Recicla para Uganda

Como os anuncié, aquí llega la primera campaña que no solo ayudará a montar un laboratorio en Uganda sino también a minimizar lo que llega a los basureros de un buen puñado de ciudades y pueblos de España. Gracias a esas dos estupendísimas Anas que tengo por primas y a una hermana pequeña que no me merezco, ya está en marcha, viento en popa a toda vela, la Brigada de Instrumentos de Escritura de los amigos de IBR-Uganda. También se merecen mención una encantadora catalana que pacientemente ha comprobado los archivos que le iba mandando hasta que hemos acertado con la calidad, con el formato, con la distribución espacial… y ese primo exiliado que maneja nuestra lengua materna, como buen profesional de las letras, con mucha más delicadeza que las anglo-contaminadas cabezas de sus primas.

Chicos que reutilizan envases de plástico de bebidas en polvo y los convierten en un BiciBus

Tang emite el nuevo comercial “Bicibus”, que sintetiza y refleja a los chicos que se sumaron al programa durante 2011. Participaron 350.000 chicos, que formaron 1.100 Brigadas Tang y lograron recolectar 500.000 sobres. El Spot “Bicibus” muestra el esfuerzo de los chicos para juntar sobres y disponerlos de tal manera, de crear un vehículo con ruedas de bicicleta y formato de bus, de 8 mts de largo x 1,80 mts de ancho y 2 mts de altura; íntegramente recubierto de los sobrecitos Tang recolectados. La acción sigue en 2012: www.terracycle.com.ar

5 Clever Hacks for Becoming a Social Entrepreneur

Social entrepreneurs create innovative solutions for tackling the world’s most vexing social problems. Whether they’re solving hunger, improving the environment, or fighting for political freedom, these entrepreneurs place social missions at the center of their business activities — aiming to maximize social value instead of profits, though both are important for maintaining a sustainable organization. As a result, social enterprises come in both for-profit and not-for-profit models, though some believe the secret to a successful social enterprise is acting like a business. Raviv Turner, cofounder and CEO of Guerillapps — a startup focused on developing social games to support real-world causes — would agree that successful social entrepreneurs are the ones taking queues from their for-profit counterparts. Passion and drive, though, are also essential components.

LCA helps Kraft measure, improve environmental impacts of packaging

Most people have heard the saying, “You can't improve what you don’t measure.” But measurement can be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to figuring out how to reduce environmental impacts. This is why Kraft Foods says it is using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to help it make the right changes and get the best results for a range of its global products. For Kraft, LCA measures the footprint of what goes into making a product, from farm to fork and beyond. As an example, Kraft cites the YES Pack. In the U.S., the Kraft YES Pack salad dressing team used LCA to confirm that their design has a reduced environmental impact, using 60% less plastic packaging than the previous container. In the U.K., the Kenco coffee team used LCA to confirm its new Eco-Refill package delivered a 70% savings in the packaging's carbon impact footprint compared to its glass counterpart. And in Europe, the Tassimo single-serve beverage team’s LCA showed they could reduce the carbon footprint of each T Disc beverage ingredient package by about 20% when upcycling them with partner TerraCycle and diverting them from landfills.

Have you tried the new AppleMango Applesauce from GoGo squeeZ? My Girls Have and Loved It! (Review and Giveaway)

100% fruit, squeezable applesauce in convenient, re-sealable pouches that offer a wholesome snack for kids and families on-the-go • SqueeZ ¾ serving of fruit into your day with just one pouch • Gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, and made with no artificial flavors or preservatives – it’s simply all-natural! • At only 60 calories, it’s a healthy snack to feel good about sharing with your kids • Kosher certified • Available in 7 yummy flavors: AppleApple, AppleStrawberry, AppleCinnamon, AppleBanana, ApplePeach, AppleBerry and newly introduced, AppleMango The first time I introduced Savannah to applesauce was the the GoGo squeeZpouches I found at my local Target. She enjoyed the apple puree I used to feed her as a baby, so I couldn't wait to see if she liked applesauce as she got older and ate more advanced more. Within what seemed like a minute, she has sucked the applesauce out of the pouch and was asking for more. I guess she liked applesauce. :-) So, I continued to experiment with other brands of applesauce, only to find her not interested in them. Instead of eating them quickly, she would either take a spoonful and spit it out, or just walk away. But, as soon as I gave her a GoGo squeeZ pouch, her eyes lit up and she smiled, as she grabbed the pouch from me and sat down to enjoy it. A few weeks ago, I found out that GoGo squeeZ was introducing a new flavor to their mix, AppleMango, as well as updating their packaging. I couldn't wait to try these with Savannah and see what she thoughts. So, the kind folks at GoGo squeeZ sent me a box to try, as well as a canvas tote and two apple squeeZy balls for the girls to play with. As soon as I had the pouches chilled, I took one pouch out of the refrigerator to give to Savannah. She hesitated at first, but after I tried it, she wanted some. From her initial try, she was hooked, and wanted more. Within minutes she finished this pouch and asked for another. And, that night I caught her sneaking a squirt of this tasty applesauce with her little sister. My husband walked over to them, and Arabella was licking her lips. I guess we have two GoGo squeeZ fans in our house. Have you had a chance to try this new flavor or other applesauce flavors from GoGo squeeZ? If not, you should give them a try. I especially love how they come in the handy pouches, which I can take on the go and give the girls as a snack. And, they are small enough for them to grab and hold on it. Within 2 days, we have our 4-pack box of AppleMangogone, and I found myself heading to the store this past weekend to pick up more. With summer coming, these handy pouches of applesauce will definitely be a staple in my diaper bag. ---BUY NOW--- GoGo squeeZ is available at major retailers nationwide, including Walmart, Target, Costco, Kroger and Whole Foods, for a suggested retail price of $2.99 per four-pack. For more information, please visit: www.gogosqueez.com or find them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. ---GIVEAWAY--- One lucky reader will win a GoGo squeeZ prize pack, which will include the following: · 4-pack of AppleMango · GoGo squeeZ “Always Play” canvas tote bag · GoGo squeeZ airplanes and apple squeeZy balls To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck! About GoGo squeeZ: All natural GoGo squeeZ is a no-spoon, no-mess way to enjoy fruit on-the-go. These tasty pouches are jam packed with squeezable goodness that is perfect for kids to enjoy before, during and after play! Like simple imaginative play our products are always good for you, leave you with a smile and can be enjoyed anywhere the grand adventure takes you. GoGo squeeZ is focused on making the world a better place now and in the future. • Partnership with upcycling and recycling pioneer TerraCycle®, Inc. creates a way for families to recycle used GoGo squeeZ pouches • TerraCycle, Inc. is a global company that collects post-consumer waste and turns it into community playgrounds, affordable eco-friendly products, and much more

TerraCycle, $ por la basura!

Hoy les dejo este sitio, esta muy buena la idea de recolectar y reutilizar la basura! Si bien ellos le buscan el lado económico a la situación, es un buen ejemplo para tener en cuenta!
La misión de TerraCycle es eliminar la idea de la basura. Nuestra finalidad es crear sistemas nacionales de reciclaje para los materiales que hasta ahora no son reciclables. El proceso comienza con la implementación de la oferta gratuita de programas de recolección de tu basura para luego convertir los desechos recolectados en nuevos productos económicos y ecológicos. Ya son más de 15 millones de personas recolectando basura en 11 países. Desde la creación de TerraCycle hemos impedido que mil millones de unidades de basura lleguen a los basurales. Nuestra esperanza es eliminar la idea de la basura creando sistemas de recolección y dando soluciones para cualquier tipo de basura evitando que termine en nuestros tachos de basura. Fundado en el 2001, por un alumno universitario del primer año de la Universidad de Princeton, llamado Tom Szaky, TerraCycle empezó como una compañía de fertilizante orgánico y ha llegado a ser una de las más fuertes en productos ecológicos en el mundo. Tom tuvo el sueño de encontrar una nueva forma de hacer negocios más responsables, que beneficiarían al planeta, a la gente y al negocio.
El sitio es: http://www.terracycle.com.ar Dense una vuelta y chusmeen que tiene cosas muy interesantes! :)

Kraft Foods Releases Lifecycle Assessment of Environmental Impacts

Most people have heard the saying that you can't improve what you can't measure. But, measurement can be complex and time-consuming, especially when it comes to figuring out how to reduce environmental impacts. That’s why Kraft Foods is using lifecycle assessment (LCA) to help it make the right changes and get the best results. For example, in the United States, the Kraft YES Pack salad dressing team used LCA to confirm their design has a reduced environmental impact, using 60% less plastic packaging than the previous container. And in Europe, the Tassimo single-serve beverage team's LCA showed they could reduce the carbon footprint of each T Disc beverage ingredient package by about 20% when upcycling them with partner TerraCycle and diverting them from landfills.