There are tons of coupons and deals available for Back to School Shopping, and plenty of other tips and tricks to save on school supplies, new clothing, laptops and more.
But here's something you may not have tried: trading in gently used school supplies or clothing for store credit or even cash. This is an eco-friendly way to upgrade your kids' supplies without going over budget.
Wondering which stores offer credit towards recycled school supplies?
- lets you send in items such as binders, writing utensils, glue sticks, scissors and more for points that can be redeemed for cash.
TerraCycle (U.S.)
This Trenton company runs recycling programs for major corporations, turning seemingly unrecyclable goods—Brita filters, cigarette butts, Sharpie pens—into finished products or salable plastics. The $18.8 million business operates in 20 countries and boasts clients like L’Oréal, Procter & Gamble, and Colgate.
Pensando na quantidade de esponjas que são descartadas anualmente no lixo, a Scotch-Brite se juntou à TerraCycle para criar, pela primeira vez no mundo, um sistema de coleta e reciclagem das esponjas...
今日はテラサイクルさんのリサイクル回収BOXが置かれている、日本美容専門学校さんに撮影でお邪魔してきました。 こちらには化粧品の容器の回収BOXが置いてあり、学生さん達が使った容器の回収をしてます。回収された容器がリサイクルされてクリアファイルや灰皿などに生まれ変わります。
美容学校なのでメイク用品は欠かせないですね。 夏休みということでしたが、生徒さん達が協力してくれていました!!
「ハブラシ回収プログラム・ステッカーデザインコンテスト2016」が始まっています。ステッカーのデザインを考えて一緒にハブラシリサイクルを呼びかけましょう! チラシ兼応募申込用紙は当館にございます。どしどしご応募ください!
In my house it seems like back to school also means back to paying more attention to your personal hygiene. My 10-year old daughter actually asked me to "smell her breath" before heading off to school this morning. I about fell to the floor in shock.