L’école Germaine-Tillion a réalisé un projet éco-citoyen
Vous collectez, nous recyclons
日化 | 双重压力下,宝洁推出百分百可回收和海洋塑料制成品
宝洁公司在马耳他海洋会议(Our Ocean Conference)上宣布,正式推出仙女海洋瓶(Fairy Ocean PlasticBottle), 其中10%来自海洋塑料,90%来自消费后的再生塑料。这款产品是由宝洁公司和TerraCycle合作研制而成,将于2018年在英国正式推出,届时将推出320,000个。
TerraCycle首席执行官Tom Szaky称,“海洋污染是涉及面极广的问题,我们希望能够激发其他品牌对于废品回收再利用的创造性思考,落实循环经济。”
美国的消费日用品公司 P&G(Procter & Gamble)和广告代理机构伦敦萨奇萨奇广告公司(Saatchi & Saatchi London)合作,推出了世界上首款由从海滩上收集的塑料垃圾制成的可回收洗发水瓶(Worldˊs First Recyclable Shampoo Bottle Made with Beach Plastic)。 同时,宝洁(P&G)还与美国回收公司TerraCycle(回收和再利用用后废料领域的世界领先者)、法国环保公司Suez合作,将这一可持续性项目变为现实。
Green Your Dental Routine During National Dental Hygiene Month
October is National Dental Hygiene Month! It’s the perfect time to make a few eco-friendly changes to your dental routine that will help keep your teeth clean and healthy while helping to save the environment.
Procter & Gamble launches dish soap bottle made from recycled ocean plastic
As the world waits to see whether Boylan Slat really can clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a whole lot of ocean plastic is still washing up on beaches across the world. What if that plastic could be put to good use?
What story does your recycled plastics tell consumers?
One of the greatest company challenges is creating and effectively communicating a narrative that inspires trust and demonstrates authenticity.
What To Do With All of Your Empty Makeup Tins and Tubes
So you’ve hit pan on your favorite bronzer. Your Smashbox liquid lipstick tube is empty, and your mascara is all dried up because you’re too cheap to throw out very old drugstore mascara.
Obviously, the next step would be to take your trusty debit card to Sephora and replenish your supply, but before you do that, think about what you can do with all of your empty makeup tubes and pots. I recently found out that there are different mail-in programs that let you recycle your empty makeup!