Em 2012, a Faber-Castell estabeleceu uma parceria com a TerraCycle e lançou um programa de coleta que permite a transformação de instrumentos de escrita em matéria-prima reciclada que evita o descarte de resíduos no meio ambiente.
This year, there's been a lot of talk about the importance of beating plastic pollution so it doesn't end up in our oceans. And it’s about time. But there’s another complex waste stream we interact with every day that deserves our attention: organic waste.
While many facilities have become dependent on the fluorescent light, disposing of these mercury-laden bulbs in the required environmentally prudent way can be a serious inconvenience. Drum-top bulb-crushing machines, like TerraCycle’s BulbEater 3, can compact the spent bulbs and safely capture the mercury contained within.
HIGHLAND – Highland Elementary is competing to win a playground made from recycled oral care waste through the fourth annual Recycled Playground Challenge, courtesy of Colgate, Meijer and TerraCycle.
HIGHLAND – Highland Elementary is competing to win a playground made from recycled oral care waste through the fourth annual Recycled Playground Challenge, courtesy of Colgate, Meijer and TerraCycle.
Esponjas de lavar louça, tubos de pasta de dente, cápsulas de café expresso, canetas e lapiseiras, entre outros produtos, têm duas coisas em comum: são muito utilizados no dia a dia e são difíceis de reciclar.