While dental care products cannot be recycled in your usual council recycling programs, a company called TerraCycle does run recycling programs for private homes and primary schools.
Households and schools that join the program receive boxes to collect used and cleaned dental product packaging which is then posted back to TerraCycle for recycling.
‘Recycling the unrecyclable’ has become the catch-cry of an organisation which works with brands to educate consumers on how to recycle packaging beyond the traditional realm of cardboard, cans, and bottles. Alison Leader spoke to TerraCycle’s Gemma Kaczerepa.
With your favorite pair of running shoes laced snugly on your agile feet, you run laps around the outdoor track in the center of the park enjoying a cool breeze, fresh air and the view of lush, green trees. You, like many others, may find that running outdoors is a total pleasure. It’s an escape from the day to day, a time to think, find clarity and enjoy the natural world.
For others, running is a purely an athletic pursuit leading them to run 5K races, and even marathons, all across the state. But no matter what end of the spectrum you find yourself on, if you’re a runner you care about the environment. Here are several ideas to help the runner (or walker) in you be green and eco-friendly as you pursue your favorite exercise off the treadmill.
Ao trabalhar em estreita colaboração com a minha empresa,
TerraCycle a LemonKind desenvolveu uma
solução de resíduos regenerativos a os resíduos de embalagens de produtos convencionalmente não recicláveis precedentemente do lançamento.
アーネル・シンプソンさん- Ernel Simpson -
テラサイクル グローバル研究開発部門 バイスプレジデント
30年もの業界経験の内、6年間はJohnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Researchに所属し、その他Dupont, Xerox Corporation, Rohm and Haas, Arco Chemicals等でもその知識と経験を発揮。応用科学の博士号を持つと共に、10もの特許(アメリカ3つ、世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)7つ)を取得。レオロジー協会の会員であり、かつてはプラスチック技術者協会、米国化学会にも所属。
O incentivo social também está presente no
TerraCycle, empresa multinacional que oferece coletas de outros tipos de resíduos que não podem ser reaproveitados, como gomas de mascar, embalagens laminadas e cigarros.
TerraCycle and GLAD® have partnered to create the GLAD® Food Storage Recycling Programme, a free recycling programme for GLAD® ClingWrap, bags, containers and dispensers.