Turning waste into wealth

Besides domestic players, China also welcomed aides from the outside. TerraCycle, a UN Monument Award-winning waste management company based in Trenton, New Jersey, has joined the cause to tackle China's plastic pollution. TerraCycle came to China in 2016 with a Colgate-sponsored program to recycle oral care waste such as used toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes. It has since collected 63,000 pieces of oral care waste from Chinese consumers. A contest was launched recently among elementary schools in Shanghai for young children to recycle oral care waste and get votes on children's drawings under the theme of Green Future. The winning school will receive the prize of a 3-D printer. "A green future will not happen without a clean and healthy environment - that's the educational message we want to send out," said Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle in an interview with Xinhua.


已经听到很多致力环保的伙伴们在打听绿兑的消息啦,据说你们的阳台已经放不下啦,SO,五月绿兑在你们的盼望下闪亮登场啦!脉子们快开始准备吧! 这次绿兑与以前相比有所改动哦,而且这次绿兑真的是福利多多呢! 话不多说,看兑换规则吧


一支普通牙刷使用多久最为合适? 一把牙刷到底能用多长时间,要具体问题具体分析,既要看牙刷毛的质量如何,还要看使用者怎样使用和保护牙刷。 一般来说,目前市场上销售的国产牙刷,使用 l-2个月,或2-3个月,牙刷毛就弯曲了。而弯曲的牙刷毛不仅不容易刷净牙缝中的食物残渣,还会擦伤牙龈。 所以,发现牙刷毛弯曲了,应立刻换一把新牙刷。另外使用时间过长的牙刷头内易存留细菌。所以一般建议每三个月更换一次牙刷。  
    然而,对于使用过后的牙刷,如何回收是一个值得注意的问题。   如果回收不当至随意弃之,不仅会导致苏联塑料垃圾污染,更会因为牙刷头残留的细菌而导致严重的环境卫生的问题。   所以,妥善回收废弃牙刷尤为重要   镪锵,校会牙具回收箱闪亮登场!

Turning waste into wealth

Preferential policies combined with strong and urgent demand are encouraging players into the recycling business The monthlong 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia is expected to attract an estimated 3.4 billion viewers worldwide, according to research firm GlobalWebIndex. That means nearly half of the world's population will be following the 64 matches to decide the one winner to raise the golden trophy. One of the key features that makes this World Cup edition special is its eco-friendly commitment, as indicated in the Sustainability Strategy promoted by FIFA and the Russian Local Organizing Committee, which aims to make this a "greener and more sustainable" World Cup.

Turning waste into wealth

Besides domestic players, China also welcomed aides from the outside. TerraCycle, a UN Monument Award-winning waste management company based in Trenton, New Jersey, has joined the cause to tackle China's plastic pollution. erraCycle came to China in 2016 with a Colgate-sponsored program to recycle oral care waste such as used toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes. It has since collected 63,000 pieces of oral care waste from Chinese consumers. A contest was launched recently among elementary schools in Shanghai for young children to recycle oral care waste and get votes on children's drawings under the theme of Green Future. The winning school will receive the prize of a 3-D printer.

Feature: Recycling: Save the Environment, Make a Fortune

Besides domestic players, China also welcomed TerraCycle, a UN Monument Award winning waste management company based in Trenton, New Jersey to help tackle China's plastic pollution. TerraCycle came to China in 2016 with a Colgate-sponsored program to recycle used toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes. It has since collected 63,000 pieces of oral care waste from Chinese consumers. A contest was recently launched among elementary schools in Shanghai for young children to recycle oral care waste and get votes on children's drawings themed "Green Future". The winning school will receive a 3D printer. "A green future will not happen without a clean and healthy environment - that's the educational message we want to send out," said Tom Szaky, founder and CEO of TerraCycle.