Coyote Howling has been identified as an official New Mexico Donation Station for the cereal bags Brigade© sponsored by Malt-o-Meal Brands™. The designation shows on the national map for TerraCycle to alert those wanting to support TerraCycle recycling. Coyote Howling is the only station in New Mexico.
State College Area High School senior Kara Eckert teamed up with New Jersey-based waste management company
TerraCycle in 2012 to collect recyclable items. Her mission was to accumulate granola bar wrappers, cereal bags and oral care products though the company’s Wrapper Brigade program. “I grew up in a family that always recycled,” Eckert said.
Finally, for both recycled gift ideas and for recycling waste that you can’t avoid over the holidays, consider People & Planet winner
TerraCycle. TerraCycle develops and runs innovative, free consumer recycling programs for hard-to-recycle waste like baby-food pouches, CLIF Bar wrappers, toothbrushes, make-up containers, e-waste, and more. Under the “Send Your Waste” tab on the TerraCycle website, visitors can order a “Zero Waste Box” that will facilitate the recycling all categories of waste, including any holiday garbage like wrapping paper.
The drink pouches, aluminum wrappers and food pouches will help earn money for the school through Terracycle, which provides free waste collection programs for hard-to-recycle materials. Those materials are then turned into affordable green products. “The profitability will depend on the amount of waste recycled,” Camp points out.
Stony Point Elementary School, for example, recycles plastic water bottles plus Capri Sun and Honest Kids juice pouches. Plastic bottles are picked up by a local beverage store, and the juice pouches are sent to
TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based company that repurposes them into products such as backpacks and pencil cases.
Students of Highlands Elementary School are earning money for TerraCycling their food packaging. TerraCycle, a company which recycles odd plastic items, such as a “GoGo squeeZ” applesauce container, is using the items recycled by students and turning them into other plastic products. Highlands Elementary is one of the top collectors of GoGo squeeZ containers in 2015, collecting 2,018 this year.
Upcycled Tent Dopp Kit - TerraCycle is at it again. This company recycles materials and turns into new products for consumers and this Upcycled Tent Dopp Kit is a great idea. Made from reclaimed fabric discarded in the manufacture of tents, it shares characteristics with its wilder peers - it's durable, lightweight, and water and stain resistant. Even the clips and zippers are wilderness ready.
It will also be a collection site for TerraCycle, a national organization that recycles items otherwise thrown away, such as chip bags and granola bar wrappers. In the future, we hope to be able to host art events, after-school programs, movie nights, and whatever else the community may be able to dream up!
Bear Tavern students also help maintain an onsite food garden, partake in a TerraCycle recycling program and create art projects throughout the year using recycled materials. The school’s butterfly garden is also recognized as a Certified Wildlife Habitat with National Wildlife Federation.
If you don’t like the taste of tap water, grab a water filtration product for your home. Brita and PUR are two great brands to choose from, and you can even recycle their filtration products by sending them into my company,
TerraCycle. By collecting and sending us your
PUR or
Brita dispensers, pitchers, faucet mounts, and other filtration products, you can even earn money for a local school or charity of your choosing.