Posts with term tom szaky X

Dolgozzuk fel a szemetet!

“Ha mindenféle szemetet fel tudnánk dolgozni, akkor a szemét, mint olyan, megszűnne létezni.” Ez az idézet, mint indító gondolat mutatja be azt a hozzáállást, amely Szaky Tamásban, és a cégében fogalmazódott meg a kezdeti nehézségeket követően, már a “gilisztaürülék-biznisz” beindulása után.

Mission Possible: Recycling: How do we go beyond 'easy'?

What happens to your garbage? Ninety-nine percent of the total material flow in the U.S. becomes garbage within six months. That's a lot of waste! For recyclables, many municipalities have the infrastructure to process and re-purpose it. Non-recyclable materials are sent to landfills or incinerators. Garbage that is recycled goes to a processing plant and is converted into new raw materials to make new products. This not only eliminates the negative effects of land filling/incinerating it, but processing garbage into new raw material releases fewer emissions than producing new materials. Why are some materials non-recyclable? Technically, "non-recyclable" materials can be recycled. However, these materials must be collected, sorted and processed differently than what we consider traditionally recyclable materials, which are really just the most easily recyclable — glass, metal, paper and some plastic. How do we go beyond what is easy? In 2001, Tom Szaky, then a 19-year-old Princeton student, accomplished his first major coup against the major environmental issue of "waste." While the intervening successes are amazing, to stay on target, fast forward seven years. In January 2008, Szaky, as TerraCycle founder and CEO, went corporate with "sponsored waste." TerraCycle began partnering with consumer packaged goods manufacturers to administer free programs for consumers to help collect non-recyclable packaging, which is then upcycled or recycled into eco-friendly products. New Mexico-based Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co., for instance, is the corporate sponsor for the recycling of cigarette butts into pellets. Rebates for consumer collecting are sent directly to the participants' designated non-profit. Currently, participating nations include Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Puerto Rico, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Note: in 2013, reports detailed that in Sweden, people are so diligent about recycling that just 4 percent of all trash ends up in landfills. (Please reread paragraph one before continuing.) As of June 2014, the following stats appear on the TerraCycle website. People collecting trash: 41,813,394 Waste units collected: 2,601,688,712 Money to nonprofits: $6,667,938.12 Coyote Howling's TerraCycle campaign has already logged 24,910 units of cigarette waste. (Thanks, Gabe, for the encouragement to take on this specific collection brigade!) Another flourishing Brigade is cheese packaging for which we have logged 7,679 units. A standing ovation to Pizza Hut and Schlotzsky's for bringing in their weekly collections of cheese packaging! Are you one of the people collecting Terracycle? If not, why not? Easier to just throw things away? Let's go beyond easy! Add your name, church, business or organization to the growing list of TerraCyclers! To check out what counts for TerraCycle, review the details at www.CoyoteHowlingShopForaCause.com, or visit Coyote Howling and learn how to take your trash back from the landfills and use it to fund meals for children. Coyote Howling's designated nonprofit: Feed My Starving Children. Tonya Huber, PhD, is founder and owner of Coyote Howling Shop for a Cause Contact her at CoyoteHowlingNM@gmail.com 575-808-8320.

Tom Szaky: Hulladék - Tudatosan

A magyar származású Tom Szaky a TerraCycle cég alapítója és vezérigazgatója. Tom milliárdokat csinált bűzlő cigarettacsikkekből és használt pelenkákból, világhírű és világméretű céget épített – a szemétre alapozva. Elképzelései a Föld erőforrásairól sikeresebbek, mint bármi, amit eddig próbáltunk tenni a bolygónkon egyre növekvő szemétdomb ellen. Sikeres vállalkozása már több mint 100 díjat nyert. Tomot jelenleg a világ legégetőbb problémáival küzdő vállalkozói közé sorolják. A New York Times, a Treehugger, a Huffington Post, valamint hazánkban a HVG állandó bloggere.

Packaging Design: What Does The Future Hold?

While packaging design has always been a fascinating creative discipline, its future promises to be even more exciting and complex. In today’s competitive market, companies are more aware of the importance of good packaging in determining the consumer’s value perception of a product. In the past, packaging served one purpose – to contain and protect the merchandise. Now, it’s a communication vehicle. The focus is just as much on the package as it is on the product inside it. Considering that more than half of purchases are based on emotional response[i], especially when a consumer is unsure and must choose between several brands of products, it’s not surprising that many companies that manage to master the art of design aesthetics and speak to the heart of their target audience, are on top of their game. Brand leaders such as Apple, Bang & Olufsen and IKEA demonstrate that design is what defines them and gives them their competitive edge. Below, Laura Drewe takes a look at some exciting trends in the future of packaging design. Sustainability A dynamic trend that is influential in package design acknowledges growing consumer awareness of the environment – consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about global environmental issues and are changing their buying habits accordingly. The 2012 Survey of Future Packaging Trends, conducted by Packaging World magazine and DuPont to identify trends shaping the packaging industry for the next 10 years, indicates the packaging industry believes consumers value convenience (76 per cent) and shelf appeal (58 per cent). However, when asked what were going to be the packaging attributes that were most important to consumers in the coming decade, respondents suggest that consumer priorities are drastically changing. The focus is on sustainability, specifically the perceived “greenness” of packaging materials (increasing by 23 per cent), recyclability (increasing 27 per cent) and reusability (increasing 13 per cent)[vii]. According to Tom Szaky, writing on sustainable packaging trends in March this year for Packaging Digest, over 80 per cent of consumers are mindful of the claims made by products about their sustainability. This consumer response has major implications for companies and agencies aiming to target environmentally conscious consumers across numerous industries, and further highlights the importance of corporate responsibility when it comes to being environmentally and sustainably-conscious[viii].

A szemét érték!

A címben lévő igazságot, és még inkább lehetőséget látta meg Tom Szaky, vagyis Szaky Tamás magyar-amerikai üzletember. Hogy miként lehet a szemétből “várat” építeni, egy jól menő vállalkozást létrehozni, miközben egy nemes cél érdekében tevékenykedünk? Erre ad választ a cikk.

Tom Szaky: Hulladék – Tudatosan

Egy könyv Tom Szaky-tól, ami mindent megváltoztat, amit eddig a szemétről gondoltál. Tom milliárdokat csinált bűzlő cigarettacsikkekből és használt pelenkákból, világhírű és világméretű céget épített – a szemétre alapozva. Elképzelései a Föld erőforrásairól sikeresebbek, mint bármi, amit eddig próbáltunk tenni a bolygónkon egyre növekvő szemétdomb ellen.

כוס קפה מתכלה? עובדים עליכם בעיניים

זה אולי נשמע ירוק וסביבתי, אבל כוסות הפלסטיק ה"מתכלות" יכולות להתפרק רק במערכות מסוימות מאוד למיחזור פסולת אורגנית. השלכתם אותן לפח או למיכל המיחזור? לא עשיתם כלום בעצם

Tom Szaky szerint a szemét érték

A magyar származású Tom Szaky számára nem létezik újrahasznosíthatatlan hulladék. Az általa alapított, amerikai, TerraCycle nevű cég fő célja, hogy a már mindenki által felhasználhatatlannak minősített szemétnek új értelmet adjon. A sikeres és környezettudatos üzletember hitvallását tüzetesebben az Index két részes videójából ismerhetjük meg: