Tiffany Threadgould is living a DIY life. The Chief Design Junkie at TerraCycle, an international waste management company headquartered in Trenton, New Jersey, grew up recycling. So when it came time to furnish her post-college New York City apartment on the cheap, upcycling was a natural next step. “I was just taking cast offs from the street and making things from found objects,” Threadgould says. “It wasn’t really environmental — it was more about cost.”
As we began filming TerraCycle’s reality-television show, “
Human Resources,” we quickly became aware of the challenges of walking the line between promotion and entertainment. We wanted our clients, customers, vendors, investors and staff to be comfortable with the direction of the show. But we also wanted to keep the content engaging and entertaining enough for viewers.
Ne jetez plus vos crayons, depuis la rentrée, le Haut Pays bigouden les récupère. Des boîtes de collecte dédiées ont été installées dans les dix mairies du territoire, ainsi que dans les établissements scolaires et périscolaires qui le souhaitaient. Dans ces boîtes, chacun pourra venir déposer tous ses stylos hors d'usage. Sont collectés : les stylos à bille, les feutres, les porte-mines, les effaceurs, les marqueurs, les surligneurs, les correcteurs en tube ou en souris. Les articles non-acceptés sont : les crayons à papier, les règles, la colle et les gommes. Ces crayons seront ensuite expédiés à la société Terracycle, qui récupérera tout le plastique contenu dans ces crayons. Une fois extrudé, celui-ci retrouvera une seconde vie en devenant arrosoir, jardinière, sac à dos, trousse ou bien encore pot à... crayons !
Copper River Salon and Spa is the area's very progressive socio-cultural-environmentally conscious center for beauty and wellness supporting local non-profits, women's causes and partnering with TerraCycle with recycling beauty product containers and practicing green preservation n her salon.
FES Venture Elementary is the top state collector of cereal bags in the MOM Brands Cereal Bag Brigade, a free, national recycling program created by a partnership between MOM Brands and TerraCycle. By collecting waste from its MOM Brands cereal packaging, the school has helped to divert 1.203 units of cereal bag waste from landfills.
חברות רבות מתהדרות בניסיונותיהן להגיע למצב האידאלי של "אפס-פסולת", אך למעשה הן רחוקות שנות אור מלהשיג אותו. מה בדיוק משמעות המושג ועד כמה באמת ניתן ליישמו?
Projeto da Faber-Castell em parceria com a TerraCycle mantém mais de 3,6 toneladas de instrumentos de escrita longe dos lixões e aterros sanitários.
We have become a nation of consumers. We buy stuff, throw away the packaging that all of our stuff comes in and REPEAT. We are literally running out of landfills. In order to save our Earth we have to decrease our carbon footprint. Recycling the packaging from all of our stuff is a great way to start. Terracycle is the world's leader in
upcycling and recycling previously non-recyclable post-consumer waste that would otherwise be destined for landfills.
Terracycle has a complete line of affordable innovative products that were re-purposed from used packaging and products.
A reminder that you can recycle your baby food pouches (and other waste as well) with TerraCycle. Their program makes it very easy and you also have the opportunity to earn various rewards! Check out their website and discover the different programs they offer. Every little bit helps!