Posts with term TerraCycle X

Richard Pratt's former escort Madison Ashton undergoes painful rejuvenation

L'Oreal are doing more for the environment than most government bodies. The cosmetics giant has joined forces with Terracycle which will collect and process all of our beauty products, recycle them and melt them into plastics ready to be turned into frisbees or park benches. L'Oreal encourage you to send in empty make-up products to save them from landfill, they'll even pay the postage. To learn more head to terracycle.com.au

Sustainable brands share value and engender trust in products and services

Sustainable Brands (SB16) called out “now is the time for business leaders to learn how to successfully innovate their brands to ensure a sustainable future.” Local and international presenters and over 200 delegates came from food, retail, building products, transport and infrastructure, insurance, architecture and construction, banks, energy, technology, medicine, government agencies, corporates and a smattering of smaller businesses.

What to do with those tired old beauty products in your bathroom cabinet

The other day, I was clearing out out-of-date and half-finished products from my two groaning beauty cabinets to clear a way for incoming, and wondering how on earth I was going to bribe the garbos to take it. Then I heard about TerraCycle. This company has joined with L'Oreal Australia to create a free recycling solution for all used beauty products, called the Beauty Products Recycling Program.