Posts with term tom szaky X

The young entrepreneur changing the way we recycle

We all try to do our part. If nothing else, most people will throw their recyclables into those yellow-lidded bins. But what do you do with non-recyclables? American start-up TerraCycle have saved 2.6 billion pieces of waste through their upcycling process which turns hard to recycle waste into new products. Founder and CEO Tom Szaky spoke with Tim Higgins about TerraCycle's unique brand of upcycling, which has now started up in Australia.

A mikro-multinacionális cégeké a jövő Magyarországon is

Bár a hazai cégek addig nem szívesen terjeszkednek külföldön, amíg belföldön nem érzik magukat biztonságban, a jövő a globálissá váló mikrocégeké. "Bár a hazai mikrovállalkozások nem szívesen terjeszkednek külföldön addig, amíg nem érzik magukat teljes biztonságban belföldön, a globálissá válás folyamata ma már nem olyan bonyolult, mint pár évvel, évtizeddel ezelőtt. Eljött a mikro-multinacionális vállalatok ideje" - írja Tom Szaky, magyar származású amerikai vállalkozó, akinek cége hulladékból készít csomagoló anyagot.

The young entrepreneur changing the way we recycle

We all try to do our part. If nothing else, most people will throw their recyclables into those yellow-lidded bins.  But what do you do with non-recyclables? American start-up TerraCycle have saved 2.6 billion pieces of waste through their upcycling process which turns hard to recycle waste into new products. Founder and CEO Tom Szaky spoke with Tim Higgins about TerraCycle's unique brand of upcycling, which has now started up in Australia.

This Company Makes $20 Million In Sales From Garbage But Limits Its Profit To 1% Of Revenue

Eco entrepreneur Tom Szaky believes some of the profits reported by the corporate world are absurd. His own company, TerraCycle, has given $20 million to charities over ten years and each year processes 50 million kilograms of waste. This year the company, with 120 staff, will bring in $25 million or more but will only keep 1% as profit.

There’s Hope After All

In a nutshell, TerraCycle addresses our landfill problem by converting non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle waste into new products or materials.  This, I knew before seeing Tom’s presentation, but it wasn’t until after hearing Tom’s full story that I walked away with that warm fuzzy feeling, totally smitten with the irresistibility of TerraCycle’s business model.