Create these sweet, upcycled barrettes to go with your Easter dress.

Looking for a sweet way to show off your upcycling style this Easter season? This year's best accessory is something that you were about to throw away. In this project, I'll show you how to dress up your Sunday best with this fun candy wrapper project. Start collecting those Cadbury candy and gum wrappers and you'll turn your Sour Patch into a sweet fashion accessory! If you find yourself with more candy wrappers than you can upcycle on your own, sign up for TerraCycle's candy wrapper brigade <http://www.terracycle.net> . We'll not only upcycle them into new products, we'll also donate money to your favorite charity.

Wal-mart promotes recycling

ROME - TerraCycle, an international upcycling company based out of Trenton, NJ, has been doing its best to recycle the most difficult of materials and make the world a little greener since 2001. The recycling that TerraCycle promotes is coming to central New York. TerraCycle has teamed up with Garden State Growers and Wal-Mart to offer annuals that will be sold in upcycled margarine tubs rather than the traditional black pots in which flowers are usually sold. The annuals will be sold at participating Wal-Marts in New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. The flowers will be made available at Wal-Mart beginning the week of April, 17.

Mildred student becomes eco-product design finalist

A 10-year-old Mildred student is showing Americans what they can do with their waste, by making it to the final four of a national eco-design competition with a product made from recyclable materials. Aniq Chunara, a fifth-grader at Mildred Elementary, used recyclable materials to create a light-up desk organizer in a process known as upcycling, where instead of recycling the products, he simply turned them into something else. The eco-product design contest, being run by Terracycle, accepted entries from schools across the United States up until March 28, and now it is down to members of the public to vote for their favorite, by no later than April 20. Chunara's light-up desk organizer will face entries from New Jersey, including Glue Top Earrings and the Glue Stick Jump Rope. The fourth entry is The Glamp, submitted by a student from Allen.

5 Things You Didn't Know You Can Recycle

  4. Potato Chip Wrappers TerraCycle takes potato chip wrappers, foil wrappers from candy bars and other junk food, as well as department store plastic bags, and uses these materials to create a variety of items from messenger bags to office supplies. To find out more about their products and how you can contribute to this fun creative recycling process, go to www.terracycle.net.

How-To: Candy Wrapper Barrettes

Create these sweet, upcycled barrettes to go with your Easter dress. By Tiffany Threadgould Looking for a sweet way to show off your upcycling style this Easter season? This year's best accessory is something that you were about to throw away. In this project, I'll show you how to dress up your Sunday best with this fun candy wrapper project. Start collecting those Cadbury candy and gum wrappers and you'll turn your Sour Patch into a sweet fashion accessory!

Amerikaanse afvalhergebruiker naar Nederland

Het Amerikaanse upcycling- en recyclingbedrijf TerraCycle start in mei een eerste afval-inzamelprogramma in Nederland rond gebruikte pennen. Pennenmaker BIC is zijn eerste klant.Dat meldt innovatieplatform Sync.nl dinsdagmiddag. TerraCycle verzamelt afvalstromen en bedenkt en ontwikkelt hiervoor nieuwe producten, door de materialen te hergebruiken. In 2010 behaalde het daarmee een omzet van 13,5 miljoen dollar. De Nederlandse pennen, van BIC of van andere merken, zullen worden verwerkt tot pennenhouders en plastic bloempotten. “Hierna zullen we agressief gaan uitbreiden naar...

Turn Your Flip Flops Into a Playground for Earth Day!

From flip flops to playground? Yes! In honor of Earth Day, TerraCycle and Old Navy have partnered together in the Flip Flop Replay, which runs from April 22 – May 21, 2011. Now you can Reflip, Reflop, and Recycle for a fantastic initiative this Earth Day!TerraCycle and Old Navy aim is to collect used flip flops and recycle them into four public playgrounds around the country.  The public can stop in any Old Navy store in the U.S. to deposit used flip-flops in designated collection bins.  This is the first time a nationwide retailer has initiated a large-scale effort to collect and recycle flip-flops. Where are you headed this Earth Day? Get the whole family involved by making the trip together to Old Navy to recycle last summer’s flip flops! About TerraCycle TerraCycle, Inc. is an international upcycling company that takes difficult to recycle packaging and turns it into affordable, eco-friendly products.  Founded in 2001, TerraCycle (www.terracycle.net) is the world’s leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste. TerraCycle works with over 30 major brands in the U.S. (and in a growing number of other countries) to collect used packaging and products (chip bags, candy wrappers, juice pouches, pens, toothbrushes, etc.) that would otherwise be destined for landfills. It repurposes that waste into new eco-friendly materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through TerraCycle’s Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay schools and non-profits for every piece of waste they collect and return. For information on how to join a TerraCycle Brigade and on purchasing TerraCycle products please visit us at www.terracycle.net.

Amerikaanse Afvalinovator komt naar Nederland

Amerikaanse afvalinnovator komt naar Nederlandnieuws | 12 apr 2011 |   Rob van Leeuwen |  Het Amerikaanse upcycling- en recyclingbedrijf TerraCycle start in mei   een eerste afval-inzamelprogramma in Nederland rond gebruikte pennen.   Pennenmaker BIC is zijn eerste klant.  Dat meldt innovatieplatform Sync.nl dinsdagmiddag. TerraCycle verzamelt   afvalstromen en bedenkt en ontwikkelt hiervoor nieuwe producten, door de   materialen te hergebruiken. In 2010 behaalde het daarmee een omzet van   13,5 miljoen dollar. De Nederlandse pennen, van BIC of van andere   merken, zullen worden verwerkt tot pennenhouders en plastic bloempotten.   “Hierna zullen we agressief gaan uitbreiden naar andere afvalstromen”,   vertelt ceo Tom Szaky, die het bedrijf in 2001 oprichtte, tegenover   SYNC. “Op dit moment hebben we een pakhuis in Rotterdam en werken onze   Nederlandse medewerkers vanuit Londen. Als onze aanwezigheid hier   groeit, zullen we ook een kantoor in Rotterdam gaan openen. We hebben   geleerd lokale mensen in te huren, omdat zij lokale kennis met zich   meebrengen. Zo kunnen we onze afvalverzamelprogramma’s afstemmen op elke   markt.”

Bundesweites Recycling-Programm

Ein neues bundesweites Recycling-Programm an Schulen, Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten ermöglicht eine aktive Auseinandersetzung von Schülerinnen und Schülern bzw. Kindern mit Themen wie Umweltschutz, Ressourcenmanagement und soziale Verantwortung. Zum ersten Mal können in Deutschland dank eines neuen Sammelprogramms leere Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel aller Marken recycelt werden. Durch die Teilnahme von Schulen, Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten in Bremen wird der Umweltschutz auf einfache Art und Weise in den Unterricht und Alltag der Kinder eingebunden.