Posts with term Office Max X

TerraCycle Changing the Definition of Trashy Television

If you think most reality TV is garbage, TerraCycle’s reality show should fall right in line. Except it’s actually a good show…it just happens to be about garbage. Called Garbage Moguls, TerraCycle’s now-in-its-second-season TV show follows the enterprising young minds at one of the countries most promising recycling-related companies, and their exploits in the eco-world are anything but boring. Environmentally-conscious individuals will get a kick out of seeing how products get “upcycled” from someone’s trash to a new treasures sold in stores like Target and Office Max. Like a conversion of used dog food bags from Pedigree into a whole host of pet products that include leashes, toys and clothes, which are subsequently pitched to some dog accessory execs.

TerraCycle: Helping the Earth, Charities, and Your Old Toothpaste Tubes

While many companies boast of using 100% recycled materials for their paper or cardboard products, there are not many companies who take the extra step in saving the earth by "upcycling" previously non reusable products. TerraCyle is one company that is seeking to change that. TerraCycle's slogan is "outsmart waste" and this is exactly that this company has been doing since its inception nine years ago. Founded by a 19 year old Princeton student <http://www.terracycle.net/about_us> , TerraCycle has been focused on finding ways to upcycle everything from Capri Sun packages to Frito Lay chip bags. Because TerraCycle is an upcycling company, and not a recycling <http://www.associatedcontent.com/theme/607/recycling.html>  plant, the company does not turn juice packages into more juice packages. Instead, old "trash" finds a new life as it is changed into fashion bags, backpacks, fences, and more for a total of 186 upcycled products to date <http://www.terracycle.net/products> . Many of these products can be found for sale in stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, The Home Depot, Office Max, Petco, and Whole Foods Market.  The purpose of upcycling, overall, is to reduce landfill waste by producing products that are even better than the original item; in fact, most of the items used in TerraCycle's upcycling program would normally be considered non-recyclable.