Waldorf School of Baltimore Awarded Maryland Green School Certification

In the 2013-14 school year, the Waldorf School of Baltimore officially adopted an Environmental Science & Sustainability program into its curriculum – each middle school grade generally spends two hours in the morning for three consecutive weeks with experiential ecoliteracy lessons that focus on transportation, water and plants. WSB's ecoliteracy efforts also include: Student Council school-wide TerraCycle campaign

Wat gaat de Scharmhof doen voor Stichting Service Dogs?

Via de BIC Schrijfwaren Brigade van het recycle bedrijf TerraCycle is het mogelijk om gebruikte pennen te recyclen. Ingeleverde exemplaren leveren 2 cent per stuk op. Dit wordt gedoneerd aan Stichting Service Dogs. Het mes snijdt aan twee kanten. Stichting Service Dogs ontvangt een vergoeding en de ingeleverde materialen krijgen een nieuwe bestemming. Denk bij voorbeeld aan een prullenmand of een gieter. In de regio Assen zijn het afgelopen jaar al bijna 50.000 pennen en andere materialen ingeleverd. Daar wil de Scharmhof ook graag een steentje aan bijdragen. Service Dogs komt naar de Scharmhof toe om de kinderen een korte presentatie te geven over wat de hulphond allemaal kan doen. Op school zullen we alle gebruikte pennen en stiften bewaren. Doet u dit vooral ook thuis en op uw werk. Alle pennen kunnen ingeleverd worden op de leerpleinen. Hier staan grote ronde blikken voorzien van het Service Dogs logo. De volgende materialen kunt u WEL inleveren: correctie tapes, balpennen, markeerstiften, vulpotloden, markers, correctieflesjes en viltstiften. En dit kunt u NIET inleveren: liniaal, lijm en gum Bedankt voor uw deelname. We zullen u via de weekbrief op de hoogte houden van de voortgang van de spaaractie.

Waldorf School of Baltimore Awarded Maryland Green School Certification

The Waldorf School of Baltimore (WSB) has achieved recertification as a 2014 Maryland Green School, an award winning program founded in 1999 by The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education. Recognition as a Maryland Green School is a significant accomplishment and exemplifies Waldorf School of Baltimore's whole school commitment to environmental literacy for staff, students and the community. In the 2013-14 school year, the Waldorf School of Baltimore officially adopted an Environmental Science & Sustainability program into its curriculum – each middle school grade generally spends two hours in the morning for three consecutive weeks with experiential ecoliteracy lessons that focus on transportation, water and plants. WSB's ecoliteracy efforts also include: Building a willow tunnel and timber-frame playhouse on the school playground; Student Council school-wide TerraCycle campaign; Utilizing completely biodegradable dishware, composting and recycling stations, and partnerships with Whole Foods and Waste Neutral for virtually waste-free private and public events; School grounds certified by BayWise and the National Wildlife Federation; Gardening efforts awarded by the Maryland Master Gardener Association; and Completely pesticide-free landscaping practices to ensure the optimum health of students and top-bar honeybee colony.

Monatsbuch der guten Taten

Wir sind zu sechst, es wird Kaffee nur in Bio und fair getrunken, viel Bio gekauft, und über Energiemanagement muss ich mir zumindest im Moment noch keinen Kopf machen. Wenig nachhaltig: alle rauchen und alle trinken Bier. Trägt zumindest zum Spaß in der WG bei. Für das Kippenproblem hat sich auch zufällig eine Lösung gefunden: TerraCycle macht Stummelrecycling, seit heute sind wir ein Sammelteam. Denn das finde ich ja mal eine wirklich gute Idee, aus dem, was zumindest optisch und olfaktorisch mit die größte Verschmutzung darstellt (außer versifften Platiktüten) was Neues zu produzieren.

Meet: Green Alley – Connecting Green Ideas

Already at Green Alley: TerraCycle

The first company located in the renovated factory building in Berlin Wedding is TerraCycle that recycles waste that hasn’t been recycled before. The company provides free waste collection programs for hard to recycle materials like used pens or tooth care products in cooperation with manufacturers like Colgate or BiC.

Such waste is being collected and recycled or upcycled into new products with the aim to reduce the amount of waste. The collection programs exist only through the engagement of consumers who send their waste to TerraCycle for free. For each item sent to TerraCycle, a two cent donation to a charity organization of the collector’s choice will be made.

Kimberly-Clark Professional Launches Innovative RightCycle Programme to Recycle Single-Use Cleanroom and Laboratory Gloves and Garments

The programme, called RightCycle, makes it easy to dispose of previously hard-to-recycle garments such as coveralls, gloves, hoods, boot covers and hairnets in a sustainable manner. The used items are simply placed in a RightCycle collection box or the operator's own box. Full boxes are assembled onto pallets and collected by Kimberly-Clark Professional programme partner TerraCycle.