Drop-off point for old toothbrushes
Wanaka's bin will be one of many in the Colgate Better World Recycling Project, which aims to divert oral care waste from landfills, in conjunction with TerraCycle, Keep New Zealand Beautiful and New World.
Radio Interview with Eastside FM
Eastside FM interviews TerraCycle's Gemma Kaczerepa about TerraCycle's latest contact lens and packaging recycling program in partnership with Bausch + Lomb, as well as the Garnier playground competition. Begin listening at 10 minutes 11 seconds on the recording.
A chance to have a playground built from cosmetics
Cosmetic brand Garnier and American recycling company TerraCycle have collaborated to offer all pre-schools and primary schools across Australia the opportunity to win a playground made from recycled beauty products.
Young people are the next (and current) crop of conscious consumers
When it comes to leanings towards ethical consumption, our young people are miles ahead of us. A recent study finds that not only are young people often more conscious consumers than their parents, they are much more aware of global issues than some adults give them credit for.
Great News for Fishes & Dishes! TerraCycle and P&G are making waves in plastic recycling
Plastic, plastic everywhere, and some will get recycled. With apologies to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Procter & Gamble's latest recycling effort is really making a splash!
3 Upcycled Bottle and Can Projects for Fall
Fall is one of the best times to craft. Cooler days mean time to spend indoors, and autumnal cleaning turns up all sorts of new materials to work with. In the spirit of the season and trying new things, try getting creative with items you already have—your left brain, wallet and planet will thank you.
Living Green: Recycling car seats can be a problem
There’s something called the Law of Unintended Consequences, in which a person, agency, or government takes action — typically something intended to do good — but it leads to other unanticipated problems.
And that’s what has happened over the years with the ongoing work to make car travel safer for children.
Great News for Fishes & Dishes!
TerraCycle and P&G are making waves in plastic recycling.