Un lycée qui consulte son agenda 21

Un grand nombre d'actions ont ainsi été dégagées: > Tri des déchets. Dans les dortoirs, le tri sélectif a été pensé. Une démarche intéressante puisque les internes, provenant de territoires différents ne pratiquant pas le tri de la même façon, peuvent confronter leurs expériences. > Stylos. Le matériel d'écriture, stylos, feutres, effaceurs, surligneurs, est récupéré et envoyé à une société, Terracycle, qui le recycle. > Biodiversité. Emmanuel Boursion a mis en place la technique de la gestion différenciée. La fréquence des interventions sur les espaces verts se fait selon les usages, le nombre de personnes qui les utilisent, la période de l'année. Des vivaces ont remplacé les annuelles. Les plantes à pollen et les couvre-sols sont préférés. Le recours au paillis, fait sur place, est préféré afin de ne plus avoir recours à l'arrosage. L'entretien se fait sans machines à moteurs. Le « zéro pesticide » sera généralisé progressivement. Les herbes vagabondes sont arrachées avec une binette, en attendant le traitement par la chaleur. La largeur des chemins a été rétrécie afin de diminuer les interventions.

School wins recycling challenge

Cedar Forest Elementary School in Spotsylvania County is one of five winning organizations in the country that helped collect and recycle more than 2.5 million Elmer’s glue sticks and glue bottles as part of a nationwide recycling contest. In the Elmer’s Classroom Cleanup Challenge, students and teachers sent their empty glue sticks and glue bottles to TerraCycle through the Elmer’s Glue Crew Brigade. “They were able to help the environment and earn money for the charity of their choice,” Emma Swanson of TerraCycle noted in an email. According to a press release from TerraCycle, teachers and students at Cedar Forest took part in the program at the end of the last school year. The idea was to ensure that less classroom waste made its way into the landfill.


As regular readers know, Campus News is often asked to review items from companies large and small. We only review items that actually pertain to our audience, and then, after testing them, usually give them to staff and readers via our Facebook page. In our mailbag also came an actual mailbag! A small company called TerraCycle is making what they are saying is an iPad case made of recycled post-office mail bags. They are very unique, and do fit a 10” tablet fine. They have lots of little pockets, too. You should still have a protective case on your tablet – this offers little protection from bangs and drops – or you could just use this bag for carrying your note pads and various instruments. It seems suitable for a male or female.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Breakfast

Calling breakfast the most important meal of the day is no exaggeration. Without breakfast, your metabolism can suffer, performance and concentration are apt to decrease, and hunger throughout the day can result in overeating during future meals. In addition to nutrition, a growing number of consumers are finding that there are other aspects of breakfast that are important. For them, making the most of breakfast includes watching how they spend their money and not wasting anything they buy. To help, here are some tips on how to get the most out of your breakfast—and your money.

Entrepreneurs: Stick To What You Know Best

Outsourcing: if your small business isn't doing it, you're doing something wrong. Before you light the torches and sharpen the pitchforks, I don't mean outsourcing to China. Let's take a step back, I see it happen often - many small businesses attempt to master every corner of their business model without venturing outward to third parties for help. Instead of partnering with a corporate IT firm, they establish an in-house IT department that employs a full-time specialist with a salary and benefits; instead of contracting an experienced manufacturer, they pay to operationalize their own manufacturing facilities.