There’s an Ocean of Opportunity to Protect our Oceans and Shorelines

By engaging with local beach cleanup NGOs and collecting over 120,000 pounds of beach plastics last year, TerraCycle was able to separate, clean, melt and remold beach plastic “waste” into raw material for the world’s first recyclable shampoo bottle made from beach plastic for Head & Shoulders. Make your personal contribution by signing-up for a local beach clean-up day.

Southington schools compete for new, “recycled” playground

SOUTHINGTON — Students of two schools have been collecting recycled materials for the chance to win a new playground. The Recycled Playground Challenge, a partnership between Colgate, ShopRite and TerraCycle, challenges schools to submit recycled materials, such as toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers and toothbrushes, for credits toward a new playground. Schools can also help their chances by receiving votes through the challenge’s website.

推荐 | 高露洁 x 泰瑞环保 | “绿动童心·守护未来”环保大挑战

人们关于未来生活的想象总是积极美好的:我们希望未来的天更蓝,地更绿,空气更清新;也希望人人生活平等,美满和谐,惬意而居;更希望科技发展,承载人类的梦想,让人人过上美好的生活。 对未来开展的想象是人类的一大特权,让想象实现更是我们的超能力。3D打印——这个想什么产什么,让你梦想成真的技术应运而生。不知不觉间,这个“只有你想不到,没有它做不了”的技术已经悄悄来到了我们的身边,并影响着我们的生产生活。 这么神奇的东西,我们想要给憧憬未来、并努力实现的你! 泰瑞环保高露洁一起,开展“绿动童心·守护未来”环保大挑战。只要你是上海及周边地区的小学学生/家长/老师,便可参赛,为你的学校赢得3D打印机!

From the community Washington Environmental Council Launches Zero Waste Initiative - Residents Can Now “Recycle the Unrecyclable”

The Washington Environmental Council (WEC) has announced the launch of its Zero Waste Washington Initiative, which provides residents with the opportunity to "recycle the unrecyclable" over the course of a year by offering a series of 12 TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes, the world leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams.