The Mills PTA GoGreen committee has teamed up with TerraCycle to turn waste money for your school.
TerraCycle has many different waste collection programs called Brigades. Mills GoGreen has signed up for two: Energy Bar Wrappers and Candy Bar Wrappers.
השתיים גיבשו תכנית איסוף ומחזור שקיות חטיפים משומשות, שכוללת גם תרומה כספית לעמותות ובתי ספר בתמורה לאיסוף השקיות.
חברת המחזור הבינלאומית "טרהסייקל" משיקה את החטיבה הראשונה בישראל באמצעות שיתוף פעולה עם חטיבת המלוחים מקבוצת שטראוס.
חברת המחזור הבינלאומית "טרהסייקל" משיקה את החטיבה הראשונה בישראל באמצעות שיתוף פעולה עם חטיבת המלוחים מקבוצת שטראוס. שטראוס פריטו-ליי וחברת טרהסייקל משיקות תכנית איסוף ומחזור של שקיות חטיפים משומשות הכוללת גם תרומה כספית לעמותות ובתי ספר בתמורה לשקיות הנאספות.
Ein Sammelprogramm für leere Stifte ist bundesweit angelaufen. Schulen, Kindergärten und Kindertagesstätten können sich kostenlos anmelden. Die gesammelten leeren Schreibgeräte können portofrei eingesandt werden. Pro eingehenden Stift werden dann zwei Cent an eine gemeinnützige Organisation nach Wahl gespendet. Das Programm ermöglicht ein aktives Engagement der Kinder und fördert ihre Sensibilisierung für Themen wie Umweltschutz und soziale Verantwortung.
Virksomhedens fokus er at ’skrotte ideen om skrald’ ved at oprette indsamlings-programmer for affald, som i dag ikke genanvendes eller genbruges. Det indsamlede affald bliver så opgraderet til nye produkter og materialer. På TerraCycles hjemmeside vises nogle ’gør-det-selv’ aktiviteter, hvor brugt emballage bliver ’upcyclet’ til nye produkter. Der er enkle trin-for trin instruktioner, så så projekterne er lette at lave derhjemme. De kan downloades fra hjemmesiden.
"Réduisons nos déchets, ça déborde", dit le slogan. Sensible à cet enjeu, AXA France participe du 19 au 27 novembre 2011 à la Semaine Européenne de la Réduction des Déchets. L’occasion de rappeler l’ensemble des actions déjà entreprises et d’en annoncer de nouvelles à ses collaborateurs........A commencer par l’implantation d’un nouveau bac à vêtements AXA Atout Cœur ou bien encore la mise en place d’un nouveau collecteur de stylos usagés, Bic/Terracycle.
Schools produce plenty of garbage which is carelessly disposed when it could very well be recycled. A unique recycling technique known as TerraCycle has brought about a huge change in the recycling behavior of schools in the US. The program takes the initiative to recover food packaging products that are hard to recycle and as well pays schools for their work. Based upon a MichigansThumb.com report, this program awards points to schools depending on the amount of recyclable products provided to TerraCycle. The creation of single-serve food products has elevated the amount of disposable waste and contributed to an evergrowing pile of hazardous waste materials in landfills.
TerraCycle influences the recycling of food packaging items like candy wrappers and packaging for chips, cereals, coffee, cookies, beverages and gum. Additionally, they receive other pieces including plastic bags, cups, glue containers, as well as electronic goods like laptops, music players, cameras, and mobile phones. Schools have total control over the type of products they would like to recycle. Taking part in this program is totally free for all schools as TerraCycle encourages application of as many eco-friendly practices as is possible.
Schools process plenty of trash that is carelessly gotten rid of when it could very well be recycled. An extraordinary recycling application named TerraCycle has brought about a significant difference in the recycling behavior of schools in the United States. This system takes the lead to recover food packaging products which take time and effort to recycle and also pays schools for their hard work. As indicated by a MichigansThumb.com report, this program awards points to schools based on the amount of recyclable items provided to TerraCycle. The creation of single-serve food items has increased the volume of disposable waste and led to an increasing pile of harmful waste material in landfills.
TerraCycle supports the recycling of food packaging items including candy wrappers and packaging for chips, cereals, coffee, cookies, beverages and gum. They additionally accept additional objects such as plastic bags, cups, glue containers, and also electronic merchandise like laptops, music players, cameras, and mobile phones. Schools have total control of the sorts of items they wish to recycle. Engaging in this program is completely free for all schools as TerraCycle supports implementation of as many eco-friendly strategies as possible.
Honest Tea's newest line,
Honest Kids, are juice pouches which are organic, low in sugar, and a great alternative to sugar filled beverages. They come in five great flavors, Appley Ever After, Goodness Grapeness, Berry Berry Good Lemonade, Tropical Tango Punch and Super Fruit Punch.
Honest Kids and
TerraCycle are working together to make sure drink pouches don't end up in the landfill. As eco-friendly innovator, TerraCycle converts the drink pouches into unique fashion bags, tote bags, pencil cases, and other fun items for kids and adults. (check them out, very cool)