Transforming diapers into picnic tables

Terracycle, a specialist in hard-to-recycle wastes, is planning to convert over 3.7 million tonnes per year of waste diapers (or nappies) into, for example, outdoor furniture by installing collection containers at day care centres and other ‘hot spots’.
Terracycle intends to ship all the collected diapers to its headquarters in New Jersey, where, after being neutralised, the plastic casing will be separated from the paper-based insides for recovery of new raw materials from the component parts. Absorbent materials can be reused in pet products or as fibre additives in concrete; meanwhile, plastic components could potentially be combined with other plastics to create ‘plastic wood’ for park benches and picnic tables.

Any Brand Can Be a Green Brand!

As with many consumer trends, the demand for eco-friendly products has been affected by the economy. According to a 2011 study by Grail Research, consumers who previously considered or purchased green products are doing so less, turning instead to more affordable options. So this means companies are similarly cutting back on green efforts, right? Not necessarily. For many companies, rising oil prices are one reason to reduce energy consumption, which, in turn, cuts costs. But also, if there’s one positive byproduct of the recession, it’s the renewed emphasis on efficiency. More businesses are looking for ways to manufacture with fewer materials, produce less waste and use less energy in production, distribution and even in their offices. These days, going green not only offers feel-good benefits, it just makes good business sense.

Ecología para niños: Reciclar materiales de escritura y obtener beneficios

Ecología para niños: Reciclar materiales de escritura y obtener beneficios. Cada vez más empresas se suman alreciclaje de los propios productos que fabrican. Personalmente creo que en un futuro cercano cada fabricante debería hacerse cargo del reciclaje de los productos que comercializa para obtener ganancias mientras contamina. ¿Tienes idea de cuántos bolígrafos o rotuladores quedan fuera de uso en tu hogar cada año? y si los juntaras con los de otras familias, ¿qué cantidad podrían llegar a acumular?

Method Expands Recycling Program To All Cleaner Packaging

After launching the Method Refill Brigade® in 2011, Method, the leading innovator in premium, environmentally-conscious household and personal care products, and upcycling/recycling pioneer TerraCycle, Inc. have now expanded the program to accept pumps, triggers, refill pouches and almost any cleaner product packaging, regardless of brand. Schools, offices, families or individuals can collect traditionally non-recyclable cleaner packaging and send it to TerraCycle to earn money for charity gifts and donations through the newly dubbed Cleaner Packaging Brigade. The collected packaging will be turned into trash cans, coolers and other home goods.

Tom Szaky: Recycling the Impossible

Tom Szaky is the founder of TerraCycle, one of the fastest-growing green companies on the planet. What’s especially amazing about it is its mission: to recycle non-recyclable garbage, from gum to diapers. Find out about how you can help make the impossible possible.
How did you start TerraCycle ?
I was a freshman at Princeton, and friends of mine were feeding their plants worm poop. These plants grew like mad. I suddenly became fascinated by the idea of waste, so I started a small organic fertilizer business—worm poop—packaged in used soda bottles. TerraCycle was born. Then I began wondering how to transform waste into other products. It’s funny how we started as a poop company, and now our goal is to eliminate the whole idea of waste.

Ya podemos reciclar nuestros instrumentos de escritura

Por fin ha salido adelante nuestra idea de reciclar nuevas cosas en el cole. Desde ahora todos podemos reciclar el material de escritura de plástico que ya no nos sirve, desde bolígrafos hasta correctores de plástico o rotuladores. Solo tenéis que depositarlo en las pequeñas cajas de cartón que están en las clases y serán recogidas para ser posteriormente recicladas. Un pequeño gesto que hace que algo que era basura deje de serlo y vuelva a tener una vida útil. Si queréis saber de cómo funciona el proceso, acercaos a www.terracycle.es

Lege pennen inleveren op de Millenniummarkt in Beilen!

Alstubliefst! Neem alle lege pennen, viltstiften en markers mee naar de Millenniummarkt in Beilen. Zaterdag 14 april van 11 tot 16 uur bent u welkom! De lege schrijfwaren worden reycled door TerraCycle en kunnen worden ingeleverd bij onze kraam in het gemeentehuis. Voor elke lege pen krijgen wij € 0,02. Veel scholen zamelen al lege schrijfwaren voor onze stichting in. Helpt u ons ook? U helpt de kinderen in Haïti naar school te gaan en ook het millieu! Bedankt!