Best Beach Totes

I’m rather demanding of my beach tote. It has to be large enough to hold a towel, book and sunscreen, have smaller pockets to stash my phone and of course be cute enough to make a fashion statement on the beach or poolside. Here are our picks for some winners this season. Act fast to score this limited-edition Kate Spade bag sold exclusively at Shutters on the Beach and online at ShuttersBeachStyle.com for $198. Only 100 of these blue-and-green print beauties are available. The animal-themed canvas bags from Bungalow360 come with three interior pockets and a color-coordinated polka dot lining. Check out the site’s full line of other bags and accessories starting at just $5. $36 at www.bungalow360.com Durable and lightweight, these totes from TerraCycle are made from reclaimed fabric discarded in the manufacture of tents. The front has a zippered pocket to keep small items safe. $48 at uncommongoods.com

Herr des Mülls

Die Spiele-App »Trash Tycoon« soll das Umweltbewusstsein fördern Ein von zwei Israelis entwickeltes Spiel könnte der ganz große Hit unter den Facebook- und Smartphone-Games werden – und nebenbei das Umweltbewusstsein der Nutzer schärfen und sie für das Thema Recycling begeistern. Raviv Turner und Dan Goldman erdachten »Trash Tycoon« mit ihrer Firma »Guerilla Apps«, weil sie »als umweltbewusste Unternehmer ein Spiel kreieren« wollten, »mit dem wir die Masse der Menschen, die in sozialen Netzwerken spielen, erreichen«, wie sie in einem Interview mit einer auf Spiele-Applikationen spezialisierten Internetzeitung betonten. Inspiriert wurden die beiden Mittdreißiger nach eigenen Angaben dabei »vom Geschäftsmodell der Firma TerraCycle, die Abfall zu höherwertigen Produkten recycelt«. Beta-Phase Das Konzept scheint aufzugehen: Bereits mehr als 200.000 Nutzer hat das Spiel schon, obwohl es immer noch in der Beta-Phase steckt, also noch getestet wird. Auch Firmen wie Kraft konnte man bereits für das Prinzip der spielerischen Müllentsorgung gewinnen – Käseverpackungen können zu wertvollen Lunchboxen verarbeitet werden, für Mülltrennung in der realen Welt sollen die Nutzer zusätzlich Extrapunkte im Spiel erhalten. Prominente wie der frühere US-Vizepräsident Al Gore und der Hollywoodstar Leonardo DiCaprio lobten Trash Tycoon bereits. Was für die Macher immens wichtig ist, denn »ein hervorragendes Spiel zu machen, kostet viel Geld«, wie Raviv Turner betont. »Man braucht eine Mindestanzahl an Softwareentwicklern, Kreativen und Marketingleuten. Ein Spiel wie Trash Tycoon zu entwickeln, kostet eine Million und mehr.«

Auf die Sammlung kommt es an: Dann entsteht sogar Neues aus Müll

Tom Szaky steht am Rand der Düsseldorfer Bahnhofsstraße und wühlt im Mülleimer. »Ist doch wunderbar«, ruft er, »daraus kann man so viel machen!« Entzückt fördert er Zigarettenkippen und Plastikbecher zutage. Im Müll wühlen, das ist Szakys Geschäft. Im Jahr 2001 hat er in den USA die Firma Terracycle gegründet. Terracycle sammelt im Auftrag von Unternehmen Müll, lässt ihn sortieren und schafft daraus neue Produkte. Mittlerweile setzt das Unternehmen jährlich 20 Millionen Dollar um und unterhält Sammelprogramme in über 20 Ländern. Seit er vom Wirtschaftsmagazin Inc. 2006 zum »CEO Nummer eins unter 30« noch vor Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg gewählt wurde, wird Tom Szaky in seiner Heimat der grüne Zuckerberg genannt.

Upcycle flip-flops for Old Navy coupons

Do you have a pile of rubber flip-flops from last summer? There may be a better place for them instead of the landfill down the street. Terracycle is a web-based recycling service that has a goal to eliminate waste by finding clever ways to reuse non-recyclable items, such as tooth brushes and potato chip bags. But it's not a typical drop-off site where someone else organizes the clutter. To participate in up-cycling, material must be gathered in bulk by a team and meet defined expectations. The material is used to create household, office and gardening products. The up-cycled items are for sale at Terracycle's online shop, and some are available at stores including Walmart and Target. Old Navy has created the Flip-Flop Brigade ®, and is asking people to recycle their flip-flops. In return, Old Navy will send you valuable coupons. There is no participation fee to join the brigade, and the shipping cost is covered by the program. Collect 25 pairs of flip-flops, or up to 18 pounds, of any brand and fill up a box or bag. Download a pre-paid shipping label from terracycle.com. Ship the box to TerraCycle by affixing the pre-paid postage label and dropping it off at a UPS location. Terracycle was founded by Tom Szaky in 2001. With more than 28 million registered users, Terracycle boasts to be one of the "fastest-growing green companies in the world." To learn more about Terracycle brigades, or to participate in this one, visit http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/oldnavy.html.

Meet PHMS Teacher Kelly Dougherty

Meet this sixth-grade science teacher at Paxon Hollow Middle School who has been in the industry for 12 years. Marple Newtown Patch is featuring great teachers in the Marple Newtown area who deserve some spotlight. Teachers give a lot to their students, schools and studies and we'd like to recognize them and say a simple, thank you, for all that they do. Meet this middle school teacher science teacher who has a passion to be eco-friendly. Name: Kelly A. Dougherty School: Paxon Hollow Middle School Grade/Subject: Sixth Grade / Science Years in the Industry: 12 Teaching History: I started teaching in Marple in 1999 as a first-grade teacher at Worrall Elementary. I was there for seven years and loved every second of it. After my second daughter was born, I was assigned to Paxon Hollow Middle School. What do you like most about your job? What I like most about my job is the rewards that come with seeing a child grow as person throughout the year. In September, the new students enter the building nervous and excited about the year ahead. Being a part of their growth process, seeing them accept the challenges, and become independent learners is the most enjoyable part of teaching. Why did you become a teacher? When I was in elementary school, my parents decided to send us to private school. I switched schools when I was going into second grade. It was a tough transition but my teacher, Ms. Kennedy, made the transition so easy. She was a very loving, nurturing teacher. That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and help students like she helped me. What do you like best about your current school (projects, programs or activities that your school is a part of): Last year, I started a Recycling Club. I had three students join the club. We teamed up withTerracycle, a company that takes our trash and turns it into recycled products, such as pencil cases, binders, bags, etc. Last year’s program was such a success that we were able to expand our recycling efforts to include paper. This year, I have over 50 students participate in the recycling club. Every Monday, the students are assigned to sections of the school and empty the recycling bins in each of the classrooms. Once completed, the students are responsible for transporting all of the recycled materials to the bin outside. I am amazed at what a success this program has become in such a short time. The kids stop me in the hallways each week asking if we are going to recycle and are disappointed when it is cancelled. One of the major achievements of the Recycling Club was the awarding of a $1,000 grant for collecting the most cellphones out of all the participating schools. The success of this program could not have come without the help and support of Principal Steve Subers, Mr. Flood, Mr. Gretchen, and Mrs. Petty! About this column: Marple Newtown Patch is dedicating this feature called "Behind The Chalkboard" to highlight some of the teachers who deserve recognition, and to simply get to know these educators. For any nominations, email them to marplenewtown@patch.com.

You Can't Do It By Yourself, So Find Others With Similar Ideals

“From a corporate perspective, you want to align your brand with organizations that have a good track record but also align closely with your ideals." Turner wanted his gaming company to make money, but he also wanted it to benefit society as a whole. To make this happen, Guerillapps decided to team up with corporations, such as TerraCycle, Carbonfund.org, TreeHugger, and Kraft, who were already encouraging recycling. The company combined their two passions: recycling and gaming and the end result is a product called Trash Tycoon, which integrates real-life recycling with the advancement of the online game.

Meet PHMS Teacher Kelly Dougherty

Meet this sixth-grade science teacher at Paxon Hollow Middle School who has been in the industry for 12 years. Marple Newtown Patch is featuring great teachers in the Marple Newtown area who deserve some spotlight. Teachers give a lot to their students, schools and studies and we'd like to recognize them and say a simple, thank you, for all that they do. Meet this middle school teacher science teacher who has a passion to be eco-friendly. Name: Kelly A. Dougherty School: Paxon Hollow Middle School Grade/Subject: Sixth Grade / Science Years in the Industry: 12 Teaching History: I started teaching in Marple in 1999 as a first-grade teacher at Worrall Elementary. I was there for seven years and loved every second of it. After my second daughter was born, I was assigned to Paxon Hollow Middle School. What do you like most about your job? What I like most about my job is the rewards that come with seeing a child grow as person throughout the year. In September, the new students enter the building nervous and excited about the year ahead. Being a part of their growth process, seeing them accept the challenges, and become independent learners is the most enjoyable part of teaching. Why did you become a teacher? When I was in elementary school, my parents decided to send us to private school. I switched schools when I was going into second grade. It was a tough transition but my teacher, Ms. Kennedy, made the transition so easy. She was a very loving, nurturing teacher. That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and help students like she helped me. What do you like best about your current school (projects, programs or activities that your school is a part of): Last year, I started a Recycling Club. I had three students join the club. We teamed up withTerracycle, a company that takes our trash and turns it into recycled products, such as pencil cases, binders, bags, etc. Last year’s program was such a success that we were able to expand our recycling efforts to include paper.


gib abfall eine zweite chance. so lautet das motto von terracycle. die sind mir irgendwie vor längerer zeit schon mal über den weg gelaufen. jetzt wiederentdeckt via mome.at. up- und recycling von müll ist schön, wenn man dann noch den arbeitsplatz mit waste-design gestaltet ist´s noch schöner. in so einer umgebung lässt´s sich bestimmt prima arbeiten.