4 School Year Resolutions for Going Green

Back to school is the perfect time for making school year resolutions to go green. Habits developed in September can easily last throughout the year. By taking the time to discuss how our actions impact our planet with our children, we show them that it matters and instill eco-friendly values and a sense of responsibility that they can carry with them throughout their lifetime. Here are 4 achievable school year resolutions for going green this year from National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA program:

Orange is the new green

It’s break time at Oregon Department of Corrections’ Central Distribution Center, where all the supplies for the state’s prison system pass through. Men wearing blue jeans imprinted with the department’s insignia and bright yellow hats with the word “inmate” scrawled on them file outside the 225,000-square-foot warehouse. The inmates began their day at 7:00 a.m. and spent the morning standing at a conveyor belt, line-sorting recyclables that were trucked in from the state’s 14 prisons.

L'Association de Parents d'élèves d'Aydat a rejoint le programme Terra Cycle dans sa lutte contre les déchets

Terra Cycle propose des programmes de collecte et de recyclage de produits pour lesquels il n’existe pas d’autres solutions de recyclage en France. Dès aujourd’hui, nous vous invitons tous, parents, familles, habitants de la commune, … à nous rejoindre dans cette initiative et à collecter stylos à bille, feutres, porte-mines, effaceurs, marqueurs, surligneurs, correcteurs en tube ou en souris peu importe leur marque ou leur matière, à l'exception des crayons de papier. Vous pouvez les déposer dans les boîtes placées à la Mairie, à la Pharmacie, à la Boulangerie ou à l’école maternelle. Une fois recyclé, Terra Cycle permet également de collecter des fonds qui pourront être reversés à l’association de parents d’élèves. Alors dites Stop aux déchets et déposez vite vos stylos usagés. Merci à tous.

Students show recycling prowess

This past year, Cleveland Elementary students earned more than $1,700 for their school by collecting and recycling the drink pouches they use at home and in the lunchroom. In collecting more than 18,000 drink pouches, Cleveland reached the second level of a contest sponsored by TerraCycle and Capri Sun’s Drink Pouch Brigade.

Thank Company for Eliminating Waste

The United States is getting increasingly efficient with recycling as municipalities have worked to make it incredibly easy to recycle. Some towns do not make residents separate the plastic from the paper; there are machines who can do that instead. However, with all the increases in recycling, we still throw out quite a lot of garbage. Tom Szaky, the founder of TerraCycle, is hoping to change that outlook. He is looking towards a future in which we eliminate waste altogether.

Long Hill schools offer many ways to raise funds

The K-8 Long Hill Township School District has many fundraising activities throughout the year at no cost to families. With the new school year revving up, getting into the school spirit may also have some thinking of ways to support the district’s three schools: Gillette, Millington and Central. Programs offered include: Glue stick recycling: TerraCycle is a company that recycles empty glue sticks, glue bottles, tape dispensers and diaper packaging. Bins to collect these items are located in the school libraries. Once waste is received and checked in to the TerraCycle facility, the school is credited with TerraCycle points that can be redeemed for charitable gifts, or for a payment to the school.

この秋、メイベリン ニューヨークがアイメイクを中心にパワーアップ!!

簡単!まるで、生まれつきのぱっちり目“ナチュラルビッグアイ”を 実現してくれる主力には、メイベリン ニューヨークが得意とするマスカラをはじめ、 涙袋カラー入りアイシャドウ、涙袋用アイライナーの3製品。3つ使いでより目元拡張効果アップしてくれます。  

L'école Montessori les Mimosas rejoint TerraCycle dans sa lutte contre les déchets et collecte des fonds pour aider l'école.

L’école Montessori les mimosas allie protection de l’environnement et collecte de fonds. Pour cela, notre école a rejoint l’entreprise TerraCycle qui propose des programmes de collecte et de recyclage de produits pour lesquels il n’existe pas d’autres solutions de recyclage en France.
Dès aujourd’hui, nous invitons donc parents et familles des élèves de l’école Montessori les mimosas à nous rejoindre dans cette initiative et à collecter vos instruments d’écriture et gourdes de compote usagés.
Vous pouvez déposer vos collectes dans les boîtes devant l’école.
La participation de l’école aux programmes nationaux de recyclage TerraCycle permet également de collecter des fonds qui pourront être reversés à l’association de parents d’élèves. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur www.terracycle.fr