Posts with term TerraCycle X

Healthy & Green Back to School Tips

It’s that time of year again – children across America are going back to school!  While many of us make the extra effort to ensure our children are healthy and living a green life at home; what are our schools doing?  Check out Eco Chic Parties and the #HealthyBack2School Twitter Party <http://ecochicparties.theecochic.com./healthyback2school-with-ecomom-com-dr-alan-greene/>  on 8/26/10 to learn more tips about going back to school with EcoMom.com and Dr. Alan Greene.

TerraCycle: One Brand's Trash, Another Brand's Business

“Send us your trash – we’ll make it into cool products.” That's the simple premise and promise of New Jersey-based startup TerraCycle, a green recycler founded by two former Princeton University classmates who dreamed up the idea in 2001 for a business plan contest. Now full-time "eco-capitalists," they're making good business from trash by partnering with brands to create recycling campaigns for their products, and a halo effect for their affiliates.

TerraCycle Candy Speaker Giveaway

Have you ever thought much about all the trash that goes into the land fills? All those individual wrappers. I mean people love the convenience of snack foods individually wrapped for easy grab. Or juice pouches instead of a cup or reusable bottle. You get the point.

É lucrativo reciclar os materiais difíceis de reciclar

Atenção. A TerraCycle anda a fazer dinheiro com o nosso lixo. Mas, se fazem bem ao meio ambiente, qual é o problema? Tom Szaky e Albe Zakes, criadores daquela empresa norte-americana, não viram problema nenhum, apostaram neste conceito e durante o passado mês de Abril conseguiram que a Wall Mart – o maior retalhista a nível mundial – aceitasse vender os produtos feitos de lixo nas suas lojas. Se tudo correr bem, os jovens empresários terão direito a um acordo mais alargado. Bom para eles e para o ambiente.

TerraCycle Takes on TV With Garbage Moguls

TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based startup that upcycles trash into useful everyday items, has popped up on our radar many times over the past year. Because really, how can you not pay attention to a company that turns Frito Lay chip bags into speakers <http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/ariel-schwartz/sustainability/terracycle-upcycles-frito-lay-bags-tasty-speakers>  and makes kites out of Oreo packaging? Apparently, we aren’t the only ones with an eye on TerraCycle. The company’s latest antics will be available for a national audience beginning tonight, when Season 2 of Garbage Moguls premieres on the National Geographic Channel.

Upcycle Your Garbage at TerraCycle.Net

Whether or not you are an avid crafter, you've probably noticed a recent surge in upcycled online craft projects. Many objects thrown out each year have no place in the traditional google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad); <http://ads.associatedcontent.com/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a14de4a9&cb=1125377693> recycling <http://www.associatedcontent.com/theme/607/recycling.html>  stream; and skilled artisans are learning the value of those disposed of items as craft materials. Crafters make upcycled jewelry <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1685907/creating_green_jewelry_turn_a_target.html?cat=7> , upcycled handbags and hats <http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/5579250/upcycling_plastic_bags_into_marketable.html?cat=24> , upcycled clothing and more. The upcycling process adds value to objects that would have eventually found their way into a trash heap.

Terracycle Takes on TV With Garbage Moguls

Terracycle, a New Jersey-based startup that upcycles trash into useful everyday items, has popped up on our radar many times over the past year. Because really, how can you not pay attention to a company that turns Frito Lay chip bags into speakers <http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/ariel-schwartz/sustainability/terracycle-upcycles-frito-lay-bags-tasty-speakers>  and makes kites out of Oreo packaging? Apparently, we aren’t the only ones with an eye on Terracycle. The company’s latest antics will be available for a national audience beginning tonight, when Season 2 of Garbage Moguls premieres on the National Geographic Channel.

Terracycle Takes on TV With Garbage Moguls

Terracycle, a New Jersey-based startup that upcycles trash into useful everyday items, has popped up on our radar many times over the past year. Because really, how can you not pay attention to a company that turns Frito Lay chip bags into speakers <http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/ariel-schwartz/sustainability/terracycle-upcycles-frito-lay-bags-tasty-speakers>  and makes kites out of Oreo packaging? Apparently, we aren’t the only ones with an eye on Terracycle. The company’s latest antics will be available for a national audience beginning tonight, when Season 2 of Garbage Moguls premieres on the National Geographic Channel.

TerraCycle Takes on TV With Garbage Moguls

TerraCycle, a New Jersey-based startup that upcycles trash into useful everyday items, has popped up on our radar many times over the past year. Because really, how can you not pay attention to a company that turns Frito Lay chip bags into speakers <http://www.fastcompany.com/blog/ariel-schwartz/sustainability/terracycle-upcycles-frito-lay-bags-tasty-speakers>  and makes kites out of Oreo packaging? Apparently, we aren't the only ones with an eye on TerraCycle. The company's latest antics will be available for a national audience beginning tonight, when Season 2 of Garbage Moguls premieres on the National Geographic Channel.