Selskapet TerraCycle tjener penger på å betale for folks søppel. De lager nye produkter av
avfallet og jobber nå for å kunne gjenvinne både sigarettstumper og bleier.
Les artikkelen i Ny Tid-13.04.12
Leere Filzstifte, Kugelschreiber, Fineliner oder Korrekturmittel wirft man hierzulande immer noch zu oft achtlos in den Restmüll. In einem gemeinschaftlichen Projekt des Herstellers BIC und TerraCycle wurde ein Sammel- und Recyclesystem gestartet. Die Kooperation, des nach eigenen Angaben weltgrößten Kugelschreiberproduzenten und eines Upcycling-und-Recycling-Unternehmens, sorgt jetzt dafür, dass in Deutschland jeder leere Stift, jedes Korrekturmittel einem neuen Verwendungszweck zugeführt werden kann. So enstehen daraus neue Stiftehalter, Mülltonnen oder Gießkannen - sagen die Projektmacher.
Groton Grange #7 will hold its 7th Annual TLC (Townwide Litter Clean-up) in honor of Earth Day on Saturday, April 21, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, April 22, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Stop by at the Grange "Base Camp," which will be located under a tent at the Groton Electric Light Department on Station Ave. in Groton Center.
There, you will be met by our cheerful volunteers who will hand out trash bags and gloves and help you choose a road on which to pick up trash. The trash can include standard litter but also roadside debris such as engine parts and tires, etc.
Return to base with your trash and load it into the Dumpsters provided by Groton's Department of Public Works and Roy MacGregor. Refreshments will be provided at the Base Camp!
Forbrukerne inviteres
til å sende inn brukte kapsler
og folieemballasje til Terra Cycle
i stedet for å kaste dem, og Dragonmoen
fra Brumunddal er en
av de første som hjalp til med å gi
avfallet nytt liv.
Les artikkelen i RingsakerBlad-12.04.12
L'équipe de l'Amicale Laïque et les écoles du RPI du Terregatte Beuvron ont rejoint le réseau national « Brigades des Stylos et Instruments d'Écriture », piloté par l'entreprise Terracycle, en partenariat avec une grande marque de stylos
Avec le système TerraCycle, les écoliers donnent une seconde vie aux instruments.
¿Los sobres de bebidas en polvo pueden convertirse en materia prima? Es posible para Tang y Terracycle que firmaron una alianza para recolectar mas de 500.000 sobrecitos que serán utilizados para fabricar nuevos productos amigables con el medio ambiente.
En lugar de terminar en rellenos sanitarios, se convierten en mochilas, cartucheras, billeteras, y hasta en tachos de basura. Ademas Terracycle donara $10 centavos por cada unidad de desecho recolectada a una escuela u organización sin fines de lucro.,
They’re psyched about trash in Horsham.
Especially as it relates to the 10th birthday of the Jarrett Nature Center April 21, and a guest appearance by Tom Szaky a guy who turns garbage, literally, into gold.
The Hatboro-Horsham Educational Foundation is hosting a visit by the 30-year-old eco-entrepreneur, CEO and co-founder of the Trenton, N.J.-based TerraCycle Inc., producer of the world's first product made from and packaged in waste.
Szaky will address visitors at 10 a.m. about upcycling, recycling, solutions to dealing with waste besides landfills and burning, the creative and design process at TerraCycle, and its plans for future products. A question-and-answer session will follow.
Free family-friendly activities are planned from 9 a.m. to noon at the Jarrett Nature Center, Hatboro-Horsham School District's "outdoor classroom" on 13 acres. There are woodlands, a meadow, a pond and wetlands.
The nature center is located between Hatboro-Horsham High School and Simmons Elementary School (diagonally across from the football stadium) just off Hatters Way in Horsham.
For information about Szaky's appearance, visit For more information about the birthday celebration, contact Kathleen Gipson at
215-350-9573 or visit
Terracycle is no stranger to challenges. The company actually seems to thrive on exploring new ways to upcycle and recycle traditionally non-recyclable waste into new products. Still, none of the items the company has saved from landfills thus far, including drink pouches and chip bags, has been as challenging as their recent conquest. It’s dirty, stinky and not so easy to recycle and usually no one really wants to mess with it. Yes, we’re talking about disposable diapers.