Posts with term Local Zero Waste Box Hit X

Washington Environmental Council announces zero energy plan

WASHINGTON — The Washington Environmental Council (WEC) has announced the launch of its Zero Waste Washington Initiative, which provides residents with the opportunity to “recycle the unrecyclable” over the course of a year by offering a series of 12 TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes, the world leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams, according to a press release.

From the community Washington Environmental Council Launches Zero Waste Initiative - Residents Can Now “Recycle the Unrecyclable”

The Washington Environmental Council (WEC) has announced the launch of its Zero Waste Washington Initiative, which provides residents with the opportunity to "recycle the unrecyclable" over the course of a year by offering a series of 12 TerraCycle Zero Waste Boxes, the world leader in the collection and repurposing of complex waste streams.

Ludington nonprofit works to clean up community

Billions of cigarette butts litter shorelines, parks and sidewalks across the U.S. and once in the environment, take up to 10 years to decompose... A Few Friends for the Environment of the World (AFFEW), a Mason County-based group focused on combating local environmental issues to promote a healthier ecosystem, is offering its community a way to keep cigarette butts off the beach and out of landfills through TerraCycle's Cigarette Waste Zero Waste Receptacles.