The Green Team at Point Road School in Little Silver Outsmarts Waste

Jim Brown, the Assistant Recycling Coordinator of Monmouth County brought along Bill Kerwood from Magical Results to help the kids at PRS learn more about recycling, while having fun. The kids had fun while learning, and got to show off what they have learned. In the lunchroom at PRS, the kids are learning how to sort their trash to benefit their community and school at the same time. PRS is part of the TerraCycle cookie and chip bag brigade. For each cookie or chip bag sent to TerraCycle, the school will receive $.02. With funds already collected, the school has purchased clipboards (made out of recycled circuit boards, how cool) for use in the PRS outdoor classroom.

TerraCycle: Green Machine

When it comes to advertising that highlights green products, no one has gone as far as TerraCycle. TerraCycle is a company that provides free waste collection programs for hard to recycle materials. They then turn the waste into affordable green product in which then you can buy. TerraCycle offers green products for sale ranging in categories from home, office, school, and more. Their goal in mind is to eliminate the idea of waste. TerraCycle was founded in 2001 by Tom Szaky, at the time, a 20-year-old Princeton University freshman. TerraCycle began by producing organic fertilizer, packaging liquid worm poop in used soda bottles. Since then TerraCycle has grown into one of the fastest-growing green companies in the world. In the past couple years, you have seen the dramatic uprising of green advertising and products. At the time, it almost seemed like a movement and a trend of its own. In regarding to its selling ability, as of late I believe that it is successful. Nowadays, I believe more and more people are starting to become more environment conscious. Mass quantities of eco-friendly products are available for purchase such as hybrid cars, energy efficient light bulbs and others for example. Its being shelved everywhere, and this new fad appears to at least make you consider products that benefits the environment. It makes the buyer feel good about themselves. Why buy a product that is rather hurting or not even helping the environment? Even though I think the going green movement seems to specialize and cater to certain groups of people, I envision green products to continue to incline.

Erstes Recycling-Programm für leere Stifte in der Schweiz

Ich sende Ihnen einige Informationen über das erste Recycling-Programm für leere Stifte in der Schweiz, das teilnehmende Schule finanziell unterstützt. Das Recycling-Programm für leere Stifte ermöglicht es Schulen, ihre leeren Stifte kostenlos einzusenden und pro Stift 2 Rappen für zukünftige Bildungsprojekte zu erhalten. Das Programm bietet vor allem Kindern einen spielerischen Zugang zu Themen wie Recycling und Umweltschutz und bringt auf eine einfache Art und Weise mehr Nachhaltigkeit in ihren Alltag ein. Das Recycling-Programm lässt zudem viel Raum für die individuelle Einbindung des Stifte-Sammelns in den Schulablauf und die Lehrpläne. Die eingesendeten Stifte werden zu neuen Produkten, wie Stiftehalter, Giesskannen und Mülleimern recycelt und reduzieren dadurch den Bedarf an neuen Rohstoffen. Weitere Informationen zu dem Programm können Sie dem untenstehenden Text entnehmen, sowie unserer Website, www.terracycle.ch .

Alte Stifte sammeln und 2 Cent pro Stift spenden

Alte Stifte, die ihren Dienst geleistet haben, landen in der Regel im Müll. Jetzt kann man mit seinen alten Stiften allerdings Gutes tun. Die größten Hersteller von Kugelschreibern BIC® hat gemeinsam mit TerraCycle eine Stifte-Recycling-Aktion ins Leben gerufen. Pro abgegebenem Stift gehen 2 Cent an eine gemeinnützige Organisation.