playground from ShopRite and Colgate

Oral care leader Colgate and supermarket giant ShopRite have partnered with environmental company TerraCycle for the Recycled Playground Challenge, a contest that will result in a school winning a playground on its campus. From now through June 30, schools in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, and Maryland can compete to win a brand-new playground by recycling toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, and floss containers through the Oral Care Brigade program. The initiative has been launched to help encourage healthy smiles and environments among school children and consumers, according to a spokesman. The program is open to anyone and participation is free. Schools will earn one “Playground Credit” for each shipment of recyclables sent to TerraCycle during the contest period. Schools can earn additional credits by encouraging parents and teachers to vote online by logging on to terracycle.com/colgateshopriteplayground. In addition to donating gift certificates for the runner-up schools, ShopRite is also encouraging community participation in the contest with displays throughout its stores. A display can be found in the Bayonne ShopRite, 583 Ave. C. The winning school with the most playground credits will be announced by July 18 and the playground will be installed during the 2014-2015 school year. The playground will be made using recycled oral care products collected through the program. Read more: Hudson Reporter - BAYONNE BRIEFS

School certified as a NC Green School

To get the certification, the school had to attain a certain score based on five criteria: culture and community, school sustainability, healthy schools, curriculum integration and innovation. Principal Elaine Justice said receiving the recognition is a testament to a school-wide effort. “This is not one person’s vision. This is the vision of multiple teachers and the students, parents and everyone working together,” she said. Justice said the school’s path toward “green” status began a number of years ago with the start of a recycling program by school counselor Bryan Smith, who retired last year. Recycling continued to grow; and teacher Shannon Byrd has watched students become more and more involved as the school has participated in a program with TerraCycle, a company that promotes environmental awareness and works with schools and others to eliminate waste. It collects packaging and materials that are difficult to recycle and repurposes the waste into products such as school supplies, flower pots and garden supplies and unique gifts. The students love seeing the juice pouch turned into a pencil pouch or using a notebook binder made from the materials they collected. “My favorite part of this is the student involvement,” she said. “They want the pencil pack or that notebook.”

Upcycle those old tee-shirts...

We have a zero waste goal here and while we are not able to able to do it perfectly, we really make an effort. We use TerraCycle (read more about that HERE), we compost, we burn and compost the ashes, we recycle beverage containers, we reuse and refuse single use packaging and are conscious of every single piece of waste that comes onto the property. We do a lot but it always feels like there is more we could do. When it comes to be frugal and green, I try to live like my grandparents. If I can picture my awesome Great Depression Era grandparents doing it, then likely it is both green and frugal, which is cool in my book. Hence, our latest Depression Green fascination: the rag rug.

Good Business Sense

This dynamic US-based company is active on four continents (including 11 EU countries), collecting difficult-to-recycle packaging, such as drink pouches, crisp bags, pens, toothbrushes, and turning it into new products including bags, benches, plant pots and watering cans. It works with consumer brands and operates local and national ‘brigades’, which collect items for recycling. Globally, TerraCycle has re-purposed more than 2.6 billion items of packaging. It is working to come up with solutions for other difficult-to-recycle but widely discarded waste streams such as disposable nappies and chewing gum.

ShopRite, Colgate Kick Off Recycling Contest For New School Playground

Companies partner with TerraCycle to donate playground made of recycled oral care waste TRENTON — TerraCycle® announced its Recycled Playground Challenge - a new initiative in partnership with Colgate, the global oral care leader, and ShopRite, which has more than 250 stores in the northeast - to help encourage healthy smiles and environments among school children and consumers. Now through June 30, schools located throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut and Maryland are eligible to compete for a new playground made completely of recycled material by joining TerraCycle’s Oral Care Brigade® program. ShopRite on Marshall Hill Road has a special display set up for the collection. Through the Oral Care Brigade, a free recycling program run by Colgate and TerraCycle, schools will earn one ‘Playground Credit’ for each shipment of empty toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, and floss containers sent to TerraCycle. Schools can earn additional playground credits by encouraging parents and teachers to vote online by logging onto www.terracycle.com/colgateshopriteplayground. “Colgate is committed to contributing to our communities and respecting the environment,” said Justin Skala, president, North America and Global Sustainability, Colgate-Palmolive. “Programs like the Colgate® Oral Care Brigade™ and Recycled Playground Challenge offer us an innovative way to reinforce these commitments and for consumers to positively impact the environment by repurposing their Colgate® oral care products.” The winning school with the most playground credits will be announced by July 18, 2014 and the playground will be installed during the 2014/2015 back-to-school season. The first runner-up school will win 500 upcycled tote bags, 500 upcycled pencil cases, 500 upcycled pens and a $750 ShopRite gift certificate. The second and third runner-up schools will win 250 upcycled tote bags, 250 upcycled pens and a $500 and $250 gift certificate, respectively. Finally, five honorable mention participants will win 250 upcycled pens and $150 ShopRite gift cards. In addition to donating gift certificates for the runner-up schools, ShopRite is also encouraging community participation in the contest with displays throughout its stores. “ShopRite has a long history of caring for the communities it serves,” said Karen Meleta, Vice President of Consumer and Corporate Communications for ShopRite. “This program is a fun way to engage our customers in this commitment and to bring to light the importance of recycling and preserving our resources for generations to come.” All participants in the Colgate® Oral Care Brigade™ program are making a difference for the environment and their community. The Brigade initiative is an ongoing activity open to any individual, family, school or community group. For each piece of waste sent in using a pre-paid shipping label, participants earn money toward donations to the school or charity of their choice. “At TerraCycle, collecting the oral care waste is only half of the story,” explained Tom Szaky, TerraCycle founder and CEO. “The real magic happens when our partners choose to reuse the waste in a way that has a lasting benefit a community, like Colgate and ShopRite have done with these playgrounds.” TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling and recycling company that takes difficult-to recycle-packaging and turns it into affordable, innovative products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste, working with more than 40 major brands globally to collect used packaging and products that would otherwise be destined for landfills. TerraCycle repurposes that waste into new, innovative materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through TerraCycle’s Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay for every piece of waste collected and returned. For information on how to join a TerraCycle Brigade and on purchasing TerraCycle products please visit www.terracycle.com. For instructions on how to participate in the Recycled Playground Challenge, visit www.terracycle.com/colgateshopriteplayground or your local ShopRite retailer. To learn more about the Colgate® Oral Care Brigade™ program and to sign up, visit www.terracycle.com/colgate.

Recyclinginitiative der Volksschule 2 Tulln: Regelmäßig Zähne putzen und sozial Schwächere unterstützen

Die VS 2 Tulln sammelt alte Zahnpflegeprodukte fürs Recycling, wodurch natürliche Ressourcen geschont werden und Spenden für sozial schwächere Kinder gesammelt werden. Nebenbei lernen die Kinder auf spielerische Weise, wie jeder seinen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz leisten kann. Durch das Sammelprogramm für Zahnpflegeprodukte des Recyclingunternehmens TerraCycle und des Mundhygienespezialisten Colgate können Zahnbürsten und Co. erstmals recycelt werden.

Meet: Green Alley – Connecting Green Ideas

The first company located in the renovated factory building in Berlin Wedding is TerraCycle that recycles waste that hasn’t been recycled before. The company provides free waste collection programs for hard to recycle materials like used pens or tooth care products in cooperation with manufacturers like Colgate or BiC. Such waste is being collected and recycled or upcycled into new products with the aim to reduce the amount of waste. The collection programs exist only through the engagement of consumers who send their waste to TerraCycle for free. For each item sent to TerraCycle, a two cent donation to a charity organization of the collector’s choice will be made.

Réécrire l'histoire des déchets

À travers un modèle innovant, TerraCycle permet la réutilisation de matériaux qui n’étaient jusqu’ici pas recyclés. Dans le cadre de programmes créés par cette jeune start-up et grâce à des équipes de citoyens volontaires qui collectent autour d’eux, par exemple, des vieux stylos, ce sont des ressources naturelles qui peuvent être préservées et des objets de consommation courante qui peuvent connaître une seconde vie.