Finding value in trash

Piñon Elmentary School PTO President Gloria Brehm introduced Terracycle to the school last year and the results have been significant.  Three thousand juice pouches have been given to TerraCycle, a company that turns non-recyclable waste into eco-friendly products.  Additionally, 1,000 chip bags have been shipped to the company. The PTO does receive a small fee for its waste. For instance, the PTO receives 2 cents per juice pouch and has earned a total of $60.   Although with bins collecting trash at Canyon Vista Pool and Piñon Park Pool, more money could be raised. Brehm said the students have really caught on to depleting the amount of garbage that is sent to the landfill.

Waste not: Local agency discusses how to recycle

Wiggins said the following items are difficult to recycle, but for those who are determined to find a way, it can be done: • Plastic food containers. When possible, Wiggins suggests you buy items in cardboard. Some containers — including those for yogurt and cottage cheese — can be recycled at Whole Foods. Or you can keep the containers to store leftovers or other items. • Chip bags. Many are a blend of paper and plastic. They can be mailed to TerraCycle, a company that makes items such as fashionable bags out of them.

Finding value in trash

Piñon Elmentary School PTO President Gloria Brehm introduced Terracycle to the school last year and the results have been significant.  Three thousand juice pouches have been given to TerraCycle, a company that turns non-recyclable waste into eco-friendly products.  Additionally, 1,000 chip bags have been shipped to the company. The PTO does receive a small fee for its waste. For instance, the PTO receives 2 cents per juice pouch and has earned a total of $60. Although with bins collecting trash at Canyon Vista Pool and Piñon Park Pool, more money could be raised. Brehm said the students have really caught on to depleting the amount of garbage that is sent to the landfill.

Help Clean Up Offices and the Planet

TerraCycle has introduced new Office Product Brigades, open to any supplier or consumer of office supplies and modeled after TerraCycle’s programs for schools that pay for the collection of drink pouches, yogurt cups and chip bags. These new programs, which collect any writing instrument, tape dispenser or glue product regardless of brand, were founded in response to the growing need to reduce the amount of useful materials going to landfill.

How to Fix the Broken Green Product Labeling System

I’ve been at the green business game for while now, and I’m happy to see consumers getting smarter, and a wider range of people being aware of and seeking out greener options, not only in special things but the everyday as well. But there’s a problem. A big one that could, and I feel is, threatening the vitality of the market for sustainable goods:

Cicero Students Efforts Have Local and National Effect

Teachers at Woodbine Elementary School used to see a lot of used Capri Sun drink pouches get thrown away.  Now the school earns two cents for every one of those pouches they collect and return them to a company called TerraCycle, which makes affordable, eco-friendly products from packaging waste. The school uses the program not only as a fundraising opportunity, but also as a way to educate and inspire their students.  Representative of the school, Susan Recu says, “We were looking for ways to raise money for the school that would also help the environment.”

Eco Boombox

eco-conscious and earth-friendly, but sometimes your kids don't always buy the coolness factor. Drive the message home with recycled candy wrapper Eco Boomboxes from Fashionation <http://www.merkuryinnovations.com/product_center.asp?pagenum=2&parent_id=100001&dept_id=100120> . Two lucky Chicago Parent readers will win a Skittles boom box, worth $19.95. The speakers are universally compatible and battery free. Finally, they'll agree with you, being green can be cool.

TerraCycle Outsmart Waste + Earn Money for School

Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>   is always coming up with fun and cool ways to recycle, but they also  have come up with a way (actually 6 ways) Moms can go green, reduce  waste at home, AND raise money for their kids school and/or favorite  charity. Terracycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  realizes Moms have enough things to think about  without wondering how to reduce the amount of waste leaving their home  and heading to the local landfill. So they have come up with six new  Brigades (read as free collection programs!) to make it easier than ever  for parents to eliminate waste from their home while raising money for a  school or charity of their choice. All they need to do is collect and  send in the packaging you discard every day, TerraCycle <http://www.terracycle.net/>  pays the postage  and contributes two cents per unit of waste returned. I keep mine in a  bag by the pantry next to the bag for Box Tops to make things easier.


  when you have kids, you tend to start thinking about things you may not have before. like garbage, landfills and what part you can do to help said kids have a better place to live long after we are gone. going green is such a big part of every day life these days (or at least, it should be – even small steps help). so i was thrilled to hear from TerraCycle and jumped on the opportunity to help them spread their mission. TerraCycle is a small company who takes non-recyclable waste (and pays 2 cents per piece to charity) and turns them into upcycled and repurposed eco-friendly items. they take the things that most of us throw in the trash, because we can’t throw it in the recycle bin, and make pencil pouches, binders, tote bags, shower curtains and picture frames – just to name a few. think capri suns, doritos, skittles and other packaging. they even take soda bottles and remake them into containers for dog shampoo and garden fertilizer.