Make a Halloween costume and candy bag from recycled products

Making costumes and treat bags can help save money and the environment during the Halloween season. A great way to make costumes with upcycled or recycled materials eliminates the expense of purchasing new items and the chance or running into someone with the same costume. TerraCycle, a recycling and upcycling company, has a do-it-yourself costume and candy bag that can be created easily using items from around the house. The PDFs for the project can be found on the following links...

Dropps Laundry Detergent

Who doesn’t dream of receiving a product they use regularly for free? You and your readers can enter to receive a year’s worth of detergent for free, and save their cash for other items on their shopping lists. TerraCycle, Inc., an upcycling and recycling company, has partnered with Dropps Laundry detergent to create the “Search for the Largest Laundry Pile” Picture Contest on Facebook. The winner of this contest will receive a 1-year supply (240 wash loads) of Drops Laundry Detergent Pacs in Fresh Scent, Scent + Dye Free or Baby. All you have to do for a chance to win is take a picture of your already existing large, dirty pile of laundry and submit it to the TerraCycle Facebook contest page for a chance to win. The search for the picture of the largest laundry pile will run from October 11, 2011 until October 25, 2011. The winner will be announced on November 22, 2011.

Recycling Stuff You Didn’t Think Could be Recycled

This explains, for example, why I save packing peanuts and every so often take a big bagful of them out to Tait Farm, which re-uses them in their mail-order business. Or why I once spent money to ship a box of empty pill bottles I had accumulated to a friend in Madison, Wisc.—one of the few places where they can be recycled. So I was impressed to discover that Penn State’s Center for the Performing Arts has organized a drive to collect and recycle—of all things—plastic candy wrappers. Anyone attending a CPA show during the 2011–12 season is invited to bring in candy wrappers or multi-pack candy bags (trick-or-treat candy, anyone?) and drop them in one of the collection boxes in the lobby. The CPA staff will then ship the wrappers to an organization called TerraCycle, which will recycle them.

Recycle Day At PES October 27

"The monthly drop off on Recycle Day is new, both in having a once/month date and also by opening it up to miscellaneous products (per website). Items range found on our list include old toothbrushes and toothpaste, old make-up containers, plastic wrap from paper products, Elmers glue products, and juice pouches. There are more products, too! "Unfortunately, we don't at this time take pop cans or items, which are not on our list. We are currently working with www.Terracycle.net and are limited by what they offer. Terracycle pays for shipping of all products, so this is a help. Of the products that we collect, only one has any restriction of the brand, which is Elmers, but this may be any size (glue sticks or bottles). All other products may be any brand or size," Tysee said.

Kaffe med god samvittighed

Det er Kraft Foods og Bosch, der står bag den nye kaffemaskine Tassimo, som især adskiller sig ved at kapslerne kan indsendes til genbrug. Det betyder, at man efter brug kan indsende de brugte kapsler og folie til det innovative genbrugssystem TerraCycle, hvorefter kapsler og folie vil blive genanvendt i andre produkter.