The rise of the zero waste life

Recycling has even become a worldwide business with TerraCycle, a company that recycles hard-to-recycle items, launching in Australia in 2014. It started in the US in 2001 and is now in 21 countries. “The TerraCycle philosophy is to eliminate the idea of waste,” TerraCycle communications manager Ausseela Thanaphongsakom said. In Australia it allows people to recycle yoghurt pouches, used mail satchels and other dental products for free. While the company has only just established itself in Australia, in other countries it even offers recycling of things like chewing gum. “I think (the companies) perceive, rightly so, that consumers would appreciate and are demanding such programs,” TerraCycle founder and chief executive officer Tom Szaky told news.com.au. Pretty much everything is recyclable, Mr Szaky explained, but the problem is making it into a product that people wanted to buy. This is because most products, especially plastics, can only be “downcycled”. A plastic toothbrush can’t be recycled into a new plastic toothbrush, for example. This is in contrast to metal, which can be recycled endlessly, and paper, which can be recycled seven times. Most plastics are recycled into things like park benches and garden materials. Part of TerraCycle’s business is creating a market for these recycled products. Mr Szaky said he thought Australians had less opportunity to recycle things, compared with other countries, because of a lack of infrastructure. This applied even to more profitable materials such as glass and paper. But he acknowledged that the ideal situation was not to consume. “That’s the fundamental answer, don’t buy this stuff to begin with. But if you chose to buy, as many do, the best thing is to buy things that you can reuse.” TERRACYCLE RECYCLING PROGRAM Items that can be recycled for free include: Colgate Oral Care Brigade: used toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, floss containers and outer packaging Nescafé Dolce Gusto Capsules Brigade: only Nescafé Dolce Gusto are accepted. Whole Kids Snack and Pouch Brigade: snack wrappers and yoghurt pouches. Australia Post Mailing Satchel Brigade: Mailing post satchels. Natures Organics Cleaner Packaging Brigade: nozzles, triggers, on cleaning, beauty and laundry products, beauty wipe packaging Nespresso Capsules Brigade: only Nespresso capsules are accepted and can be dropped off at participating florists and garden centres. Loccitane Recycling Program: Its products can be dropped at participating stores. For more information on the free recycling program go to: www.terracycle.com.au/en-AU/brigades You can also purchase zero waste boxes to recycle other items: www.terracycle.com.au/en-AU/zero_waste_boxes

No Waste Ballarat

It's easy to make the change in your own world, but change is also needed at a community level. This means we need to work together to create the change we want for our town. I've come up with a wish list of things I believe the community of Ballarat needs so we can move towards 'No Waste'.

Ahora puedes reciclar mientras usas maquillaje. Descubre cómo...

¡Es hora de poner manos a la obra! ¿Cuántas veces hemos tenido que comenzar a tirar varios de nuestros productos de  maquillaje por diferentes motivos?  
  El rímel estaba seco o se pone con demasiados grumos, o nuestro lápiz labial comienza a desmoronarse. En muchas ocasiones sin lugar a dudas. Pero antes deberíamos pensar en el mal que podemos estar haciéndole al planeta tirando este tipo de cosas a la basura directamente sin un previo reciclaje. Si el producto definitivamente no tiene forma de volver a ser utilizado, entonces, es recomendable que lo empaques en un recipiente que puedas cerrarlo herméticamente de manera que no afecte al medio ambiente para poder descartarlo. Pero para no desperdiciar todo por completo puedes reciclar aún algunas cosas…

El envase

Si te gusta mucho hacer cosas tú misma en casa, créeme que guardar recipientes puede ser una gran idea.  
  Puedes usar los frascos de perfume como pequeños floreros para decorar tu hogar, o porqué no, como envase para un labial creado por ti.

Campañas de compañías

Muchas compañías de maquillaje se toman el reciclaje en serio y tienen programas donde reciben algunos viejos productos que tú tengas y a cambio te dan uno nuevo. Por ejemplo, la marca MAC recibe seis viejos productos que ya no utilices o apenas le queden un poco y a cambio te brinda un nuevo labial. Una buena excusa para obtener un nuevo cosmético ;) Otras compañías como Garnier y TerraCycle también se han unido a la campaña de reciclaje y aceptan viejos envases de productos para evitar la contaminación medioambiental. Esto puedes hacerlo mediante correo postal. ¿Qué te parecen estas ideas? A mi me encanta poder ser parte de un mundo más saludable de forma simple y sin dejar de potenciar mi belleza