D'Addario Announces Official String Sponsorship At Lockn' Festival 2016

D'Addario is excited to announce that they will be the official string sponsor of this year's Lockn' Festival. As a part of this sponsorship, D'Addario has teamed up with Lockn' to request the artists and musicians to save all their used strings for the month leading up to the festival to bring and deposit them in one of the D'Addario Playback string recycling containers located throughout the backstage area. D'Addario artists participating in the festival as well as this initiative include Umphrey's McGee, MMJ, Moon Taxi, Gary Clark Jr, and more. As the world's largest maker of instrument strings and accessories, D'Addario has been a pioneer in sustainability for decades. From environmentally responsible packaging to a robust tree re-planting program, D'Addario is elevating our environmental commitment even higher in 2016. Introducing Playback, a safe and independent way to recycle and upcycle instrument strings. Currently, municipal recycling systems in the United States do not accept instrument strings because of the metals and alloys they are made from, leading to approximately 150 million pounds of strings in the landfill every year. However, with D'Addario's Playback program - in partnership with TerraCycle - you will now be able to recycle your used strings. Not only will Playback reward players for recycling D'Addario strings through our Players Circle program, but Playback also accepts all other string brands as part of this global program. Other events where D'Addario has partnered with this initiative, and had string recycling bins available, include this year's Bonnaroo, Telluride, and WXPN's XPoNential Music Festival. In additional to their environmental efforts at the festival, D'Addario will also be hosting the co-presented Relix/Lockn Friends & Family BBQ on Sunday night, August 28.

Target collecting used car seats and recycling through TerraCycle

Woodlands residents can recycle used car seats between September 1 and 11 at area Target stores. Thirty-four Target stores across Texas are hosting a car seat collection program to help residents reduce household clutter without sending waste to landfills. All car seats collected through this program will be recycled through TerraCycle so that each component will see a second life. Residents should bring their car seats to the Target store and look for Target’s car seat collection box in the front of the store or in the baby/kids floor pad section. When a consumer turns in a used car seat, he or she will receive a coupon for 20% off the purchase of a new one. After the recycling program ends, TerraCycle will separate the different components of the car seats (cloth elements, plastics, metals, etc.) and process them for use in other products. The participating Target store #684 in The Woodlands is located at 1100 Lake Woodlands Drive, 77380.

Target collecting used car seats and recycling through TerraCycle

Conroe residents can recycle used car seats between September 1 and 11 at area Target stores. Thirty-four Target stores across Texas are hosting a car seat collection program to help residents reduce household clutter without sending waste to landfills. All car seats collected through this program will be recycled through TerraCycle so that each component will see a second life. Residents should bring their car seats to the Target store and look for Target’s car seat collection box in the front of the store or in the baby/kids floor pad section. When a consumer turns in a used car seat, he or she will receive a coupon for 20% off the purchase of a new one. After the recycling program ends, TerraCycle will separate the different components of the car seats (cloth elements, plastics, metals, etc.) and process them for use in other products. The participating Conroe Target store #1115 is located at 503 I-45N in Conroe (77304).

Recolectores Donan $409,936.74 pesos a través de TerraCycle

Monterrey, Nuevo León: Desde sus inicios la misión de TerraCycle ha sido eliminar la idea de que existe basura, promoviendo recolectar y reciclar casi cualquier tipo de residuos. En la actualidad TerraCycle México se ha asociado con distintas marcas, creando programas que le ayudan a cumplir con su misión, con esto no solamente se ha conseguido aumentar la cultura de reciclaje en nuestro país, además las personas que se unen a los diferentes programas de recolección pueden acumular puntos, que se traducen en dinero que es donado a múltiples causas sociales dentro del país.

Target collecting used car seats and recycling through TerraCycle

Spring residents can recycle used car seats between September 1 and 11 at area Target stores. Thirty-four Target stores across Texas are hosting a car seat collection program to help residents reduce household clutter without sending waste to landfills. All car seats collected through this program will be recycled through TerraCycle so that each component will see a second life. Residents should bring their car seats to the Target store at 503 Interstate 45 North, and look for Target’s car seat collection box in the front of the store or in the baby/kids floor pad section. When a consumer turns in a used car seat, he or she will receive a coupon for 20% off the purchase of a new one. After the recycling program ends, TerraCycle will separate the different components of the car seats (cloth elements, plastics, metals, etc.) and process them for use in other products. The participating Spring Target store #1458 is locate at 19511 I-45N in Spring, TX (77388).

CODHEM Consigue Fondos para Ayudar a Adultos Mayores

Recaudar fondos para grupos vulnerables en Toluca fue posible gracias a la campaña Mexiquenses a favor del medio ambiente, creada por la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México, así lo informó Ana Guadalupe Pozo Colón, secretaria ejecutiva de la misma. El proyecto consistió en recolectar basura para su reciclaje con la ayuda de Terracycle México y su idea de eliminar la basura a través de sus programas de recolección nacional. Se recolectó suficiente basura para recaudar más de 15,000 pesos que se emplearán específicamente para ayudar a adultos mayores que no cuentan con suficientes recursos para adquirir bastones y andaderas, objetos esenciales para mejorar su calidad de vida. En el presente mes de agosto, se celebró un convenio con la Secretaría del Medio Ambiente, por lo que la campaña ahora cuenta con el apoyo y la disposición de esta institución gubernamental para hacer crecer la campaña y cumplir su propósito. Campaña A la campaña puede unirse cualquier persona e institución interesada en cuidar el medio ambiente recolectando envolturas de jabón, bolsas de pan, pan dulce, empaques de galletas, bolsas de botana y productos de cuidado bucal. El punto de acopio es el edificio sede de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Estado de México; y como contenedores se emplean cajas de cartón ilustradas con la imagen de los programas de recolección correspondientes. A pesar de que se han logrado resultados favorables para grupos vulnerables en las campañas de recolección, es necesario que más personas participen en estos programas para fomentar la cultura del reciclaje y cuidado del medio ambiente, así como ayudar a muchas otras personas que carecen de los recursos económicos para adquirir bienes básicos para su calidad de vida. Recolección anterior En la campaña anterior se recolectaron más de 300 kg de basura, con lo que se recaudaron fondos suficientes para comprar 14 anteojos para la comunidad Otomí del norte del municipio de Toluca.  

VIEW – Can coffee pods find their place in a sustainable world?

Enter global waste recycling innovator TerraCycle. TerraCycle is working with Nespresso on a new initiative. This will break down the aluminium in the pods for re-use. It lines up with Nespresso’s commitment to the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative for end-to-end reusability of the metal. Nespresso is paying the shipping cost to send used pods to the nearest TerraCycle collection station. It will work via NZ Post, another SBN member.