Material escolar feito de embalagens

Projeto escolar ensina a transformar embalagens usadas em cadernos e outros produtos reciclados, além de reverter a coleta em doações para entidades. A atividade partiu da professora de religião de 5ª e 8ª séries, Lorita Menegon de Souza, ao descobrir o trabalho da TerraCycle, uma das principais empresas do mundo na área de reciclagem.

Criar uma startup é algo mágico, mas nunca podemos esquecer de conhecimento e conteúdo

Conhecimento, metodologia, informação e principalmente velocidade no desenvolvimento serão abordados no Lean Startup – Uma nova forma de criar negócios – em Porto Alegre – , uma grande oportunidade de adquirir conhecimento e fazer ótimos contatos. Um dos facilitadores será Tiago Mabilde, empreendedor em série, foi co-fundador da iVirtua, Eber Group e Warehouse Investimentos. Como consultor, trabalhou junto a organizações inovadoras, como Artemisia, CDI, Cria Global, Gestum, IDEAAS e Terra Cycle, outro ótimo motivo para participar no lean, afinal de contas estaremos diante de um empreendedor que já alcançou o que muitos empreendedores estão em busca.

Cub Scouts collecting candy wrappers

Cub Scout Pack 140 and Elizabeth Lane Elementary School are teaming up to raise money for the school with discarded candy wrappers. Mars, Wrigley and Cadbury candy companies have launched TerraCycle, a recycling project that gives schools 2 cents for every wrapper collected. The Cub Scouts and the Elizabeth Lane Green Team ask that students – and community members – bring candy wrappers from M&Ms, Snickers, Starburst, Swedish Fish, Twix and Skittles to the receptacle located in the school’s main lobby, located at 121 Elizabeth Lane in Matthews. The fundraiser will run through Nov. 4.

Michigan Students “Upcycle” to Raise Money for School, Learn About Reducing Waste

Students at a Michigan elementary school are raising money for their school, while keeping hard-to-recycle materials out of the waste stream. It’s called “upcycling” and at West Ottawa’s Pine Creek Elementary School, it’s becoming part of the school’s culture. “One of our focuses is incorporating environmental education into our curriculum and raise kids’ awareness,” said Principal Dave Gough. “We wanted to think about how we can problem solve and have a positive impact at the same time.” The school’s efforts are run through TerraCycle, a company that finds new uses for trash, turning otherwise unusable waste into things like coolers, picture frames and cleaning supplies. Students, teachers and staff members collect things like food wrappers and juice boxes and turn them over to TerraCycle, which transforms them into other, usable items.