“We were one of the very first groups to sign up with TerraCycle.” According to Michael Baumann, public relations intern with TerraCycle, the company takes “difficult-to-recycle packaging and turns them into affordable innovative products.”
For example, New Orleans has teamed with the New Jersey company TerraCycle to recycle its cigarette butts.
Tom Szaky,
the founder of Terracycle, addresses this issue in
a Packaging Digest article. The current system wasn’t designed for consumers, but for recyclers. And, unlike people in the business, the average person doesn’t understand – or care about – the type of resin in a product, or whether a hybrid package has some materials that can be recycled, and some that can’t. S/he just wants to know if they can toss _____ in the blue bin. Szaky points to
the How2Recycle label as a consumer focused alternative: created by
Sustainable Packaging Coalition, this label focuses on consumer needs… and, if implemented, could help raise plastic recycling rates.
Another company, Terracycle, sells zero-waste boxes where you can collect coffee pods to ship back for recycling.
TerraCycle has introduced its Zero Waste Boxes recycling program to the heavy-duty aftermarket. TerraCycle says its waste boxes work as recycling receptacles.
The Middle School Green Group recently undertook a collection program on behalf of TerraCycle, a non-profit organization that takes products that cannot be composted or recycled and repurposes them as Doritos spiral notebooks, Capri Sun backpacks, and Clif Bar duffel bags, among many other practical and environmentally-friendly products.
Earth Heroes at School honorees in 2014 included:
- Vinnette Lang, parent volunteer at Ilako Elementary School in Auburn, co-founded the PTA’s Green Team, organized the school’s TerraCycle Brigade, starting the student Green Team, and organized the annual city-wide holiday lights recycling event.
The Naked Grape partnered with TerraCycle, a company committed to keeping used wine boxes out of landfills by recycling or upcycling them into new, unique products. Once finished enjoying the wine inside, consumers can send the empty packaging to TerraCycle for free to give it a second life by recycling or upcycling it into park benches, bike racks, recycling bins and more.
Even though being “green” is pretty trendy these days, pop culture seems more concerned about C-list celebrities and their latest faux pas than environmental issues. Luckily, across the sustainability and environmental spectrums are dozens of celebrities attempting to use their fame, fortunes and visibility to make a difference. You might even be surprised to see some of the eco-activist celebs who made it to the top of our list!
Being smart about energy usage at home not only helps the environment, but can also put some money back in your pocket. Even so, many people are hesitant as they believe it means making drastic lifestyle changes or purchasing expensive energy efficient products.