El día 17 de Mayo se celebra el Día del Reciclaje. Coincidiendo con esta fecha BIC® y TerraCycle® quieren anunciar el reciclaje de más de 1.000.000 de instrumentos de escritura. Gracias a este programa, las organizaciones recolectan instrumentos de escriturapara ayudar a las asociaciones que ellos elijan.
Leere Zahnpastatuben und alte Zahnbürsten landen bei den Volksschülern und Kindergartenkindern nicht mehr im Müll, sondern werden, über ein von der Zahnpflegemarke Colgate und dem Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle ins Leben gerufene Programm, recycelt. Denn für jede Zahnbürste, die kostenlos an die Firma TerraCycle geschickt wird, erhält die Volksschule Maria Bild 2 Cent, die sie an die Kinder-Krebs- Hilfe spenden möchte.
Colgate announced that it would participate in a recycling effort with ShopRite stores in a recycling initiative launched by TerraCycle.
The program, which is scheduled to last through June 30, targets eligible schools located throughout New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, and Maryland. If they join the Oral Care Brigade program, the schools compete for a new playground made completely of recycled material.
The free recycling program allows schools to earn one “Playground Credit” for each shipment of empty toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes, and floss containers sent to TerraCycle.
The winning school with the most Playground Credits will be announced by July 18, and the playground will be installed at the beginning of the 2014–2015 school year.
“At TerraCycle, collecting the oral care waste is only half of the story,” explained Tom Szaky, TerraCycle founder and CEO. “The real magic happens when our partners choose to reuse the waste in a way that has a lasting benefit for a community, like Colgate and ShopRite have done with these playgrounds.”
Stephanie Burnette, Contributor 12:26 p.m. EDT May 7, 2014
The baby food market expanded 28 percent during the last five years. A good bit of the increase can be attributed to disposable food pouches.
This month’s Take 5 looks at the ups, downs and in-betweens of this booming trend.
• The average baby food pouch holds about 100 calories of pureed food (typically a mixture of fruits, vegetables and grains). As of this month, they still cost 30 – 60 percent more than a jarred equivalent. The inner layer of the pouch is made of BPA-free polypropylene, the outer layer is printed foil and they are 10 times lighter than a classic glass jar.
• Pouches are amazing for on-the-go moments. In an airport? Baby gets fed in a sterile, efficient way. Need a snack? Toddlers can squeeze to self-feed.
• Spoon-feeding helps develop oral motor skills and a proper swallowing mechanism. Eating baby food from a pouch is more akin to drinking from a straw.
• TerraCycle and Ella’s Kitchen created the Baby Food Pouch Brigade, which recycles any brand of pouch or cap. Download a prepaid shipping label and mail them in for a reward-based program. Learn more at
• Reusable options are flooding the market, such as Little Green Pouch and Squeeze’Ems. Prices range from $4 – 6 per pouch, but can be used indefinitely. You fill them and you clean them.
Közösen tisztíthatják meg a szeméttől környezetüket azok az önkéntesek, akik jelentkeznek az
Országos Hulladékgazdálkodási Ügynökség (OHÜ) háromnapos országtisztító akciójára. A TerraCycle-lel való együttműködésüknek köszönhetően a TeSzedd! során külön gyűjtött csikkeket pedig még újra is hasznosítják.
20 helyszínen, közel 1.500 főt vár május 9-11. között a FŐKERT Nonprofit Zrt. az idén negyedik alkalommal megrendezésre kerülő TeSzedd! elnevezésű akció keretein belül.