Henkel, a manufacturer of adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, including the Loctite brand, is partnering with TerraCycle to become the first company to offer a recycling solution for anaerobic adhesives. Through the Adhesive Recycling Program, Henkel customers can purchase a postage-paid recycling box that they fill with empty Loctite adhesive containers and send to TerraCycle for processing. TerraCycle will thermally treat the containers and turn them into new plastic products.
1. Recycle For Lyme program - Collect non-traditional recyclables that would ordinarily be destined for the landfill or incinerators and are not being collected by neighborhood pick-up. Using a free shipping label, you ship these recyclables to TerraCycle and Ticked Off Foundations receives donations based on the amount shipped. Help save the planet and help Lyme patients all at once. Win/win!
The Environmental Services department took ABA’s top prize in the category due to their efforts in 2015 when Foxwoods converted nearly 8,000 tons of waste to clean energy, enough to power more than 750 homes for a year, meet the fresh water needs of over 63,000 people and produce nearly 120 million sheets of paper. Through the Terracycle program, the property also recycled over one million cigarette butts.
As a seven-year-old, Patrick Dollard got to drive the horse team on his grandfather’s Sullivan County dairy farm, while his older brothers pitched hay.
Today, in a way, Dollard is still running a farm in Sullivan County. He is president and CEO of The Center for Discovery, a remarkable facility based in Hurleyville, NY that has quietly evolved not only into the largest residential treatment center for disabled children in the state, but also a visionary, industrial-capacity farm that grows clean food for its students and staff, plus a 300-member CSA and a farm market on Hurleyville’s Main Street.
Henkel, a leading manufacturer of adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, including the Loctite® brand, is partnering with TerraCycle to become the first company to offer a recycling solution for anaerobic adhesives.
Through the Adhesive Recycling Program, Henkel customers can purchase a postage-paid recycling box to fill with empty Loctite adhesive containers and send to TerraCycle for processing. TerraCycle will thermally treat the containers and turn them into new plastic products.
Henkel, a leading manufacturer of adhesives, sealants and functional coatings, including the Loctite® brand, is partnering with TerraCycle to become the first company to offer a recycling solution for anaerobic adhesives. Through the Adhesive Recycling Program, Henkel customers can purchase a postage-paid recycling box that they fill with empty Loctite adhesive containers and send to TerraCycle for processing. TerraCycle will thermally treat the containers and turn them into new plastic products.
Earthborn Holistic, a pet food company, is making pet food bags recyclable by teaming up with TerraCycle, an international recycling company, to create the Earthborn ReBorn Recycling Program. Pet food bags can be recycled at Appalachian Trails in Glastonbury and Agway of Ellington.
Waste items most commonly known to be recyclable include glass bottles, aluminum cans, and plastics like water bottles or milk jugs. Many opportunities to capture and divert potentially valuable materials from the landfill are missed. Examples of these missed opportunities include industrial waste, like solvents, paints and adhesives, and electronic waste, such as computers, microwaves and washing machines.
It is hard not to notice the amount of wasted paper and recyclable materials across campus. After seeing trash cans overflowing with junk, it is also hard not to feel that nothing is being done to cut down on waste.