CE certification for TerraCycle's BulbEater3 and 3L bulb crushing systems

TerraCycle's efficient drum-top bulb crushing systems, the BulbEater3 and BulbEater3L, have received CE certification from the European Commission's Directorate-General (DG) for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Obtaining a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is essential for the sale and distribution of a product in the European Economic Area and other regions.


“绿色宿舍”分类回收活动很大的一个目的是宣传,即让大家明白recycle的意义——提高资源利用率。用实际行动支持可回收资源的再利用。 我们会组织志愿者上门回收,将回收来的东西分类,细分成旧书、废纸、纸箱、塑料瓶、笔芯等,达到一定数量后我们会联系一些正规的环保企业,与他们进行合作,避免在资源回收和再造过程中产生“二次污染”

Ocean Plastics Top Agenda for G7 Leaders – But Giant Consumer Brands Can Take the Lead

Consumer products giant Procter & Gamble illustrated its work tackling marine pollution through an interactive exhibit at the conference explaining how Head & Shoulders shampoo bottles now contain recycled plastic collected from beaches. The brand is supporting World Oceans Day June 8 and has been working with TerraCycle and Suez on the bottle collection and recycling program.

Elementary students in Oro-Medonte tackle global issues

Maeve Celli, a Grade 4 student, decided to do something about hard-to-recycle plastics. She noticed many plastic writing utensils at her school were making their way into garbage cans... She collected more than 1,000 pieces of plastic from her school and will be diverting them to a recycling company called TerraCycle. After she gave a presentation to the school, she learned a Grade 1 student had started their own collection efforts, which she said was a great feeling.