TRENTON, N.J.,October 9, 2017 – TerraCycle, a global leader in recycling hard-to-recycle waste, has been recognized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as the recipient of the 2017 Green/Sustainable Business Achievement Award, during the “Dream Big Small Business of the Year Celebration” held at the Small Business Summit in Washington, D.C.
TerraCycle首席执行官Tom Szaky称,海洋污染是一个相关性的问题,我们希望能够激发其他品牌对于循环经历的创造性思考。
这款瓶子被命名为仙女海洋瓶(Fairy Ocean Plastic Bottle),是由宝洁公司和塑料回收专家TerraCycle合作研制而成的,将于2018年在英国正式推出。届时将推出320,000个,该瓶子由10%世界各地的海洋再生塑料制成,90%为消费后的回收塑料。
...Naquela época eu conhecia apenas
uma empresa no Brasil que fazia esse tipo de reciclagem. Talvez hoje em dia até existam outras...
A garrafa acenada para detergentes líquidos resulta de projeto a quatro mãos com a recicladora Terra Cycle e visa acentuar a consciência a respeito da poluição marinha e das soluções para barrar a chegada do lixo plástico aos oceanos.
To me, the back-to-school months of September and October feel more like the new year than January. There’s a general sense of inspiration about fall that prompts people of all ages to do more for themselves and the people and environment around them. Speaking as the helm of a
recycling company on a mission to eliminate the idea of waste, I can attest that my drive to help the planet definitely revs up around this time of year.