One issue plaguing recycling efforts is the fact that only certain waste is accepted for recycling while the rest has to be thrown away. Lotus Pictures, a New York-based production company, is offering its employees a way to recycle their traditionally non-recyclable waste easily and sustainably with TerraCycle’s All-In-One Zero Waste Boxes.
According to senior management, Lotus Pictures started using Zero Waste Boxes in an attempt to do their part to combat waste since modern living generates massive amounts of garbage that goes to landfill and can be very environmentally harmful.
Staples Canada today released its Q1 sustainability update. Highlights include the launch of an in-store Keurig® brewer recycling program, a 32 percent increase in battery recycling and a 161.8 percent increase in writing instrument recycling.
Kaffeeverpackungen ein zweites Leben geben: Das ist das Ziel der aktuellen Recyclinginitiative von Umweltunternehmen TerraCycle und der Kaffeerösterei Flying Roasters, beide ansässig in Berlin-Wedding. Die Kaffeeverpackungen werden dabei in sogenannten Zero Waste Boxen gesammelt, bevor sie einem Recyclingprozess zugeführt werden. So können sie erstmals zu 100% recycelt und von Müllverbrennungsanlagen ferngehalten werden.
L’amende à l’origine de l’action
Depuis le mois de septembre, un fumeur qui jette son mégot dans la rue s’expose à une amende de 68€ au lieu des 35€ précédents. Cette augmentation a permis de relancer le débat sur le nombre élevé de mégots qui polluent les rues de la capitale.
La mairie du 9ème a donc décidé de lancer un projet pilote avec l’entreprise canadienne TerraCycle, la première qui a su revaloriser les mégots de cigarettes en les transformant en plastique et en composte. Ils réussissent avec à produire des mobiliers de jardins, des cendriers ou des « plaques » de plastique destinées à des éco-constructions simples.
Finally, for both recycled gift ideas and for recycling waste that you can’t avoid over the holidays, consider People & Planet winner
TerraCycle. TerraCycle develops and runs innovative, free consumer recycling programs for hard-to-recycle waste like baby-food pouches, CLIF Bar wrappers, toothbrushes, make-up containers, e-waste, and more. Under the “Send Your Waste” tab on the TerraCycle website, visitors can order a “Zero Waste Box” that will facilitate the recycling all categories of waste, including any holiday garbage like wrapping paper.
Your family will probably be generating a little more trash than usual over the next few weeks as you make your way through unwrapping your
favorite Halloween treats. Instead of tossing all those wrappers in the rubbish bin, use
Terracycle’s Snack Wrapper Zero Waste Box and turn your trash into recycled plastic products like park benches or watering cans. The boxes, which are available in three sizes, come with a prepaid return shipping label, so just fill them up and send them on their merry soon-to-be recycled way.
Pivot, Participant Media's TV network, announced today that the sophomore season of the network's critically-acclaimed docu-comedy "Human Resources" will premiere Friday, August 7 at 10PM ET/PT