SOUTHINGTON — Students of two schools have been collecting recycled materials for the chance to win a new playground. The Recycled Playground Challenge, a partnership between Colgate, ShopRite and TerraCycle, challenges schools to submit recycled materials, such as toothpaste tubes, dental floss containers and toothbrushes, for credits toward a new playground. Schools can also help their chances by receiving votes through the challenge’s website.
Prescott is not the only elementary school in the city working to improve a playground. McNichols Plaza Elementary School is also in a contest to win a $50,000 recycled playground. The contest, sponsored by Colgate, ShopRite and TerraCycle, ends today. To vote, visit
"We are proud to announce the 2018 winners, who boldly break the mold to create new solutions, innovations and possibilities that redefine how we live, work and play." The winners for the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2018 New Jersey Award include:
· Tom Szaky | TerraCycle, Inc.
#PlasticFreeJuly aligns itself with global conversations on plastic, and TerraCycle has some tips to help you make better decisions in some of the places where plastic might still be clogging up your habits.
Bulb Eater 3 series with Intelli Technology provides a nationwide pickup and recycling service for crushed lamps produced by the Bulb Eater. The lamp-crushing system crushes straight fluorescent lamps of any length, compact fluorescent lamps, and U-tube lamps into 100 percent recyclable material while capturing 99.99 percent of vapors released.
The Washington Environmental Council (WEC) has announced the launch of its Zero Waste Washington Initiative, which provides residents with the opportunity to "recycle the unrecyclable" over the course of a year by offering a series of 12 TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes, the world leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams.