Mildred student becomes eco-product design finalist

MILDRED — A 10-year-old Mildred student is showing Americans what they can do with their waste, by making it to the final four of a national eco-design competition with a product made from recyclable materials. Aniq Chunara, a fifth-grader at Mildred Elementary, used recyclable materials to create a light-up desk organizer in a process known as upcycling, where instead of recycling the products, he simply turned them into something else. The eco-product design contest, being run by Terracycle, accepted entries from schools across the United States up until March 28, and now it is down to members of the public to vote for their favorite, by no later than April 20.

Stifte-Recycling an Schulen

Ein Sammelprogramm an Schulen, Kindergärten und -tagesstätten recycelt erstmals leere Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel und spendet 2 Cent pro eingesendeten Stift an eine gemeinnützige Organisation. Die Teilnahme und der Versand sind kostenlos.

Programm zum Sammeln und Recyceln von Schreibgeräten und Korrekturmitteln

Freiwillige „Sammelteams“ haben in Schulen, Kindergärten und  Kindertagesstätten die Möglichkeit, Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel zu sammeln. Anstatt wie bisher im Restmüll zu landen, werden die leeren Schreibgeräte anschließend recycelt. Durch das von BIC gesponserte Programm können alle Schreibgeräte und Korrekturmittel, egal, welcher Marke, zu neuen nützlichen Produkten wie Stiftehaltern, Mülltonnen oder Gießkannen recycelt werden.


Då jag ofta dricker kaffe själv är fördelen med en kaffemaskin att jag kan göra i ordning bara en kopp kaffe, i bryggaren måste det göras minst tre koppar vilket innebär att åtminstone en tredjedel hälls bort.

Old Navy and Office Depot Collection Programs

The Old Navy and Office Depot locations in Murfreesboro have partnered with TerraCycle to run recycling collection drives for Earth Month. TerraCycle is an international upcycling and recycling company that encourages consumers to rethink waste and makes it easy to have a positive impact on the environment. From April 17-23, shoppers can bring in ten used pens, markers or mechanical pencils to Office Depot and receive a coupon towards new Sanford products (maker of Sharpie, Expo, PaperMate). According to a news release, the used writing instruments will be sent to TerraCycle to be recycled into new office products such as trash cans and desk organizers. Between April 22 and May 21, Old Navy shoppers can deposit their used flip flops in colorful collection bins found inside any Old Navy store. TerraCycle will then recycle the flip-flops into playgrounds which will be donated to communities around the country. By bringing in these hard-to-recycle products to their local stores, consumers help keep waste out of their community landfills. Schools and community groups in Murfreesboro and the surrounding communities can also get involved in TerraCycle's free upcycling fundraisers, which pay two cents for every piece of used packaging returned. Interested parties can learn more or sign up today at www.terracycle.net.

Recycling opportunities

TerraCycle, a recycling company, has partnered with Old Navy and Office Depot in the Murfreesboro area to run recycling collection drives for Earth Month this year. While setting out on spring shopping this April, readers can participate in nationwide recycling programs in their local community by bringing used pens and flip-flops to Office Depot and Old Navy locations, respectively. Starting April 22 and running through May 21, Old Navy shoppers can deposit their used flip-flops in colorful collection bins found inside any Old Navy store. TerraCycle will then recycle the flip-flops into playground material, which will be donated to communities around the country.

Garnier and TerraCycle to Offer Free Recycling for Beauty Packaging

Garnier is rolling out a paraben- and silicone-free shampoo and conditioner, called Pure Clean--just in time for Earth Day, go figure--but the big news here is that they're partnering with TerraCycle on a a href="http://www.terracycle.net/brigades/personal-care-and-beauty-brigade--2?locale=en-US">Personal Care and Beauty Brigade, a program to collect and recycle all personal care and beauty packaging at no cost to consumers--meaning the postage is pre-paid! The program kicks off tomorrow with the start of The Cleaner Greener Tour, a free event, which is open to the public, in Times Square on tomorrow, April 11th. You'll be able to recycle old beauty packaging, snag samples and spot an eco-celeb, or two.