Recycling Heroine

Some people know how to turn lemons into lemonade. Telma Rangel has figured out how to convert trash into treasure. It all began when Mother’s Cookies, an Oakland-based company, went out of business in 2008 and Rangel lost her job as operations manager. Suddenly, the mother of five had time on her hands. Rangel turned her attention to Noble Elementary School in San Jose, where her two younger children – Marissa and Gary – attend third and fourth grades.


Se colocarán cajas para su depósito en diferentes comercios de la ciudad. La iniciativa es llevada adelante por la Escuela Nº 940 Gral. San Martín, gracias al proyecto institucional sobre cooperativismo basado en la enseñanza y aprendizaje. El propósito del proyecto tiene como objetivo generar en los niños una conducta desinteresa a la hora de llevar adelante una tarea noble. La recolección de tapitas para el Hospital Garraham, que se lleva adelante hace más de dos años, forma parte de este propósito, al cual se le suma la recolección de sobres de jugo Tang, los cuales formarán parte de una campaña de reciclado. Por ello, en el corto plazo se colocarán cajas en la mayoría de los comercios de la ciudad a fin de funcionar como depósito temporal hasta su posterior retiro.
En el presente año, la intención es sumar otras actividades que se están planificando junto a grupos externos, para extender el ejemplo de colaboración a la sociedad, fomentando la participación generosa en las diferentes instituciones de bien público de nuestra ciudad.

Coppertone recicla embalagens de protetor solar de todas as marcas

Foi pensando nisso que Coppertone lançou o projeto Brigada Coppertone Protetores do Planeta, um programa que coletará embalagens de protetor solar vazias (independentemente do tamanho e da marca) e transformará em matéria-prima novamente, substituindo material virgem e evitando que mais recursos naturais sejam extraídos. Essa matéria prima poderá ser usada na produção de novos materiais a base de plástico.

Alte Schreibgeräte sind gefragt

Die Primarschule Hirzel sammelt Kugelschreiber und Filzstifte für einen guten Zweck. Sie beteiligt sich damit an einem nationalen RecyclingProgramm. MICHÈLE MEISTER Kugelschreiber sind für viele nur ein Gebrauchsgegenstand, der im Müll landet, wenn er einmal nicht mehr schreibt. Anders läuft dies bei der Primarschule Hirzel ab. Hier werden alle alten Schreibgeräte, die nicht aus Holz sind, in einer Acrylglasröhre gesammelt.

Students Create Fundraiser To Help Women And Children Around The Globe

In the nail-biting final hours before the first guests were scheduled to arrive, the young women who had organized last year's "Girls Night Out" event sat on the stage facing out toward the product of weeks of trial-by-fire hard work and planning. "It was just like, 'Oh my gosh, we did this,'" remembers Abby Shulman, now 14. "We didn't know we could do it by ourselves. It felt really good." Now, the organizers of Girls Night Out — Kaela Wong, Valerie Kologrivov, Alexa Brewster, Kelly McCauley and Abby Shulman — and a group of dedicated and creative middle schoolers have expanded that project into MAD4kids. MAD4kids will be holding a fundraiser for Girl Up and Invisible Children on April 26, which will have an ad book and include vendors, a raffle, and much more, according to seventh grader Kim Caccamo.

St. Joseph School wins national TerraCycle award

St. Joseph School recently won second place in TerraCycle’s Winter Waste Wonderland competition, a national contest. As the second-highest collector of lunch kits in TerraCycle’s Lunch Kit Brigade, St. Joseph School will receive 10,000 bonus points, which it can redeem for $100 cash. TerraCycle pioneered the concept of “upcycling,” which is taking materials that would otherwise be trash and converting them into other products by maintaining or improving the quality of the material. So for instance, Oreo cookie wrappers, have been turned into kites and juice pouches have been turned into pencil cases. Eighth grade parent Danielle Mergner has spearheaded St. Joseph’s TerraCycle program this year, recruiting the eighth graders to help direct the younger students in sorting their TerraCycle items and then in packaging them for shipment.

Trions, recyclons nos déchets

Nous avons rejoints une brigade de collecte des instruments d’écriture ( stylos à bille, feutres, porte-mines, correcteurs, marqueurs, surligneurs) afin de contribuer à leur recyclage. Le bénéfice de l’opération sera reversé à « Elevages sans frontières » .