Class Notes for May 12: Riverview Charter School

HELPING HANDS The school is participating in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and TerraCycle. Through this program, students are cleaning up the environment and earning money for their school. By simply collecting drink pouches from the lunchroom or classroom, Riverview Charter School students can win playgrounds, park benches and recycling bins for their school or community. Read more here: http://www.islandpacket.com/2014/05/09/3102719/class-notes-for-may-12.html?sp=/99/257/266/1397/#storylink=cpy


Társaságunk az idei évben is örömmel csatlakozott az országos méretű tavaszi szemétszedési megmozduláshoz a TeSzedd! önkéntes programhoz. Az évről évre egyre több embert megmozgató rendezvény 3 napos időtartama alatt mintegy 110 ezer önkéntes segítőt csalt a helyszínekre. A rendezvény célja, hogy Magyarországot közösen megtisztítsuk a guruló hulladéktól. Az OHU által szervezett akció ebben az évben csatlakozott az Európai Bizottság EWWR LIFE+ programja keretében meghirdetett „Tisztítsuk meg Európát!" kezdeményezéshez. A nemzetközi összefogásnak köszönhetően május 10-én 16 európai uniós és 5, a közösségen kívüli országban tartottak a TeSzedd!-hez hasonló szemétgyűjtési akciót.

Tipp der Woche! - Recycling, Upcycling: Neue Arten der Wiederverwertung

Wir alle kennen es, wir alle tun es: Recycling. Plastik gehört in den gelben Sack, Papier in die blaue Tonne und Pfandflaschen gehen zurück zum Supermarkt. Manche von euch haben vielleicht sogar eine Komposttonne im Garten, in der aus Essensresten wieder gute Erde wird. Das ist soweit nichts Neues. Was ihr vielleicht noch nicht wisst: man kann mit seinen alten Zahnbürsten und Plastiktüten noch viel coolere Dinge anstellen, als sie einfach in den gelben Sack zu werfen. Genau das haben sich auch die Gründer von „TerraCycle“ gedacht und eine Initiative ins Lebens gerufen, die Müll einen ganz neuen Wert gibt. Bei TerraCycle könnt ihr sogenannte Sammelteams gründen und euch mit einem bestimmten Produkt auf der Website anmelden - zum Beispiel mit Zahnbürsten und Stiften. Es gibt einen Leitfaden zum Herunterladen, was beim Sammeln alles beachtet werden muss. Sobald ihr glaubt dass ihr genug gesammelt habt, bekommen ihr von TerraCycle eine kostenlose Marke zugeschickt, mit der ihr euren Müll an das Unternehmen in Stuttgart schickt. Je nach der Menge die ihr eingeschickt habt bekommt ihr dann als Team TerraCycle Punkte gutgeschrieben, die ihr bei verschiedenen ökologischen und sozialen Zwecken einlösen könnt. So könnt ihr mit euren Punkten zum Beispiel Bäume pflanzen, mittellosen Kindern helfen oder jeden Punkt in einen Cent umwandeln und ihn an ein Projekt eurer Wahl spenden.

#Upcycling: Exploring a Trend Tailor-Made for Digital Culture

Upcycling,” or the creation of new objects from old or used items, is the latest craze in sustainable living. Spurred by the continued growth of the blogosphere and new platforms that are ripe for inspirational visual content (think Instagram and Pinterest), upcycling is quickly becoming a cultural movement driven by digital content.   Per the Oxford Dictionary, the key attribute of an “upcycled” product is that the result is of higher quality or value than the original. In short, enthusiasts of the trend ascribe to a “higher order” of recycling in which reused items are reincarnated in a better state than they were in before. Upcycling represents the intersection of sustainability and art, and therefore plays well within digital platforms known for showcasing and inspiring via visual content. Digital agency 360i’s Insights group took a closer look at the growth of the upcycle movement, digging through the data to learn more about the trend and what opportunities exist for brands.   Research analysis around the “upcycling” trend provides some key takeaways for marketers interested in connecting their brands to this trend. In order to ensure this movement is the right opportunity, marketers will want to confirm that their audience would identify with upcycling and align their content strategy with the places and ways in which people are sharing. Marketers looking to incorporate upcycling into their digital strategies can capitalize on the trend by providing added value to the conversation and using relevant keywords in their content. For example, 360i client Kraft Cheese recently partnered with TerraCycle (an organization committed to recycling/upcycling) to recycle more than 1.2 million pieces of cheese packaging for Earth Day, andshared this map on Facebook highlighting the top donating states.

Entenmann’s #giveaway (coupons, Home Depot gift card)

My boys and I have been enjoying Entenmann’s Little Bites and their varieties of donuts for a while. My youngest has just finished up learning about reduce, reuse, recycle at school. He is still eager to do his part which I think is wonderful. He loves that he can do little things here and there to make a big difference in the long run. He also loves doing things that can help raise money for his school. The Entenmann’s Little Bites “Recycle… Reuse… Replenish” Fully Recyclable Lunch Earth Day campaign taught him the importance of reducing waste while earning money for his school by redeeming his Entenmann’s Little Bites pouches for cash and points with recycling partner TerraCycle® through the Entenmann’s Little Bites Pouch Brigade®. There are other Brigade programs you can do as well to raise money for schools. After kids snack on their favorite Entenmann’s Little Bites muffins and brownies, including the newest flavor Strawberry Yogurt, they send the empty pouches to TerraCycle to be turned into new products. Here are a few examples of ways you and your child(ren) can help… Entenmann’s Little Bites “Recycle…Reuse…Replenish” Fully Recyclable Lunch Tips: Recycle - Check-it: look for numbers and recycling symbols on plastics to know what types get reused - Not sure what to do with your Little Bites pouches? Now you can recycle them with the TerraCycle Brigade programs and sign up your school if it is not already participating. Check out what other lunch items TerraCycle recycles Reuse - Put your sandwich in reusable lunchbox container to take home and use again - Before you toss anything away, stop to think about how you might be able to use it again. TerraCycle’s team of designers makes products out of wrappers and packaging. Check out these DIY project ideas. Replenish - Have any leftovers from lunch? Before you throw away, make sure to check out what biodegradable foods can be brought back home to be added to a compost pile. - Then make your own compost at home! Be sure to include the three basic ingredients: Browns (dead leaves, branches, twigs, cardboard, newspaper), Greens (grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit scraps, coffee grounds) and Water to make an effective outdoor composting area. Check out more info from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Giveaway! One winner will receive a Entenmann’s reusable lunch bag ($15 value), (4) $5 Entenmann’s free product coupons and (1) $25 Home Depot gift card. Use the giveaway form below to get entries to this giveaway. This giveaway will close May 15, 2014 and this giveaway is open to US residents only, sorry.

TerraCycle and Colgate Partner for Playgrounds

We came across this story because of the repurposing challenge through a program partnership initiated by Colgate® with schools. The Recycled Playground Challenge created by TerraCycle®, a highly-awarded, international upcycling and recycling company that collects difficult-to-recycle packaging and products, is collaborating with Colgate® on this effort. TerraCycle® repurposes material into affordable, innovative products. The goal of TerraCycle® is to be a trusted resource for schools, communities, families and corporations, to find out information and news that will help live a greener and cleaner lifestyle. https://www.terracycle.com/en-US/ TerraCycle® and Colgate® have partnered to create the Colgate Oral Care Brigade®, a free recycling program for oral care product packaging and a fundraising opportunity for participants. Colgate Oral Care Brigade’s accepted waste includes:
  • Toothpaste tubes and caps
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste tube outer packaging
  • Floss containers
For more information and to see how you can get involved, click here for more details.http://www.terracycle.com/en-US/brigades/colgate.html Thank you TerraCycle® and Colgate® for your efforts to help us be cognizant of our recycling habits for a more sustainable way of living, while focusing on oral hygiene at the same time!

Richard Maghakian Memorial School students cleaning up to raise funds

Richard Maghakian Memorial School students are cleaning up the environment and earning money for their school. By simply collecting drink pouches from the lunchroom or classroom, Richard Maghakian Memorial School students can win playgrounds, park benches and recycling bins for their school or community. The school participates in the Drink Pouch Brigade, a free recycling program for individuals or groups from Capri Sun and eco-pioneer TerraCycle. To mark the milestone of almost 200 million drink pouches collected and almost $4 million given to charity since the start of the program six years ago, Capri Sun is increasing the prizes and benefits of recycling through the program. In addition to earning money for each drink pouch collected and sent to TerraCycle, schools can now win prizes made from recycle drink pouches, like park benches, recycling bins and more. “As the Drink Pouch Brigade reaches its sixth year, we are thrilled Capri Sun is giving dedicated collectors even more to look forward to this school year,” said Tom Szaky, CEO, TerraCycle. “We hope the prizes will encourage people to keep even more waste out of landfills and get the larger community involved.” Richard Maghakian Memorial School is one of thousands of schools across the country that participate in the Drink Pouch Brigade. To learn more about or sign up for the program, visit www.terracycle.com. The program is free to any interested organization or individual, and all shipping costs are paid.  

Garnier & TerraCycle to Build More Green Gardens Made from Non-recyclable Beauty Waste

NEW YORK -- Last year, Garnier and TerraCycle transformed over 1,500 pounds of recycled personal care waste into a one-of-a-kind Garnier Green Garden in New York City. This year, Garnier and TerraCycle have announced the nationwide rollout of the Garnier Green Garden Project, a program designed to create gardens for deserving communities. In a contest called, "Where Should Our Garden Grow?" Garnier and TerraCycle have asked for public participation to help choose the most deserving community organization to receive the next Green Garden, capable of yielding more than 2000 pounds of vegetables, fruit, herbs and flowers. The gardens not only provide communities with a safe space to connect and enjoy nature, but they also allow residents to grow their own fresh food. The beauty waste to be used in the garden is collected through Garnier's Personal Care and Beauty Brigade®, a free recycling and fundraising program that pays for every piece of waste collected and returned to TerraCycle. The collected beauty waste, which would otherwise be destined for landfills, consists of non-recyclable hair care, skin care and cosmetic packaging. These products will be recycled by TerraCycle to create many of the plastic components of the garden, such as raised beds, picnic tables and trash cans. Each Garnier Green Garden will include the following features:
  • 100% completely recycled materials
  • Designated areas for garden plants
  • Rest and seating areas
  • Beautiful and practical design and landscaping
Having received hundreds of nominations during the initial contest entry phase, Garnier and TerraCycle narrowed the candidates down to these five deserving organizations. The Green Scheme in Washington, D.C. One of the only African-American-led environmental non-profits in D.C., the Green Scheme's main initiatives are urban agriculture, food security, and health. They use music, fashion and popular culture to draw connections between healing the earth and healing our communities. Their programs educate about such crucial community concerns as environmental issues and access to healthy food options. The ReFresh Project in New Orleans, L.A. The ReFresh Community Farm is a new teaching farm located in Treme/Mid-City New Orleans on the site of the ReFresh Project. This initiative will teach community members how to grow food and find space to grow for themselves. The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative in Detroit, M.I. The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative is a non-profit organization based in Detroit's North End community which uses agriculture as a platform to promote education, community, and sustainability. Garfield Park in Chicago, I.L. Garfield Park offers healthy foods and nutritional education in Chicago. They produced over 1,000 pounds of food in their Fulton Street Flower and Vegetable Garden last year. They're also a source of jobs and job training for teens and adults. Social Justice Learning Institute in Los Angeles, C.A. The Social Justice Learning Institute provides a garden for the community to grow food in Inglewood, CA. They offer space for cooking and gardening classes and are committed to community development and helping individuals make healthy decisions for themselves. "We are thrilled to have created a program that impacts the quality of life for an entire community," said David Greenberg, President of Maybelline New York-Garnier-essie. "Our commitment to sustainability isn't just about keeping beauty packaging waste out of landfills, but it's also about reusing that waste and providing afoundation for greener living." "For TerraCycle, collecting beauty waste is only the first part of the story," said Tom Szaky, TerraCycle CEO. "Garnier's decisions to reuse it in a way that not only beautifies a neighborhood, but that can improve the quality of life for the people there, should be a model for other companies that want to give back." The Personal Care and Beauty Brigade is open to any interested individual, school, office or community organization that wants to protect the planet and make a difference. About Garnier Garnier is a mass market cosmetics brand of L'Oréal that produces hair care and skin care products. The company started as Laboratoires Garnier in 1904, and was acquired by L'Oréal in the 1970s. Current product lines include Fructis shampoos and conditioners, and Nutrisse hair color. Garnier is sold in numerous countries wordwide, with specific product lines targeted for different skin types and cultures. In 2011, Garnier partnered with TerraCycle to promote upcycling of product containers and the introduction of biodegradable products. About TerraCycle, Inc. TerraCycle is an international upcycling and recycling company that takes difficult-to recycle-packaging and turns it into affordable, innovative products. Founded in 2001, TerraCycle is the world's leader in the collection and reuse of non-recyclable post-consumer waste, working with more than 40 major brands globally to collect used packaging and products that would otherwise be destined for landfills. TerraCycle repurposes that waste into new, innovative materials and products that are available online and through major retailers. The waste is collected through TerraCycle's Brigade programs, which are free fundraisers that pay for every piece of waste collected and returned.