Missa inte att du kan återvinna dina pennor hos oss!

Missa inte att du kan återvinna dina pennor hos oss! Vi jobbar tillsammans med Terracycle för att förbättra miljön & för en mer rättvis värld. För varje penna du återvinner skänkes 20 öre till Individuell Människohjälp. Gör en god gärning, återvinn din penna hos oss! Läs mer om Terracycle här, http://www.terracycle.se/ Läs mer om Individuell Människohjälp här, http://www.manniskohjalp.se/


A través del Programa Nacional de Recolección y Reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo que Tang y Terracycle lanzaron en 2011, ya se recolectaron 500.000 sobrecitos que serán usados para la fabricación de nuevos productos amigables con el medio ambiente como mochilas, cartucheras, billeteras y tachos de basura. De esta forma se evita que estos desechos lleguen a relleno sanitario disminuyendo el impacto ambiental. Mas de 350.000 personas se unieron a las brigadas Tang para recolectar los empaques. Para saber cómo formar parte visitá Terracycle.com.ar, o clubtang.com.ar.

Kimberly-Clark Professional* and Terracycle Expand Industry's First Cleanroom and Laboratory Garment Recycling Initiative to Include Pilot Program for Gloves

Kimberly-Clark Professional*, a global leader in contamination control solutions for cleanrooms and laboratories, and TerraCycle, a leading recycler, today announced that they are expanding the world's first cleanroom and laboratory garment recycling initiative to include a pilot program for gloves after reaching key collection milestones in the program's first six months. Since the program's launch in October 2011, participating cleanrooms and laboratories have sent in over 7,000 pounds of garment waste, including coveralls, hoods, boot covers, hair nets, and masks, to be recycled into plastic products such as plastic lumber, park benches, and picnic tables. Participating locations have requested more than 1,000 pallets of collection boxes to return additional garments, signifying that collections are on track to reach more than 350,000 pounds in coming months. Kimberly-Clark Professional and TerraCycle are actively pursuing additional locations for garment collection.

Upcycled Travel Kits For the Feel Good Traveller

TerraCycle's Upcycled Travel Dopp Kit We’re huge fans of the upcycled and recycled eco-friendly goods on the Uncommon Goods website so we had to share. What’s more? The TerraCycle upcycled tent dopp kit, tote bag, and lunch sack are all handmade in the U.S. Instead of using new material and resources for products, the items are made from tent material that would have otherwise gone to waste. This means that not only is the material durable, it’s also stain-resistant, water-resistant, and light. The perfect travel items for dirty little eco jetsetters like you! They also have a variety of other goods and accessories (jewelry, office goods, wallets, and bags) so check it out and see if anything tickles your feel good fancy.

Ecología para niños: Reciclar materiales de escritura y obtener beneficios

cología para niños: Reciclar materiales de escritura y obtener beneficios. Cada vez más empresas se suman al reciclaje de los propios productos que fabrican. Personalmente creo que en un futuro cercano cada fabricante debería hacerse cargo del reciclaje de los productos que comercializa para obtener ganancias mientras contamina. ¿Tienes idea de cuántos bolígrafos o rotuladores quedan fuera de uso en tuhogarcada año? y si los juntaras con los de otras familias, ¿qué cantidad podrían llegar a acumular?

Blessed Sacrament students earn money by recycling

TOLEDO--A bag of chips is a popular addition to many kids’ school lunches, but most of those bags end up in the garbage at the end of the lunch period. Students from the environmental club at Toledo Blessed Sacrament School decided to divert their garbage from landfills and raise money for their school by collecting chip bagsand sending them to a company called TerraCycle. The students have collected more than 16,000 bags, placing them among the top 100 chip bag collectors in the country and earning them money to use for classroom supplies. TerraCycle’s Chip Bag Brigade, in partnership with Frito-Lay, is a free national program with almost 10,000 participating organizations. “The best thing about collecting the items is it costs us absolutely nothing," says Blessed Sacrament Brigade coordinator Emily Maciejewski. "We simply take them and send it all to TerraCycle, which even provides the mailing labels. We use boxes from other items sent to the school. It is the easiest way to earn money and not ask parents to buy something or the kids to sell something." The Chip Bag Brigade is a chance for students to raise money for their club and a way to get students excited about recycling and teach them about the importance of giving back to their community.  TerraCycle provides free curricula, craft projects and design contests to help further engage students and promote the educational aspect of the program.

Green Beauty: What To Do with Your Old Beauty Buys

Frugal and clean ways to use and recycle all that makeup and moisturizer!

Having a lot of beauty products is fun. But there's a responsibility that comes with that, which includes begin green. I feel I must test samples before I can recommend anything. Plus, there's the issue of green beauty — where does it all go afterward? Because really, shouldn't every day be Earth Day? I have a very very frugal and thrifty streak, and I hate throwing anything away when there's even just a smidge left. It just seems wasteful to me and I dislike waste. But that leads to a lot of stuff in every cabinet, closet and corner of my abode. For Earth Day Week, I am determined to make a little more room, and get some feng shui going in the beauty department. Not to mention streamline! I have 12 foundations in my repertoire right now! That's ridiculous. Although, I do use a lot of them... So, a quick look at some money-saving strategies and green routines to get into: 9. Packaging: Let's face it, beauty products are over packaged. Look for green beauty options such as: Physicians Formula cosmetics come in recycled & recyclable cardboard-type packaging. I did have one fall apart in my purse — anything that goes in there takes a beating - but I still used it. You can use some jars for jewelry, other left over makeup (see #3) or container for kids paints but in the end you're still left with the stuff. I don't know about you, but that makes me feel massively guilty, so... The BEST Discovery: A points program for recycling beauty products! TerraCycle is a company that specializes in recycling harder-to-recycle goods, so the you don't have to worry.  Lotsof beauty products are accepted (not: hair spray cans, polish remover, nail polish bottles). Bellasugar says:
Products are then upcycled to build eco-friendly playgrounds throughout the U.S."

Sustainable Brands Community

Albe Zakes is the 27 year-old Global VP, Media Relations at TerraCycle, Inc., the world’s leading ‘upcycling’ company, which converts difficult-to-recycle waste materials into eco-friendly, affordable products available at major retailers worldwide. TerraCycle partners with major CPG companies like Kraft Food, Nestle, L’Oreal, Mars and PepsiCo to run community based collection fundraisers that function both as innovative packaging reclamation initiatives and cause-related marketing programs.

How to Market a Small Business with Pennies

Money is a concern for small businesses whether they’re just starting out, trying to stay afloat, or ‘swimming in the black’. There’s no way around it: money makes the world go ‘round, especially for small businesses. It makes sense when executives or owners try to cut the budget or keep it under control, but the question of what is best to cut remains.
Marketing and advertising are key components of a company’s outreach and growth because without them, it is difficult for potential customers to learn about a company’s service and offerings. Still, it’s hard for small businesses to compete with the marketing spend of larger corporations and brands. This is where creativity comes in as a key asset in building and maintaining a small business.