Charles H. Bullock School Gets Treats During Testing

No one likes tests, but last week kids at Montclair’s Charles H. Bullock School were treated with healthy snacks from Clif Bar during NJASK testing.  “Yum!”, “Delicious!”, and “Really good!” were several ways Charles H. Bullock School (CHB) students described their treats, which were donated by Clif Bar, one of the only private, sustainable and organic energy bar companies. “Since intense concentration requires a significant energy expenditure, refueling with foods containing high quality ingredients is key,” states Christine Langton, CHB’s school nurse.  “All of Clif Bar’s products have organic ingredients and are free of trans fats, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup, making them an excellent snack choice.”

Brigadas Tang y los chicos en el comercial BiciBus en campaña para reciclar

Brigadas Tang y los chicos en el comercial BiciBus en campaña para reciclar. La empresa Kraft Foods y su marca de jugos en polvo, lanzó el comercial ?BiciBus? que reúne imágenes de los chicos que se sumaron a la propuesta de reciclado durante el año 2011. Por su éxito, el programa tiene continuidad durante 2012 para seguir almacenando los sobres vacíos y luego reutilizarlos y generar distintos productos ecológicos.

Carta de publicidad 1584

Agencia: Ogylvi & Mather Argentina Anunciante: Kraft-Foods Productora: Puenzo Hnos Tema: Bicibus Duración: 40 minutos Directores generales creativos: Maximiliano Magdalena / Javier Mentasti Directores de arte: Maximiliano Elbo/ Celeste Daliarac Redactores: Tomas Gianelli/ Mariana Peluffo Directora de cuentas: Guadalupe Acuña Jefe Audiovisual: Valeria Pinto Productor: Alejandro Travaglini Director: Juan Poclava Edición: Laureano Rizzo Productor ejecutivo: José Sánchez Varela Director de producción: Nicolás Hoffman Postproducción: Puenzo Hnos. Postproductora: Sofía Tau Director de Fotografía: Wilson Rodriguez Cámara: Red Epic Banda musical: Néctar Música Tema: Everybody needs somebody to love Responsable por el anunciante: Federico Andino/ Andrés Guaragna

Comercial sobre una acción de RSE

Tang presenta el nuevo comercial  "BICI BUS", donde se refleja el logro de todos los chicos que se sumaron "Programa de reutilización de sobres de bebidas en polvo" desarrollado en forma conjunta por Tang Y Terracycle durante 2011. El programa único en su tipo en Argentina, convoco a mas de 350.000 chicos que se unieron para conformar mas de 1.100 brigadas Tang y lograron recolectar 500.000 sobres. La nueva pieza de Tang se integra a la campaña 360º, que abarca vía pública, TV, y gráfica, entre otros medios para mostrarle al mundo esta iniciativa. El comercial fue creado por Ogilvy & Mather Argentina, con dirección general creativa de Maximiliano Magdalena, y Javier Mentasti, y Diego Grandi como head of art. La productora fue Puenzo Hnos y el director Juan Poclava.

Method Expands Recycling Program To All Cleaner Packaging

After launching the Method Refill Brigade® in 2011, Method, the leading innovator in premium, environmentally-conscious household and personal care products, and upcycling/recycling pioneer TerraCycle, Inc. have now expanded the program to accept pumps, triggers, refill pouches and almost any cleaner product packaging, regardless of brand. Schools, offices, families or individuals can collect traditionally non-recyclable cleaner packaging and send it to TerraCycle to earn money for charity gifts and donations through the newly dubbed Cleaner Packaging Brigade. The collected packaging will be turned into trash cans, coolers and other home goods.

Method expands recycling to all types of cleaner packaging

After launching the Method Refill Brigade in 2011, Method, an innovator in environmentally-conscious household and personal care products, and upcycling/recycling pioneer TerraCycle, Inc. have now expanded the program to accept pumps, triggers, refill pouches and almost any cleaner product packaging, regardless of brand. Schools, offices, families or individuals can collect traditionally non-recyclable cleaner packaging and send it to TerraCycle to earn money for charity through the newly dubbed Cleaner Packaging Brigade. The collected packaging will be turned into trash cans, coolers and other home goods. "Packaging sustainability is a core priority built into the design of every Method product," says Adam Lowry, Method co-founder and chief greenskeeper. "In addition to the recyclable packaging we make from recycled materials, we want every part of a cleaning bottle to be used again, including parts that aren't accepted by most recycling systems, like triggers and pumps. Our goal with this Brigade is to ultimately collect more triggers and pumps than we actually manufacture, which would substantially improve the packaging footprint of not only Method, but our competitors as well." Lowry says he believes that by expanding Method's partnership with Terracycle to accept packaging from all cleaning product companies, they can work to reduce landfill waste and replace the use of virgin materials while saving energy and carbon emissions.

Mason's Cup of Tea

Have you ever walked into a small gift-type store and seen those recycled clutch purses made out of candybar wrappers and the like? I always thought they were the bees knees, and would love to have one of my own, except I'm a guy. My sister doesn't use clutch purses (I think...), so I can't get her one either. However, yesterday my life took a turn in a different direction. I found this website called "TerraCycle." You can send in your pre-sorted wast to them (via pre-paid shipping label) and they turn it in to awesome stuff via recycling or upcycling. Very neat. Feel free to click this link to see some of their awesome stuff.

Kids show the way on recycling

In honour of Earth Month, TerraCycle Canada is recognizing its top 10 waste-collecting schools. Hamilton’s Holbrook Elementary School placed seventh, diverting 7,448 units of waste from landfills during the past six months – September 2011 to February 2012. The school collects drink pouches, personal care and beauty packaging, plastic diaper packaging, inkjets, e-waste (cell phones and laptops) and coffee packaging through Brigades® programs sponsored by brands such as Kool-Aid, Garnier, Huggies and Tas- simo. Holbrook School earns anywhere from two points (equal to $0.02) to 500 points (equal to $5.00) for every piece of waste received.