In another project, Enactus members taught elementary students about business concepts through the formation of the TerraCycle Brigade to collect 1,300 non-recyclable items.
As Enactus students note: "The experience not only transforms lives, it helps students develop the kind of talent and perspective that are essential to leadership in an ever-more complicated and challenging world."
The founder of TerraCycle unearths the secrets of emerging as the leader of your office.
Morgan and her peers help to preserve the earth through the Fort Campbell, Ky., school’s new recycling program.
Launched in September, Wassom has partnered with TerraCycle, an international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products and repurposes the material into affordable, innovative products, according to
This colorful and functional ReTote is made from pre-consumer waste from the Lays Classic packaging material. This large tote bag is a great choice for groceries or a trip to the beach.
Jill Schon was in the top five collectors of Solo cups in the nation.
Newton's Jill Schon earned the distinction of one of the nation's top recyclers in the TerraCycle Solo Summer Celebration contest.
Capri Sun is increasing the prizes and benefits of recycling through the Drink Pouch Brigade, the free recycling program operated by eco-pioneer TerraCycle, in order to mark the milestone of almost 200 million drink pouches collected and almost $4 million given to charity since the start of the program six years ago.
I recently discovered a site called
Terracycle which has lots of awesome goodies that are made from everyday items that are harder to recycle such as chip bags and even billboards!
(Several layers of different plastic and polymers are the nemesis of zero waste. However, if you just can't lay off the salty snacks, check out Terracycle's
Snack Bag Brigade program)...
Many faculty members within the Thompson Writing Program have earned Green Classroom Certification for their courses, some of which also have a sustainability focus to their content. The department also recycles all Flavia coffee packs through the TerraCycle program.
Tom Szaky: Founder and CEO of TerraCycle, which makes consumer products from post-consumer waste primarily collected in U.S. schools and through 2.6 million members of his “trash brigades.” Capri Sun juice pouches become pencil cases, circuit boards become picture frames and clocks, and Oreo cookie wrappers morph into kites.